Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Seriously, if this person is really falsely accusing Kavanaugh, then why the fuck is he peddling Clinton conspiracy theories instead of confronting the accuser who is destroying his life?

WTF are you talking about?

Kavanaugh put it out there that he had NEVER met this woman, NEVER seen this woman, NEVER attacked this woman. WTF more do you want him to do?
- The answer is 'nothing' because you just wanted to SAY THAT LIE AND WALK AWAY WITHOUT BEING CALLED ON IT!

And he is right - this entire thing is a Conspiracy by the Democrats to delay / sabotage the Confirmation, EVERYONE knows it - snowflakes have openly BRAGGED about it in this thread declaring it is ALL ABOUT Garland and Gorsuch, so why don't you drop the act, man up, and try telling the truth / being honest?
President gets his choice, senate can only advise and consent.

Or hold up the nomination until Trump leaves office
...and attempt to completely unethically immorally attempt to destroy every aspect of the candidate's life in the meantime, as the Democrats have been exposed to be trying to do .... AGAIN
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.

If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.

President Trump is very serious about willing to work with dems.

He's making the country better for people of all political persuasions, and he welcomes the votes of libs that think its time to Make America Great Again. He worked last year on a budget thing with Chuck and Nancy, if they are interested in participating in the President's important public appearances and wearing MAGA hats, Trump welcomes them
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.
You mean the women who have sons, brothers, male cousins, fathers and nephews who are going to kick the shit out of your party in November?

The enthusiasm gap is gone. Your blue wave is toast.
When it comes to the house of representatives, can you be on record telling me what this ass kicking looks like in terms of seats?
Whatever I say today will be underestimating the Republicans a month from now.

I was quiet in 2014 when I thought Democrats could keep the Senate and possibly win enough seats to take the House, and I am going to be relatively quiet about the House this year because my prediction of Democrats possibly winning the House or at least gaining seats was solely based on turnout and Republican enthusiasm has gone up considerably.

If it weren't for old people like my grandparents dying out establishment Republicans would already be winning in blue states fairly handily. As the red elephant on youtube has said, this is supposed to be the year where Democrats are running away with it based on demographics alone, and yet you aren't.
Make this quote your signature - Trumptards need to be reminded of it daily


The President of North Korea looks up to President Trump, did you see the way Trump showed Un his ride while they were in Singapore?

That's going to be the key to peace with the Norks. During the next summit, Trump is going to let Un take the Presidential Caddy on a spin around the block.

Everyone thinks that Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, he's too modest to say so himself.
Make this quote your signature - Trumptards need to be reminded of it daily

But I don't know how

That help?
No not really I can copy it but don't know what to do next

Did you want it as your signature, (take a look, it's there), or your avatar?
I see That'll be fine Thank you

I like your signature!! They make such a good couple, don't they! As long as they are in love we will have peace, but watch out when they break up!!
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.

Yes I’m energized to vote Republican!
AND bitching and moaning about Congressional Democrats is pointless pile of horseshit.
They are not the accusers, they are simply doing their damn job in making sure that a credible accuser gets to testify.

Not so fast there cowboy (or girl)....
AFAIK, there are several investigations underway to see exactly just that....were they "just doing their jobs"...or were they trying to USe Dr. Ford for their own political BS agendas?

Republicans honored Obama's win by voting to Confirm Sotomayor and Kaegan.

The Democrat PiecesOS do not just want to NOT honor Trump's win, they want to destroy every aspect of a good man-s life.

Every Democrat involved in this should be ashamed of themselves and should be stripped of their position in the US Senate and sent home.

Dummy, that may have some thing to do with the fact that Sotomayor, Kaegan and Goresuch were not credibly accused by anyone of an assault.

Neither is Kavanaugh.

Um, yes he is.


View attachment 219620

WTF is wrong with you snowflakes?

ZERO evidence to support any accusation of a crime involving Kavanaugh...the same thing you retards pulled with the President

Ford can NOT remember WHERE the incident happened
Ford can NOT remember WHEN, not even the YEAR
She has no witnesses
The 4 witnesses she did name all say IT NEVER HAPPENED
She can NOT remember how she got there / how she got home
She admits to being intoxicated
She can NOT remember taking the polygraph, how long it took
She lied about her 'fear of flying'

She said when she told the Washington Post her story she 'corrected' her therapist's notes, claiming THEY got the story wrong

The expert Sex Crimes prosecutor stated there is no way she would take the case to court


so how the hell do you retards keep claiming she was 'credible'?

EVIDENCE makes someone / a claim 'credible'. She had none, she couldn't remember shit, and she lied....

Check out this snowflake:

Trump calls Kavanaugh accuser a 'credible' witness

As you ignore my link that is much more recent....

Trump praises Kavanaugh's 'courage' during testimony
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
Who leaked?

Most likely, someone in her lawyer's office

2nd most likely, a staffer in DiFi's office

Agree that these investigations are getting stupid, nothing ever becomes of them and they look like political posturing
Agree. I suppose it gives the illusion that they are busy while they are actively refusing to do any work.
What is happening with replace Obamacare? With comprehensive immigration reform including a solution to the DACA dilemma? With infrastructure solutions?
There's work to be done, folks. Is it occurring or will they wait until two weeks before the budget runs out -- again -- to begin thinking about it?

Not a lot of people are considering all the time wasted on partisan bullshit. It really pisses me off to think about. I guess they think Trump should be doing everything, which I do believe people actually think.
Make this quote your signature - Trumptards need to be reminded of it daily


The President of North Korea looks up to President Trump, did you see the way Trump showed Un his ride while they were in Singapore?

That's going to be the key to peace with the Norks. During the next summit, Trump is going to let Un take the Presidential Caddy on a spin around the block.

Everyone thinks that Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, he's too modest to say so himself.
But I don't know how

That help?
No not really I can copy it but don't know what to do next

Did you want it as your signature, (take a look, it's there), or your avatar?
I see That'll be fine Thank you

I like your signature!! They make such a good couple, don't they! As long as they are in love we will have peace, but watch out when they break up!!

They'd BETTER stay together - I ordered my Valentine's Day cards early!

That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
Who leaked?

Most likely, someone in her lawyer's office

2nd most likely, a staffer in DiFi's office

Agree that these investigations are getting stupid, nothing ever becomes of them and they look like political posturing
Agree. I suppose it gives the illusion that they are busy while they are actively refusing to do any work.
What is happening with replace Obamacare? With comprehensive immigration reform including a solution to the DACA dilemma? With infrastructure solutions?
There's work to be done, folks. Is it occurring or will they wait until two weeks before the budget runs out -- again -- to begin thinking about it?

Not a lot of people are considering all the time wasted on partisan bullshit. It really pisses me off to think about. I guess they think Trump should be doing everything, which I do believe people actually think.
A good chunk of the country literally think Kavanaugh was confirmed weeks ago.
If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.

President gets his choice, senate can only advise and consent.

Or hold up the nomination until Trump leaves office

Nominating a moderate, not unlike Kennedy,
would go a long way toward ensuring there is no delay in confirmation.
If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.

President Trump is very serious about willing to work with dems.

He's making the country better for people of all political persuasions, and he welcomes the votes of libs that think its time to Make America Great Again. He worked last year on a budget thing with Chuck and Nancy, if they are interested in participating in the President's important public appearances and wearing MAGA hats, Trump welcomes them

None of that is relevant to the discussion.
I'm fine with the Dems, should they take the Senate, holding up nominations til Trump; leaves office.

(They can follow him out the door)
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
as much as i would like to know, we're a country of pointless investigations anymore. then we keep at them til we get OUR way, rejecting any outcome we don't want. both sides are horrible at this.
Well, the FBI isn't bad at it, and they are the ones I understand are looking into it now. Am I wrong?
depends on which version of the FBI we're talking about. :) these days we've divided them up also for our own political gain. like i said, i think all sides have been bad about this and *we the people* need to recognize it and stop being "my way or the highway" in so much of what we do.
What are you talking about, "we" have divided the FBI up? The FBI isn't divided; that is a conspiracy theory created solely to discredit their investigation into Trump's doings.

I was asking a simple question and an answer would be appreciated; apparently you don't know.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.

President gets his choice, senate can only advise and consent.

Or hold up the nomination until Trump leaves office

Nominating a moderate, not unlike Kennedy,
would go a long way toward ensuring there is no delay in confirmation.
He is a moderate, idiot.

He literally clerked for Kennedy.
One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.

President gets his choice, senate can only advise and consent.

Or hold up the nomination until Trump leaves office

Nominating a moderate, not unlike Kennedy,
would go a long way toward ensuring there is no delay in confirmation.
He is a moderate, idiot.

He literally clerked for Kennedy.

Derp.....obviously we aren't talking about Kavanaugh, dope.
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
as much as i would like to know, we're a country of pointless investigations anymore. then we keep at them til we get OUR way, rejecting any outcome we don't want. both sides are horrible at this.
Well, the FBI isn't bad at it, and they are the ones I understand are looking into it now. Am I wrong?
depends on which version of the FBI we're talking about. :) these days we've divided them up also for our own political gain. like i said, i think all sides have been bad about this and *we the people* need to recognize it and stop being "my way or the highway" in so much of what we do.
What are you talking about, "we" have divided the FBI up? The FBI isn't divided; that is a conspiracy theory created solely to discredit their investigation into Trump's doings.

I was asking a simple question and an answer would be appreciated; apparently you don't know.
then next up you ask me a question and tell me i don't know the answer.

good. i won't bother explaining then since it would be about as pointless as tits on a nun.
He just had to fire some lunatic on his staff for threatening to kill Republicans because that is the only kind of voter he can get in Florida.
Gillum isn't leading anything and never has been. All of the polling is entirely derived on the "monkey it up" statement that never really changed the dynamics of the race.
DeSantis will win easily. Just vote and watch the blue wave of tears on election night.
Democrats are just about done nationally.

Man, I hope you're correct.
I'm seeing a LOT of energy going towards Gillum and none towards DeSantis at least in South Florida.

Soros is heavily bank rolling Gillum. That's known.
Isn't South Florida reliably Democratic? Maybe your man is not wasting his money on a lost cause?
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford

Because it’s all a lie. Ford is not telling the truth. She lied in a letter to DIFI and DIFI tossed her under the bus.

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