L'l Kim is going to play Dumb Donald the EXACT same way his father played Boy George.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.
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Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.
hey dean if what you say backfires on you and trump looks like he made kim flinch.....will we see you here telling us you were wrong?....
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If you think Trump is dumb, then you are crazy. If you think he's Bush after all that has transpired, then you are slam crazy. Why not write post to help America instead of anything you can think of to hurt America ??

The left attaching itself to anything anti-America or downright criminal has been an eye opener.. On the other hand no it hasn't..
as the TRUMP would say . We will see what happens . I hope that TRUMP wins of course but if the TRUMP loses its the USA that you and your kids live in that will be threatened DeanRD .
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

As long as we are in the history forum we might as well go back to Truman and the begining. The mainstream media supported FDR through thick and thin but they couldn't bear to honestly cover little timid Harry's monstrosity and world class negligence so they labeled it "the Forgotten War". Truman sent Troops to Korea under an (illegal) executive order while he was busy downsizing the U.S. Military. He vowed to turn the Marine Corps into a tiny ceremonial detachment after Marines shed so much blood in the Pacific and they ended up saving his pitiful ass in Korea. Little Harry hired a tired old Soldier who had done his duty in WW1 and retired from the Army in 1940 (later to be recalled by FDR but that's another story) to be front line commander but MacArthur never spent a single night in Korea, preferring to run the war from his palace in Japan.. The upshot was that the U.S. beat back the North Korean hoard and even took the N.K. capital of Pyongyang. North Korea was defeated in less than a year and little timid Harry should have called it a day and reorganized the Korean peninsula but he was afraid of his own chosen commander. Maybe it was a "senior citizen" moment but the 70 something General decided to force exhausted ill supplied Troops to the Yalu river border with China in a winter campaign in an area known for harsh winters despite of warnings by Red China that they would enter the conflict. The combination of negligence by timid little Harry and shear incompetence by MacArthur caused American Troops to walk into the biggest ambush in history. Truman and MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at the cost of 50,000 Americans lost in a three year quagmire. The conflict was never resolved to this day and the best attempt in the history of the Korean War is happening right now but today's left would rather grasp another defeat than support their own elected President. Sometimes you gotta wonder about the left.
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Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Thanks, I fixed it.
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Thanks, I fixed it.


L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went.

when did that happen?
First of all dumbass, it was Bill Clinton that got owned by NK.

2ndly, watch how you are proven wrong for the umpteenth time.
"President Clinton wisely said 'I am not going until this is prepared, I am sending the secretary ... That didn't thrill them,' " Albright said in Brussels on Friday.
Ultimately, after Albright went to Pyongyang and as US diplomats worked to set up the presidential visit, it became clear that North Korea and the US were too far apart on the details of the missile pact to justify handing Kim the huge concession of a Clinton visit.

Trump isn't the first US President to get a North Korean invite. - CNNPolitics

You're confused.
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Thanks, I fixed it.


L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went.

when did that happen?
OK, they didn't actually meet, but Boy George was played.

Meanwhile George W. Bush did nothing about the HEU technology imports that he alleged to be a bomb program (why would they need both HEU and plutonium bombs?), or about the staggering ineptitude that fractured the 1994 Framework Agreement—no real penalties, and no plan for ending either program, or about the nukes that the North manufactured after getting their facilities back.

ll of these were accomplished or being negotiated when Bush came into office. But the Clinton administration had also worked out a plan to buy out, indirectly, the North’s medium and long-range missiles; it was ready to be signed in 2000 but Bush let it fall by the wayside and today the North retains all its formidable missile capability. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was amazed in her memoirs that Bush let this deal slide into oblivion, since Pyongyang has no other reliable delivery capability for nuclear weapons. Hardly any influential Americans seem to remember these negotiations, although they were major news at the time.
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.

L'l Kim's dad meant with Boy George and we know how that went.

Thanks, I fixed it.


L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went.

when did that happen?
OK, they didn't actually meet, but Boy George was played.

Meanwhile George W. Bush did nothing about the HEU technology imports that he alleged to be a bomb program (why would they need both HEU and plutonium bombs?), or about the staggering ineptitude that fractured the 1994 Framework Agreement—no real penalties, and no plan for ending either program, or about the nukes that the North manufactured after getting their facilities back.

So were Clinton and Obama.

Lame thread, dude
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.
What lies will you tell when that doesn't happen?
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship.

L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went.

Not the first time Boy George was played. Remember "I looked into Vlad's eyes and saw his soul"?

Daddy Kim used Bush's goodwill to take the pressure off his government and fund his nuclear development program.

L'l Kim is going to do the same exact thing. He is going to use flattery to ensnare Dumb Donald. L'l Kim is going to get western help and pour whatever he can into his nuclear program. At some point, he's going to tell Dumb Donald he wants to come to the US and make more plans.

By the time Dumb Donald figures out how badly he's been fukked, it will be too late. L'l Kim will have a fully functioning nuclear force.

Putin got what he wanted. China is getting what they want. L'l Kim will get was he wants.

They are taking turns riding Dumb Donald like a well trained horse, just like they did with Boy George.
Trump is so blinded by his desperation for some sort of ‘win’ that he fails to realize that such a ‘summit’ benefits only Kim, to the detriment of the United States.
Bill Clinton supplied N.K. with nuclear technology and then pronounced "North Korea is no longer a threat". George Bush did nothing to alleviate the situation and neither did Barry Hussein so what's the point? Comedian and left wing political analyst Bill Maher recently spoke for the American left when he hoped the U.S. would go into a recession in order to get rid of President Trump. It's the dirty little secret with a historical perspective. The crazy angry left hopes that the best effort of the U.S. in sixty years to civilize North Korea is a failure because they hate the President.
First of all dumbass, it was Bill Clinton that got owned by NK.

2ndly, watch how you are proven wrong for the umpteenth time.
"President Clinton wisely said 'I am not going until this is prepared, I am sending the secretary ... That didn't thrill them,' " Albright said in Brussels on Friday.
Ultimately, after Albright went to Pyongyang and as US diplomats worked to set up the presidential visit, it became clear that North Korea and the US were too far apart on the details of the missile pact to justify handing Kim the huge concession of a Clinton visit.

Trump isn't the first US President to get a North Korean invite. - CNNPolitics

You're confused.

You are, as always, dead wrong. Watch and learn retard.
It's the history forum so let's talk about democrat icon Harry Truman's legacy concerning Korea. You almost have to scratch you head at little Harry's ignorance about America's role in the post War years and China's and Russia's influence on the world stage. After North Korea invaded South Korea (much to the surprise of the CIA) and pushed U.N troops almost to the end of the peninsula, MacArthur's "Inchon Landing" plan cut off the N.K. supply route and NK troops surrendered. U.N. Troops liberated the S.K. capital and captured Pyongyang ending N.K.'s regime. It was Truman's chance to proclaim victory and unite the Korean peninsula but apparently the little bean counter was too busy slashing the Military budget to be bothered. It seems that Truman may have been afraid of MacArthur for political reasons or he was just a naturally timid man but he let General MacArthur walk into the biggest ambush in history knowing that Red China would enter the conflict if US/UN Troops approached the Yalu river border. MacArthur hadn't been a front line commander since WW1 and he had no real strategic intelligence except fawning junk from his hand picked Army General and accused racial bigot Ned Almond. MacArthur was finally relieved of duty after making wild claims of nuking China but the damage was done. Anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans died and the conflict continued while the Truman administration was bullied into an embarrassing "truce" in a three year quagmire. The conflict remained unresolved after more than fifty years but the media still loved Truman and created a fake legacy of the feisty little politician. The media might have hoped America would have forgotten the "Forgotten War" but U.S. Servicemen didn't forget and little Harry couldn't even get support from his own party to run for a second full term and retired from politics. The "Old Soldier" made a tearful retirement address to Congress and then ran for president on a 3rd party ticket when republicans took back their endorsement. Apparently vindictive to the end when he knew he would siphon votes from fellow WW2 General Eisenhower, MacArthur finally faded away.

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