Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Republicans honored Obama's win by voting to Confirm Sotomayor and Kaegan.

The Democrat PiecesOS do not just want to NOT honor Trump's win, they want to destroy every aspect of a good man-s life.

Every Democrat involved in this should be ashamed of themselves and should be stripped of their position in the US Senate and sent home.

Dummy, that may have some thing to do with the fact that Sotomayor, Kaegan and Goresuch were not credibly accused by anyone of an assault.

Neither is Kavanaugh.

Um, yes he is.



WTF is wrong with you snowflakes?

ZERO evidence to support any accusation of a crime involving Kavanaugh...the same thing you retards pulled with the President

Ford can NOT remember WHERE the incident happened
Ford can NOT remember WHEN, not even the YEAR
She has no witnesses
The 4 witnesses she did name all say IT NEVER HAPPENED
She can NOT remember how she got there / how she got home
She admits to being intoxicated
She can NOT remember taking the polygraph, how long it took
She lied about her 'fear of flying'

She said when she told the Washington Post her story she 'corrected' her therapist's notes, claiming THEY got the story wrong

The expert Sex Crimes prosecutor stated there is no way she would take the case to court


so how the hell do you retards keep claiming she was 'credible'?

EVIDENCE makes someone / a claim 'credible'. She had none, she couldn't remember shit, and she lied....
Love is all that matters ???

"We fell in love.
No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. They were great letters. And then we fell in love."
~Donald Trump........................what an ass

Make this quote your signature - Trumptards need to be reminded of it daily

But I don't know how

That help?
No not really I can copy it but don't know what to do next

Did you want it as your signature, (take a look, it's there), or your avatar?
I see That'll be fine Thank you
This is a reasonable assessment.

People like Dr. Love convicted and wanted execution of Kavanaugh from the moment Dr.Ford made the accusation.

I don't personally like Kavanaugh, but I dislike the evil Dem tactics even more.

Kav is unfit -- a) he lied multiple times under oath b) he's a hyper-partisan conspiracy theorist who believes Deep State Dems are out to get him c) he's a GWB/Ken Starr cutout who was a political operative before becoming a judge d) he has anger management issues e) he has misogynist/ bully tendencies and f) he ENTIRELY lacks the right temperament for the job.

Please note that while disagreeing with him about EVERYTHING. I said none of the above about Gorsuch.
Republicans honored Obama's win by voting to Confirm Sotomayor and Kaegan.

The Democrat PiecesOS do not just want to NOT honor Trump's win, they want to destroy every aspect of a good man-s life.

Every Democrat involved in this should be ashamed of themselves and should be stripped of their position in the US Senate and sent home.

Dummy, that may have some thing to do with the fact that Sotomayor, Kaegan and Goresuch were not credibly accused by anyone of an assault.

Neither is Kavanaugh.

Um, yes he is.


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WTF is wrong with you snowflakes?

ZERO evidence to support any accusation of a crime involving Kavanaugh...the same thing you retards pulled with the President

Ford can NOT remember WHERE the incident happened
Ford can NOT remember WHEN, not even the YEAR
She has no witnesses
The 4 witnesses she did name all say IT NEVER HAPPENED
She can NOT remember how she got there / how she got home
She admits to being intoxicated
She can NOT remember taking the polygraph, how long it took
She lied about her 'fear of flying'

She said when she told the Washington Post her story she 'corrected' her therapist's notes, claiming THEY got the story wrong

The expert Sex Crimes prosecutor stated there is no way she would take the case to court


so how the hell do you retards keep claiming she was 'credible'?

EVIDENCE makes someone / a claim 'credible'. She had none, she couldn't remember shit, and she lied....

Check out this snowflake:

Trump calls Kavanaugh accuser a 'credible' witness

Btw - Don't think you answered my question .. should we get big dark money out of politics and repeal Cit United or what?

You thought Hillary was a better choice than Trump.....
But you want me to take my time to school you now?

I didn't vote for Hillary and think she has some slimy attributes - but she would have certainly been a safer choice.
Of course, it doesn't matter who I vote for in Idaho for US Senate or POTUS.
And you still haven't answered my question.
Republicans honored Obama's win by voting to Confirm Sotomayor and Kaegan.

The Democrat PiecesOS do not just want to NOT honor Trump's win, they want to destroy every aspect of a good man-s life.

Every Democrat involved in this should be ashamed of themselves and should be stripped of their position in the US Senate and sent home.

Dummy, that may have some thing to do with the fact that Sotomayor, Kaegan and Goresuch were not credibly accused by anyone of an assault.
Not accused by 'someone' - by despicable, desperate low-life Democrat pieces of crap...

Dumbass, he is accused by Blasey Ford.
This is a reasonable assessment.

People like Dr. Love convicted and wanted execution of Kavanaugh from the moment Dr.Ford made the accusation.

I don't personally like Kavanaugh, but I dislike the evil Dem tactics even more.

Kav is unfit -- a) he lied multiple times under oath b) he's a hyper-partisan conspiracy theorist who believes Deep State Dems are out to get him c) he's a GWB/Ken Starr cutout who was a political operative before becoming a judge d) he has anger management issues e) he has misogynist/ bully tendencies and f) he ENTIRELY lacks the right temperament for the job.

Please note that while disagreeing with him about EVERYTHING. I said none of the above about Gorsuch.

Specifically....what lies are you referring to?
You don't believe there are any hyper - political figures in powerful positions in government working to assist any political agendas? Seriously?
"Political operatives"? You mean like.....Deep Staters? lol
As far as anger issues, it could also be that having one's life work scuttled after decades of hard work is....hmmmm....annoying to put it lightly?

Prove he has misogynist tendencies.
Kav is unfit -- a) he lied multiple times under oath b) he's a hyper-partisan conspiracy theorist who believes Deep State Dems are out to get him c) he's a GWB/Ken Starr cutout who was a political operative before becoming a judge d) he has anger management issues e) he has misogynist/ bully tendencies and f) he ENTIRELY lacks the right temperament for the job.

Nice TDS RANT...but ZERO evidence.

Take a breath...and try winning some elections like your 'savior' said. :p
Someone convinced Trump to 'play nice' to try to avoid pissing off emotional women.

Yep, someone convinced Trump to be a snowflake. LOL

Tell me, are Kavanaugh and Graham, both of whom would not dare say a bad word about the actual accuser, also snowflakes?

Seriously, if this person is really falsely accusing Kavanaugh, then why the fuck is he peddling Clinton conspiracy theories instead of confronting the accuser who is destroying his life? Because he is a two-bit politico operator playing the game he thinks he needs to play, thats why. He has no bussiness sitting on the SCOTUS bench.
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That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
as much as i would like to know, we're a country of pointless investigations anymore. then we keep at them til we get OUR way, rejecting any outcome we don't want. both sides are horrible at this.
both sides are horrible at this.

Not true at all.

Democrats don't engage in political investigations. Please point to even one.
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.
You mean the women who have sons, brothers, male cousins, fathers and nephews who are going to kick the shit out of your party in November?

The enthusiasm gap is gone. Your blue wave is toast.
When it comes to the house of representatives, can you be on record telling me what this ass kicking looks like in terms of seats?
I will lose all respect for Judge Kavanaugh if he fails to file a series of defamation and slander lawsuits - regardless whether he is or is not seated on The Supreme Court.

This shit has got to stop and the only proper way to stop it are to pauperize the false accusers and those who spread their lies. But if that's not enough, find some more permanent extra-judicial means.
AND bitching and moaning about Congressional Democrats is pointless pile of horseshit.

ACTUALLY, it is NOT pointless.

Leave it to the morons to give the GOP a gift, the mid-terms on a silver platter right before time to vote....the obvious, despicable, politically partisan attempt to ambush, assassinate, and destroy every aspect of a man's life just to win back power...reminding everyone how the Democrats said they were '100% committed to obstruction - to stop matter what they had to do'!

This is EXACTLY the kind of dirty, despicable, unethical, immoral, criminal BS that cost the Democrats the House, the Senate, and the WH in the past. With any luck the Democrats just reminded people about that, reminded people what criminal scumbags they are, and caused enough Americans to show up to vote a big ol' serving of 'F* YOU' to the Democrats again....

...and just like it was when they GAVE their nomination in 2016 to a proven national-security-compromising FELON, the loss in the mid-terms / failure to take the House will be THEIR OWN DOING ... AGAIN!
This is a critically important nomination since if Kavanaugh is confirmed it will give conservatives a clear 5 to 4 majority in the SC and possibly place some previous SC decisions precious to Democrats in jeopardy, so one can hardly blame them for wanting to try to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections in which they hope, foolishly I believe, to win control of the Senate. After the FBI completes this updating of their Kavanaugh investigation next Friday, if it looks like the Republicans have enough votes to confirm, the Democrats will try to dig up another red herring to delay the vote.
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.

If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.
I will lose all respect for Judge Kavanaugh if he fails to file a series of defamation and slander lawsuits - regardless whether he is or is not seated on The Supreme Court.

This shit has got to stop and the only proper way to stop it are to pauperize the false accusers and those who spread their lies. But if that's not enough, find some more permanent extra-judicial means.
At lease Sessions has signaled he is gong after every liar filing false accusations against Kavanaugh.

Perhaps that is why Ford's local authorities say she STILL refuses to file even a complaint against Kavanaugh.

So, when Bill Cosby's accusers' identities became known, they did not refuse to testify, refuse to file a complaint, and / or refuse to file criminal charges....but Ford - even now - refuses to officially legally name Kavanaugh as the one who attacked her in an official report / by filing a complaint / charges....
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.

If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that the Dems have no intentions of holding the vacancy for two years. If there is a Dem majority in the Senate, Trump will have to nominate a more centrist judge to fill the vacancy.

not necessarily.

If he keeps nominating Conservatives, and the dems hold them up for 2 years...

who does that make look bad?

Trump for not being serious and willing to work with dems.

President gets his choice, senate can only advise and consent.

Or hold up the nomination until Trump leaves office

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