Manifesto Of Covenant Shooter Leaked?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
You know, that manifesto (why do all leftists seem to have 'manifesto's?) that nobody wants us to see?

You can guess as to why, I won't venture to tell you. But here it is/might be......

BREAKING: Nashville School Covenant Shooter Audrey Hale’s “DEATH DAY” Manifesto Targeted “Cr*ckers” with “white privlages”

“wanna kill all you little cr*ckers”

“I hope I have a high death count”

“I’m ready…I hope my victims aren’t.”

“Ready to die.”#NashvilleManifesto

Sounds like a leftist to me....

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) November 6, 2023
Yup, that's a leftist. Aren't you dimocraps proud?

In other Gnus --

Out: "Firey But Mostly Peaceful Protests"
IN: "Passionate Protests"​

An ABC "News's" chief White House hack offers her unbiased on the pro-terrorism/pro-Jew-slaughter mayhem that invaded DC this weekend:


Me: Another dim doing her dirty work
John Hayward

OUT: Insurrectionists are an existential threat to democracy who should be punished more harshly than thieves, rapists, and murderers

IN: Look at those adorable little pro-terrorist scamps and their passionate protests!

Dovetails nicely with --

Two things were determinative in the Regime's suppression of this document.

First, of course, the Regime will allow minority groups like Muslims and transgenders to openly demonize their enemies, calling for their eradication and spreading absurd claims about the "genocide" being inflicted on them. Both Muslims and transgenders are constantly crying about imaginary "genocides."

This rhetoric justifies all violence, because if someone is committing "genocide" against you, obviously you have the right to oppose that genocide with any violence within your means -- even slaughtering children, as both the transgender child killer and the Hamas child killers did.

The Regime allows this kind of incendiary, eliminationist rhetoric from its Client Groups, but ruthlessly deplatforms and debanks anyone who merely criticizes its Client Groups.

And The Regime considers it "too dangerous" for its Client Groups for the public to even read what members of its Client Groups write in their Murder Manifestos.

They're allowed to engage in eliminationist, terrorist rhetoric -- but then the Regime covers up this rhetoric to protect its Client Groups from "blowback" and "backlash."

Instead of telling its Client Groups to tamp down on its support for murdering children, it will just hide that support for murdering children.

They're allowed to say it -- you're just not allowed to report that they said it.

Two other words were the most critical in the Regime's decision to once again lie to the public. Those two words are "White privileges."

There is a Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name, and that is anti-white bigotry, which the Regime alternately justifies or denies the existence of.

The Regime considers it to be acceptable collateral damage if some of the anti-white rhetoric it encourages in order to keep the leftwing coalition intact by hating a common enemy results in some white children being murdered.

And the Regime also insists that whites can never be the victims of hatred, only the perpetrators of it. The loudest members of one of its Client Groups, the black radicals, insist that there's no such thing as anti-white racism and also insist that if there is anti-white hate, it is deserved. And the Regime dare not contradict this utmost demand of the black radic
You know, that manifesto (why do all leftists seem to have 'manifesto's?) that nobody wants us to see?

You can guess as to why, I won't venture to tell you. But here it is/might be......

Sounds like a leftist to me....

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) November 6, 2023
if the shooter were a extreme right winger the manifesto would have been released within 48 hrs .
Did this surprise anyone, is it even news. No one should be shocked by the contents of the manifesto everything I’ve see so for garnered a “Yeah No Shit you felt that way you mentally ill POS”. Those kids didn’t have to die for this waste of human life to repeat the same taking points the left always use. People should not relieve themselves in public but if it’s on one of these mass shooters graves I could make an exception
Did this surprise anyone, is it even news. No one should be shocked by the contents of the manifesto everything I’ve see so for garnered a “Yeah No Shit you felt that way you mentally ill POS”. Those kids didn’t have to die for this waste of human life to repeat the same taking points the left always use. People should not relieve themselves in public but if it’s on one of these mass shooters graves I could make an exception
Had the manifesto been released (it still isn't, it was LEAKED) it would have validated the supposition that these Queer Warriors are uniformly insane. Right in the midst of them demanding they be treated like normal people.

They are not. Sexual Deviants are almost always mentally disturbed. Otherwise, they wouldn't be sexual deviants.

Can't have that getting out, now can we?

They are a big part of the dimocrap scum coalition of scum. Many, many of them work in Media, Hollywood, Academia and goobermint.

And The Regime can't have them looking bad, can it??
We Know why this manifesto from a left wing racist shooter who was radicalized by Biden Democrats was censored.

Why do you cult fucks want this manifesto censored?

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