Manaport Linked to Organized Crime


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
It just gets better and better:

Mueller Reveals New Manafort Link to Organized Crime

Buried deep in Robert Mueller’s indictment of Paul Manafort is a new link between Donald Trump’s former campaign and Russian organized crime.

The indictment (PDF), unsealed on Monday, includes an extensive look into Paul Manafort’s byzantine financial dealings. In particular, it details how he used a company called Lucicle Consultants Limited to wire millions of dollars into the United States.

The Cyprus-based Lucicle Consultants Limited, in turn, reportedly received millions of dollars from a businessman and Ukrainian parliamentarian named Ivan Fursin, who is closely linked to one of Russia’s most notorious criminals: Semion Mogilevich.
I totally prefer my crime organised ....

They certainly dress better ...

The entire Russian government is little more than a syndicate. Not all that much has changed since the the old days.
Oh too funny! Also in that piece at the Daily Beast Firtash is linked in as a shady character as well that was involved with Manafort. But guess who else Firtash is involved with?

"Let’s not leave out fugitive Ukrainian oligarch, Dymtro Firtash. He is represented by Democratic heavyweight lawyer, Lanny Davis, who accused Trump of “inviting Putin to commit espionage” (Trump’s quip: If Putin has Hillary’s emails, release them) but denies all wrongdoing by Hillary."

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
trump has also been linked to organized crime. He's filthy ... Let's hope this is the end of his lifelong crime spree.
Funny how they are calling it organized crime. Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs being called organized crime syndicates. Too funny. That's pretty well the lot of the Ukraine past and present.

Oh and Ivan Fursin is linked via the Party of Regions of course to the Podesta group and was the partner of Firtash who is Lanny Davis client.
trump is in full PANIC from Mueller. He just tweeted more insanity


Someone might want to tell Trump..that there are no rules as to how a party acts or selects their candidate..was it underhanded/ Well..of course. Does it compare to Trump's band of corrupt wannabe Game of Thrones boys/ Nope. about a bizarre derailment....bologne burgers botch Broke Back Mountain or something....thread has been heavily cleaned of derailment let's get back to the OP.
Why didn't the Obama Administration inform Trump that Manafort was up to his eyeballs in criminal corruption?
Any Business connection with Russia must be approved, after
the first contact approval through Russian organized crime!

Clowns and Imbeciles and Spies and Paul Manafort

The Trumpers have long pushed this argument that they were too inexperienced, disorganized or simply too stupid to have conspired with Russians to subvert the election. That’s not how it works. As we’ve noted in recent days, intelligence operatives (of any country) are looking precisely for people who are desperate, stupid, inexperienced, crooked when they are trying to penetrate or compromise any organization or find collaborators within it. That is when you have something to work with.

The Trumpers might just as well have said well, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner, two complete neophytes and rubes, had zero business with senior roles running the campaign and meeting with foreign government emissaries as we know they did in the June meeting at Trump Tower. Definitely, “stupid”, definitely “no business” being there. And yet they were there. Desperate, stupid, inexperienced, crooked – the Trumpers checked basically every box.

Which brings us back to Paul Manafort. He was looped in on at least some of those emails from Papadopoulos. He was also in that June Trump Tower meeting. The more we learn about Paul Manafort, the more he seems extremely crooked and very desperate. But he’s not at all inexperienced and he’s not stupid. He’s worked in politics for decades. He’s worked abroad in countries where dealing with foreign and US intelligence operatives goes with the territory. It’s very hard to imagine that Manafort, being on the receiving end of multiple approaches and simultaneously trying to use his newfound profound prominence to ‘make himself whole’ with people in Ukraine and Russia didn’t have a pretty clear sense of what was going on.

Mueller and his deputies seem to think the same thing.

Clowns and Imbeciles and Spies and Paul Manafort
Clowns and Imbeciles and Spies and Paul Manafort

The Trumpers have long pushed this argument that they were too inexperienced, disorganized or simply too stupid to have conspired with Russians to subvert the election. That’s not how it works. As we’ve noted in recent days, intelligence operatives (of any country) are looking precisely for people who are desperate, stupid, inexperienced, crooked when they are trying to penetrate or compromise any organization or find collaborators within it. That is when you have something to work with.

The Trumpers might just as well have said well, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner, two complete neophytes and rubes, had zero business with senior roles running the campaign and meeting with foreign government emissaries as we know they did in the June meeting at Trump Tower. Definitely, “stupid”, definitely “no business” being there. And yet they were there. Desperate, stupid, inexperienced, crooked – the Trumpers checked basically every box.

Which brings us back to Paul Manafort. He was looped in on at least some of those emails from Papadopoulos. He was also in that June Trump Tower meeting. The more we learn about Paul Manafort, the more he seems extremely crooked and very desperate. But he’s not at all inexperienced and he’s not stupid. He’s worked in politics for decades. He’s worked abroad in countries where dealing with foreign and US intelligence operatives goes with the territory. It’s very hard to imagine that Manafort, being on the receiving end of multiple approaches and simultaneously trying to use his newfound profound prominence to ‘make himself whole’ with people in Ukraine and Russia didn’t have a pretty clear sense of what was going on.

Mueller and his deputies seem to think the same thing.

Clowns and Imbeciles and Spies and Paul Manafort

Is it illegal in the U.S. for a U.S. citizen to, outside of the U.S., launder money or be part and parcel of organized crime activities? I truly don't know for sure, but I'd think such things are outside U.S. jurisdiction, and I don't know whether one is prohibited from bringing the proceeds of non-U.S. illegal activity into the U.S.

BTW, I see the money laundering aspect of Manafort's activities. I don't see the "organized crime" aspect; moreover, I don't know that being linked to organized criminals is itself criminal.

Mind you, I am not defending Manafort or Mueller. I just don't like ambiguous, vague, inaccurate and/or unsoundly presented/supported depictions of, well, anything. If some other nation has brought a case against Manafort because of his dealings and interactions with organized criminals and laundering money for them, well, that's a wholly different matter, but AFAIK, nobody but the U.S. government has a current criminal case against Manafort.
Is it illegal in the U.S. for a U.S. citizen to, outside of the U.S., launder money or be part and parcel of organized crime activities? I truly don't know for sure, but I'd think such things are outside U.S. jurisdiction, and I don't know whether one is prohibited from bringing the proceeds of non-U.S. illegal activity into the U.S.

BTW, I see the money laundering aspect of Manafort's activities. I don't see the "organized crime" aspect; moreover, I don't know that being linked to organized criminals is itself criminal.

Mind you, I am not defending Manafort or Mueller. I just don't like ambiguous, vague, inaccurate and/or unsoundly presented/supported depictions of, well, anything. If some other nation has brought a case against Manafort because of his dealings and interactions with organized criminals and laundering money for them, well, that's a wholly different matter, but AFAIK, nobody but the U.S. government has a current criminal case against Manafort.

Not in the Great Douche new America. No LAWs apply to the Great Douche and Klan!

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
Most nations cooperate with the US on RICO enforcement only where their own related laws are specifically broken
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