March 18th 1942


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
On this day in 1942, FDR the dirtbag signed the executive order authorizing the program that would throw well over 100,000 Americans into concentration camps.

Another 'hero' to the left.
On this day in 1942, FDR the dirtbag signed the executive order authorizing the program that would throw well over 100,000 Americans into concentration camps.

Another 'hero' to the left.
Did interment camps lead to ovens or mass killings; I KNOW Clinton APOLOGIZED for them, and one reason, or excuse, was the safety of Japanese Americans. This was done primarily on the west coast. A blot on FDR, maybe, but based in REALITY, unlike FDR knew Pearl Harbor would be attacked. All evidence shows the US thought the attack would occur in the Philippines.
Children of the Camps | PRESIDENTIAL LETTER

Many denounced Clinton's apology at the time. To some, America can never apologize as we are such a weak country. :cuckoo:
On this day in 1942, FDR the dirtbag signed the executive order authorizing the program that would throw well over 100,000 Americans into concentration camps.

Another 'hero' to the left.
Did interment camps lead to ovens or mass killings; I KNOW Clinton APOLOGIZED for them, and one reason, or excuse, was the safety of Japanese Americans. This was done primarily on the west coast. A blot on FDR, maybe, but based in REALITY, unlike FDR knew Pearl Harbor would be attacked. All evidence shows the US thought the attack would occur in the Philippines.
Children of the Camps | PRESIDENTIAL LETTER

Many denounced Clinton's apology at the time. To some, America can never apologize as we are such a weak country. :cuckoo:

The "safety of the Japanese"? Don't even try that one. The day you put American citizens behind barbed wire against their will "for their own safety" is the day the Constitution is thrown in the garbage. The Japanese were given about 48 hours to get rid of their real estate and personal property and unscrupulous speculators made a killing.
On this day in 1942, FDR the dirtbag signed the executive order authorizing the program that would throw well over 100,000 Americans into concentration camps.

Another 'hero' to the left.

If Folsom is correct, the reason makes it more despicable....

This from Folsom's book, "FDR Goes to War,"...

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the great success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.

Could a President be this much of a thug?
Throwing the Japanese in jail so that their competition could succeed???

Well, the current President is into crony capitalism in his own way, too.

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