Mandatory prerequisites of Moshiach failed by Jesus


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Besides the obvious like failing liberation and building the temple (jesus caused the opposite in enslavement to Rome and destruction of the temple) there are specific and obvious prerequisites that Christians would rather the unsuspected not know about.
If you were coming back to your inheritance (celtic lore I discussed in my sunday sermon series)you would put your name first last and symbolic on everything just so there'd be no doubt when you stake your claim.
That is why the Torah said these things are mandatory in secreting Moshiach.
Backing for not fulfilling well known MANDATORY prerequisites of secreting Moshiach from the Hidden Torah:
Non negotiable prerequisites of Moshiach that Jesus failed to fulfill:
(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)-
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name
Being in the name of the Torah Portions-Helps to know the names of the Torah portions.
Being in the name of the Bible (MIKra)-helps to know what ra means in Hebrew
Melakim {I Kings8:43)and The Torah-Devarim 14:22
Name being in the name of the Temple (MIKdash)-helps to know what dash means in Hebrew. Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”

In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23, 24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as "Yerushalayim".
1 Kings 11:36 & In the Words of the Archangel Michael Scroll(4Q529, 6Q23).
Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemerating his name and essence.
So the Name must be in the name of the City of YeruShalem,
in fact Jesus in Rev 22;16 claimed to be the nemesis of the one in the name of the city-Shalem is the Evening Star, Jesus claimed to be the Morning Star the fallen arc of venus thus used as a symbolic name for Lucifer-look it up in a collegiate dictionary or Encarta Encyclopedia. City of Shalem became known as City of Peace (Shalom) at the death of the Day-Jesus is claiming to be the son of Day like Isaiah 14:12-17 and
in Theslonians I believe Christians call themselves sons of Day aka Baal.

Prophecy must be exact to be prophetic
then the savior to rise at this time would be named Michael-Dan 12:1-4, not Jim Joe or Jesus. Therefore why would you take a prophecy on a person named Michael and place a THIEF there in it's Place unless you were setting up the Thief (Lucifer=Jesus).
When the Moshiach prophecy says his name is in the name of "the Bible"
and in Hebrew 'THe Bible' is called MIKra then Jesus can't be the Messiah only MIke can.
When the scripture says his name will be in the name of thre Temple called MIKdash and Dash means refering to, then only Mike is the one the temple calls out the name.
When the Torah says MOshiachs names will be in the names of the Torah portions and we see the Torah portions called MIKEtz (Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)
Then Only Mike can be Moshiach, not Jim not Joe and certainly not Jesus.

Therefore Jesus coming as the first fallen failed prophet claimed a god and fulfilled all verses on the son of perdition is indeed the Lucifer character with 1/3 following in pride
and spiritual darkness.
Call him whatever you want, but Jesus is the light of the world, better to be in the light than the dark. We really need to give Yahweh the Jewish war God a rest, a long rest.
Call him whatever you want, but Jesus is the light of the world.
Because you admited he was the Sun, they were worshiping the sun, thats why the sun is behind the Baal sun cross.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
Gospels contradict themselves and manipulate his birth, life and death to fit some old prophecies

Even early christianity could not decide on what jesus really was or what he really taught. For centuries they could not even decide who killed him or why.

How many have been killed or persecuted over this? Is that really what a god or jesus wanted or tried to teach?
Gospels contradict themselves and manipulate his birth, life and death to fit some old prophecies

Even early christianity could not decide on what jesus really was or what he really taught. For centuries they could not even decide who killed him or why.

How many have been killed or persecuted over this? Is that really what a god or jesus wanted or tried to teach?

Totally untrue, Aris. There were over 500 eye witnesses to Jesus Christ after he was resurrected from the grave and many more who saw him crucified. There were eyewitnesses who saw him ascend up into heaven!

The Epistles were written while Paul was still preaching and going from place to place - who do you think wrote them? Paul did - he wrote letters from jail! Paul wrote 3/4 of the New Testament for heavens sakes! How to you think the letter to the Ephesians came to be? The letter to the Romans? The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, the Collosians,the Phillippians, the Hebrews, the Ephesians, the Galatians, the Corinthians? They were written to the church of that time - the here and now by Paul! John wrote Revelations on the isle of Patmos while he was alive! Peter's testimony 1 Peter, 2 Peter is written by Peter! Hello! James was written by James! Hello again!

The early Christians had the Scriptures long, long before the Baal worshipper (sun god worshipper) Constantine invented Catholicism! Read the Bible! Those are letters in the New Testament! They were written in that time period and received in that time period and shared with all the other believers of that time and then? They were passed down!
It is self testimony...there is no outside proof outside of the new testament jeremiah the bullfrog..... But i find it interesting reading mathew 27 verse 52 and 53 where according to him other tombs opened up and many bodies of saints wee the funny thing is not only is it self testimony about the resurection of jesus but others who were not even messiah were resurected with come the historians are silent of this amazing feat oh jeremiah....i will tell you why because it is bull little frogie and a bald faced lie...
Totally untrue, Aris. There were over 500 eye witnesses to Jesus Christ after he was resurrected from the grave and many more who saw him crucified. There were eyewitnesses who saw him ascend up into heaven! [/B]

Prove it, where's the signatures and documentation. You yourself said self testimony is thus untrue.
You said your christ was the historical Yeshu yet he was not crucified he was stoned and hanged which is what your NT LIKE in
Acts 5:30 Acts 10:39 Acts 13:29 1 Peter 2:24
accounts SLEW & HANGED. Yeshu also did not live in the AD era with the James character, that christ was most likely Theudas.
You falsely state Jesus in Zech 12:10 but that proves my point because it taljs of 2 seperate people saying in the Tanakh version you pierced "me" (Theudas or Yehuda) but mourned for "him" (the one never pierced-Yeshu the son of the Harlot Mary that the Harlot church venerates and you adopted even though you call them the Beast of Revelation.)

Lastly he did not ascend, even he lies & tells Mary to lie for him in John 20:1-17 to say he ascended when in actuality he descended instead-
acts 2:27, 1 peter 3:19, apostles creed Jesus descended to hell and claimed to be the gate keeoer of hades which John of Oatmos revealed as the Devil.
So nobody saw him ascend they were told to lie that he did, just as you always get caught lying.
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Gospels contradict themselves and manipulate his birth, life and death to fit some old prophecies

Even early christianity could not decide on what jesus really was or what he really taught. For centuries they could not even decide who killed him or why.

How many have been killed or persecuted over this? Is that really what a god or jesus wanted or tried to teach?

Totally untrue, Aris. There were over 500 eye witnesses to Jesus Christ after he was resurrected from the grave and many more who saw him crucified. There were eyewitnesses who saw him ascend up into heaven!

The Epistles were written while Paul was still preaching and going from place to place - who do you think wrote them? Paul did - he wrote letters from jail! Paul wrote 3/4 of the New Testament for heavens sakes! How to you think the letter to the Ephesians came to be? The letter to the Romans? The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, the Collosians,the Phillippians, the Hebrews, the Ephesians, the Galatians, the Corinthians? They were written to the church of that time - the here and now by Paul! John wrote Revelations on the isle of Patmos while he was alive! Peter's testimony 1 Peter, 2 Peter is written by Peter! Hello! James was written by James! Hello again!

The early Christians had the Scriptures long, long before the Baal worshipper (sun god worshipper) Constantine invented Catholicism! Read the Bible! Those are letters in the New Testament! They were written in that time period and received in that time period and shared with all the other believers of that time and then? They were passed down!

Shredding the Gospels Contradictions Errors Mistakes Fictions byDiogenes the Cynic

Go back to sunday school
Besides the obvious like failing liberation and building the temple (jesus caused the opposite in enslavement to Rome and destruction of the temple) there are specific and obvious prerequisites that Christians would rather the unsuspected not know about.
If you were coming back to your inheritance (celtic lore I discussed in my sunday sermon series)you would put your name first last and symbolic on everything just so there'd be no doubt when you stake your claim.
That is why the Torah said these things are mandatory in secreting Moshiach.
Backing for not fulfilling well known MANDATORY prerequisites of secreting Moshiach from the Hidden Torah:
Non negotiable prerequisites of Moshiach that Jesus failed to fulfill:
(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)-
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name
Being in the name of the Torah Portions-Helps to know the names of the Torah portions.
Being in the name of the Bible (MIKra)-helps to know what ra means in Hebrew
Melakim {I Kings8:43)and The Torah-Devarim 14:22
Name being in the name of the Temple (MIKdash)-helps to know what dash means in Hebrew. Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”

In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23, 24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as "Yerushalayim".
1 Kings 11:36 & In the Words of the Archangel Michael Scroll(4Q529, 6Q23).
Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemerating his name and essence.
So the Name must be in the name of the City of YeruShalem,
in fact Jesus in Rev 22;16 claimed to be the nemesis of the one in the name of the city-Shalem is the Evening Star, Jesus claimed to be the Morning Star the fallen arc of venus thus used as a symbolic name for Lucifer-look it up in a collegiate dictionary or Encarta Encyclopedia. City of Shalem became known as City of Peace (Shalom) at the death of the Day-Jesus is claiming to be the son of Day like Isaiah 14:12-17 and
in Theslonians I believe Christians call themselves sons of Day aka Baal.

Prophecy must be exact to be prophetic
then the savior to rise at this time would be named Michael-Dan 12:1-4, not Jim Joe or Jesus. Therefore why would you take a prophecy on a person named Michael and place a THIEF there in it's Place unless you were setting up the Thief (Lucifer=Jesus).
When the Moshiach prophecy says his name is in the name of "the Bible"
and in Hebrew 'THe Bible' is called MIKra then Jesus can't be the Messiah only MIke can.
When the scripture says his name will be in the name of thre Temple called MIKdash and Dash means refering to, then only Mike is the one the temple calls out the name.
When the Torah says MOshiachs names will be in the names of the Torah portions and we see the Torah portions called MIKEtz (Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)
Then Only Mike can be Moshiach, not Jim not Joe and certainly not Jesus.

Therefore Jesus coming as the first fallen failed prophet claimed a god and fulfilled all verses on the son of perdition is indeed the Lucifer character with 1/3 following in pride
and spiritual darkness.

First you tell us he never even existed, now you're telling us he existed but is not the Messiah.

You think you're convincing us, but it just seems to me you're at war with yourself.

I believe Frank Zappa was absolutely the best guitar player I've ever been aware of; I don't start thread after thread bashing Eric Clapton.

Let it go
Besides the obvious like failing liberation and building the temple (jesus caused the opposite in enslavement to Rome and destruction of the temple) there are specific and obvious prerequisites that Christians would rather the unsuspected not know about.
If you were coming back to your inheritance (celtic lore I discussed in my sunday sermon series)you would put your name first last and symbolic on everything just so there'd be no doubt when you stake your claim.
That is why the Torah said these things are mandatory in secreting Moshiach.
Backing for not fulfilling well known MANDATORY prerequisites of secreting Moshiach from the Hidden Torah:
Non negotiable prerequisites of Moshiach that Jesus failed to fulfill:
(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)-
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name
Being in the name of the Torah Portions-Helps to know the names of the Torah portions.
Being in the name of the Bible (MIKra)-helps to know what ra means in Hebrew
Melakim {I Kings8:43)and The Torah-Devarim 14:22
Name being in the name of the Temple (MIKdash)-helps to know what dash means in Hebrew. Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”

In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23, 24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as "Yerushalayim".
1 Kings 11:36 & In the Words of the Archangel Michael Scroll(4Q529, 6Q23).
Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemerating his name and essence.
So the Name must be in the name of the City of YeruShalem,
in fact Jesus in Rev 22;16 claimed to be the nemesis of the one in the name of the city-Shalem is the Evening Star, Jesus claimed to be the Morning Star the fallen arc of venus thus used as a symbolic name for Lucifer-look it up in a collegiate dictionary or Encarta Encyclopedia. City of Shalem became known as City of Peace (Shalom) at the death of the Day-Jesus is claiming to be the son of Day like Isaiah 14:12-17 and
in Theslonians I believe Christians call themselves sons of Day aka Baal.

Prophecy must be exact to be prophetic
then the savior to rise at this time would be named Michael-Dan 12:1-4, not Jim Joe or Jesus. Therefore why would you take a prophecy on a person named Michael and place a THIEF there in it's Place unless you were setting up the Thief (Lucifer=Jesus).
When the Moshiach prophecy says his name is in the name of "the Bible"
and in Hebrew 'THe Bible' is called MIKra then Jesus can't be the Messiah only MIke can.
When the scripture says his name will be in the name of thre Temple called MIKdash and Dash means refering to, then only Mike is the one the temple calls out the name.
When the Torah says MOshiachs names will be in the names of the Torah portions and we see the Torah portions called MIKEtz (Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)
Then Only Mike can be Moshiach, not Jim not Joe and certainly not Jesus.

Therefore Jesus coming as the first fallen failed prophet claimed a god and fulfilled all verses on the son of perdition is indeed the Lucifer character with 1/3 following in pride
and spiritual darkness.

First you tell us he never even existed, now you're telling us he existed but is not the Messiah.

You think you're convincing us, but it just seems to me you're at war with yourself.

I believe Frank Zappa was absolutely the best guitar player I've ever been aware of; I don't start thread after thread bashing Eric Clapton.

Let it go

a figure on which the stories are based could have existed without him being god/son. There was a need to build the idea of the messiah had come to deliver them from the romans. Jesus was not the only thought to have been the messiah or that was a healer during that time.
the gospels were not witnesses, they were stories recorded well after Jesus life and death.
Most of the other characters around Jesus were real, so it is like there was a Jesus. The rest is more faith than fact.
First you tell us he never even existed, now you're telling us he existed but is not the Messiah.

You think you're convincing us, but it just seems to me you're at war with yourself.

I believe Frank Zappa was absolutely the best guitar player I've ever been aware of; I don't start thread after thread bashing Eric Clapton.

Let it go

1) this was answered before which means you repeat your lies understanding they are faulty displaced arguments=evil acts of the hurt human ego.
2) the post is about prerequisites of Moshiach not about Jesus so you failed that assesment as well.
3) you use names of people in fiction all the time and that doesn't assume you think they are real, so according to your own words you are at war with yourself everytime you soeak of fictitious characters.
4) your reply an ad hominom attack does not refute the evidence, so all you can do is prove just how sinister your protection of Lucifer truly is.
5) Your Zappa comment had nothing to do with the subject, focus dude, you are having Flashbacks or something.
This post was refuting Jeremiahs post and according to your analogy 50 million people died because Christians couldn't just let it go.
⑥) You admited JESUS IS Lucifer By your "didn't exist so why are you talking about him" slant of your rant.
See Ezekiel 28 calls son of perdition a created image of a man, not an actual historical one.
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Gospels contradict themselves and manipulate his birth, life and death to fit some old prophecies

Even early christianity could not decide on what jesus really was or what he really taught. For centuries they could not even decide who killed him or why.

How many have been killed or persecuted over this? Is that really what a god or jesus wanted or tried to teach?

Totally untrue, Aris. There were over 500 eye witnesses to Jesus Christ after he was resurrected from the grave and many more who saw him crucified. There were eyewitnesses who saw him ascend up into heaven!

The Epistles were written while Paul was still preaching and going from place to place - who do you think wrote them? Paul did - he wrote letters from jail! Paul wrote 3/4 of the New Testament for heavens sakes! How to you think the letter to the Ephesians came to be? The letter to the Romans? The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, the Collosians,the Phillippians, the Hebrews, the Ephesians, the Galatians, the Corinthians? They were written to the church of that time - the here and now by Paul! John wrote Revelations on the isle of Patmos while he was alive! Peter's testimony 1 Peter, 2 Peter is written by Peter! Hello! James was written by James! Hello again!

The early Christians had the Scriptures long, long before the Baal worshipper (sun god worshipper) Constantine invented Catholicism! Read the Bible! Those are letters in the New Testament! They were written in that time period and received in that time period and shared with all the other believers of that time and then? They were passed down!

Shredding the Gospels Contradictions Errors Mistakes Fictions byDiogenes the Cynic

Go back to sunday school

Diogenes the Cynic does not teach Sunday school. I have and I am teaching again. I'm teaching VBS School for my church. (Vacation Bible School). Now this Cynic isn't the first to attempt to shred the Gospels and I doubt he will be the last but the truth is the Word of God endures forever and miserable people are always trying to make others miserable with their nonsense - there is nothing new under the sun. Misery loves company. Don't give him any of yours.
Gospels contradict themselves and manipulate his birth, life and death to fit some old prophecies

Even early christianity could not decide on what jesus really was or what he really taught. For centuries they could not even decide who killed him or why.

How many have been killed or persecuted over this? Is that really what a god or jesus wanted or tried to teach?

Totally untrue, Aris. There were over 500 eye witnesses to Jesus Christ after he was resurrected from the grave and many more who saw him crucified. There were eyewitnesses who saw him ascend up into heaven!

The Epistles were written while Paul was still preaching and going from place to place - who do you think wrote them? Paul did - he wrote letters from jail! Paul wrote 3/4 of the New Testament for heavens sakes! How to you think the letter to the Ephesians came to be? The letter to the Romans? The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, the Collosians,the Phillippians, the Hebrews, the Ephesians, the Galatians, the Corinthians? They were written to the church of that time - the here and now by Paul! John wrote Revelations on the isle of Patmos while he was alive! Peter's testimony 1 Peter, 2 Peter is written by Peter! Hello! James was written by James! Hello again!

The early Christians had the Scriptures long, long before the Baal worshipper (sun god worshipper) Constantine invented Catholicism! Read the Bible! Those are letters in the New Testament! They were written in that time period and received in that time period and shared with all the other believers of that time and then? They were passed down!

Shredding the Gospels Contradictions Errors Mistakes Fictions byDiogenes the Cynic

Go back to sunday school

Diogenes the Cynic does not teach Sunday school. I have and I am teaching again. I'm teaching VBS School for my church. (Vacation Bible School). Now this Cynic isn't the first to attempt to shred the Gospels and I doubt he will be the last but the truth is the Word of God endures forever and miserable people are always trying to make others miserable with their nonsense - there is nothing new under the sun. Misery loves company. Don't give him any of yours.

There are college papers, book and numerous articles. The arguments are still valid. Gospels do contradict each other. They were not witness accounts and cannot be taken as fact.

Glad my children and grand children never were your students. I taught them to think, not to recite. I made them question everything in order to prove to themselves what was true. I tried to do the same for all students.
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Diogenes the Cynic does not teach Sunday school. I have and I am teaching again. I'm teaching VBS School for my church. (Vacation Bible School). Now this Cynic isn't the first to attempt to shred the Gospels and I doubt he will be the last but the truth is the Word of God endures forever and miserable people are always trying to make others miserable with their nonsense - there is nothing new under the sun. Misery loves company. Don't give him any of yours.

Demonizing the researcher does not refute address or change the research, that tactic is more proof you have a problem dealing with unpopular truths and being honest.
Furthermore you'd be arguing against yourself when it was pointed out you placed yourself above a Oxford professor. Even when you mistakingly post OT verses through the NT instead of the Tanakh and make comical and falacious new words out of the verses that aren't in the original version.

To selfishly involve other people in your Jesus neurosis is unconscionable.
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Maybe I can help with my list of contradictions:
Which son of Zerubbabel was an ancestor of Jesus Christ? (a) Abiud (Matthew 1:13). (b) Rhesa (Luke 3:27).
But the seven sons of Zerubbabel are as follows: i. Meshullam, ii. Hananiah, iii. Hashubah, iv. Ohel, v. Berechiah, vi. Hasadiah, viii. Jushabhesed (1 Chronicles 3:19, 20). The names Abiud and Rhesa do not fit in anywhere.
How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ? (a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew16:17). (b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41).
Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew? (a) By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22). (b) On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). After that, Jesus decided to go to Galilee (John 1:43).
Did Herod think that Jesus was John the baptist? (a) Yes (Matthew 14:2; Mark 6:16). (b) No (Luke 9:9)
Did Jesus Flee Herod towards Egypt, not according to Herods Death being in 4 Bc therefore the church had to move back Jesus birthdate to satisfy the story even though it was Yeshu in 100BC who fled Jannaeus which is the story of the figure who went towards Egypt fleeing the king during his persecution not of babies but of the Pharisee.
Did John the Baptist recognise Jesus before his baptism? (a) Yes (Matthew 3:13-14). (b) No (John 1:32, 33).
Did John the Baptist recognise Jesus after his baptism? (a) Yes (John 1:32, 33). (b) No (Matthew 11:2).
Make up your twisted minds *LOL*
Mt 28:1 -10 the angel telling both Marys where he was and them knowing where he was contradicts John 20:1-2 not knowing where he was.About the tomb and the ressurection events. (my recent post showing he & they lied)
Christians say Jesus is crucified like in Luke 23:33-43 but the NT says slew (stoned) and hanged- Acts 5:30,
Acts 10:39 , Acts 13:29, 1 Peter 2:24.

These are mere snippets of the thousands found not including NT contradicting the Tanakh version of the OT.

History contradicts the tales: Jesus was supposed to have been baptized by John soon after John had started baptizing and preaching in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberias, i.e. 28-29 C.E., when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea i.e. 26-36 C.E. According to the New Testament, this also happened when Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene and Annas and Caiaphas were high priests. But Lysanias ruled Abilene from c. 40 B.C.E until he was executed in 36 B.C.E by Mark Antony, about 60 years before the date for Tiberias and about 30 years before the supposed birth of Jesus! How about verses that contradict the same verse in older copies: JOHN 9:35 In the KJV, the verse reads thus: "Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?" All of the earliest codices and papyri, however, read thus: "Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and having found him he said, Do you believe in the Son of man?" While the first reading is supported by the majority of manuscripts after the fifth century, the latter reading is supported by all of the second through fourth century manuscripts of John's gospel, including the oldest extant papyri, P75 and P66, as well as the earliest codices, including Aleph, B, D, W, and other witnesses. Jesus outright contradicted himself and lied: Jesus out right Lied in John 18:19-21 The high priest then asked Jesus about his disciples, and about his doctrine. Jesus answered him: "I spoke in openness to the world; I always taught in the synagogue and the temple, where the Jews always come; and I have said nothing in secret. Mark 4:10-12 But, when he was in private... the twelve asked him the meaning of the parable. And he said, "You are permitted to know the SECRETS of the kingdom of God. But to those outside, these things are said in parables, SO THAT they MAY see but not perceive, and MAY hear but not understand... Matt 13:10-15 And the disciples came and asked, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" He answered, "Because you are permitted to know the SECRETS of the kingdom of heaven, but they are not permitted." "Then said Jesus unto him, EXCEPT ye SEE signs and wonders, ye will NOT believe."(John 4:48). then read that the Bible SAYS Jesus "...did NOT many mighty works there BECAUSE of their UNBELIEF."(Matt 13:58, Mk 6:5-6). " man can come unto ME (Jesus), EXCEPT it were given unto him of my FATHER."(John 6:65)? Not when we also read Him SAYING that " man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME."(John 14:6). (*PSSST clue-Jesus putting himself BEFORE the 'Father'. is a violation of the 1st. Commandment!) When Jesus was twelve years old, he was missing for three days. When his parents finally found him in the Temple, he asked them: Luke 2:49--50 ...How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's House? And they did not understand the saying which he spoke to them. If angels had really informed Mary and Joseph that a son of G--d would be born to themas we are told in Luke 1:26--35 and Matthew 1:20--21why did they not understand his question? Luke 24:50-51 says the Ascension occured at Bethany; Mark 16:14 and 19 say the actual location was a room in Jerusalem, and Acts 1:9-12 says it took place on Mount Olivet. The earth does (Eccle. 1:4), does not (2 Peter 3:10) abideth forever; If Jesus bears witness of himself his witness is true (John 8:14), is not true (John 5:31); Jesus led Peter, James, and John up a high mountain after six (Matt. 17:1, Mark 9:2), eight (Luke 9:28) days; A religious council formed in the year 1133 (1720) found 20, 000 errors in the K.J.V. and todays Bible has
50, 000 in it.
Call him whatever you want, but Jesus is the light of the world, better to be in the light than the dark. We really need to give Yahweh the Jewish war God a rest, a long rest.

does Jesus know that you shit on his FATHER?--
Did that nun that failed to make you literate in the
second grade know that you shit on the father of Jesus? Do you BLAME the father of Jesus for
the fact that you cannot spell and are reluctant to read?
Jewish genealogies are themselves suspect, and most were likely forged or fictionalized because of the conflicts and politics surrounding the return of the Babylonian exiles and the need to reconcile the Jerusalem Talmud with the Babylonian Talmud with each other's Patriarchs' 'legitimacy'; the genealogies of Jewish priests were very important in those days, for reasons of racial purity among others, and some prominent families would have been seriously embarrassed and suffer a loss of status and power. In the New Testament John's is the most accurate for post-exile times, but Matthew used a less reliable and flawed source than John did, and John is also better than some of those in Chronicles as well re the historical record. Some attribute the errors in Matthew's to errors or falsehoods in the original Semitic texts he used, others to mistranslations of names into Greek. In any case, most Jewish genealogies written since pre-Exilic times can be considered suspect, so aren't going to resolve anything.
take into account the church has admited on numerous occasions that none of the gospels wrre written by those apostles named after them.
It's easy to see when you know the errors could not be from a Jew who would know Hebrew words and genders of usage as well as commentary of what they were reading. Matthew would have known Micah 5 could not be about a town (wrong gender usage to be a place) and would have known the context is a lineage and that Bethlehem Ephratah was a person and not a town, Bethlehem son or grandson of Ephratah.
ONLY A DECIEVER not knowledgable of Hebrew would ignore the name or not know the name Ephratah in
Micah 5 so Matthew was not the writer, no Jews wrote Matthew, no educated person, no honest person wrote it when plagiarizing Micah 5 and creating the Bethlehem birth scam. In Fact Matthew could be from the 100 Bc era figure or shared with that figure since one of his followers had that name but none of the other christs have record of such follower.

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