Look Democrats! This is how you win elections!

Denmark is following Poland, Hungary, Austria, and other countries in reining in Muslim influences. We will soon start to see mass deportations.
Austrian state plans 'Ten Commandments' for refugees


Refugees in Lower Austria are to be issued with "Ten Commandments of Immigration" by regional authorities. Included in the edicts is a requirement for migrants to show gratitude to the country.

That certainly will anger Leftists who believe people don’t have to integrate when they come to a new country.

Among the rules, migrants are required to:

Learn German

Adhere to Austrian laws

Adopt "Austrian values" and raise children in accordance with them;

Resolve conflicts nonviolently

Respect religious freedom

Prevent unnecessary suffering to animals

Show gratitude to Austria

Ohmahgawd, how can they demand such things?

Speak the language of the country?

Respect religious freedom?

You gotta be kidding me.

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