Life as a poor American is a life of slavery

No offense but this is what happens to Americans who have never travelled outside the U.S. and have never observed real poverty. America's poor have it far better than any other nation on this Planet. If you're gonna be poor,this is the place to do it. Trust me,i've seen real poverty. Americans are from being slaves. In fact i would call thet assertion downright insulting & preposterous. Travel people,travel.

The physicality of the poor overseas is much different. The feelings of helplessness and frustration are the same. The knowledge that the chances of getting out of poverty is slim to none, is also the same.

As for the slavery comparisson, I see it a little different. Slavery was unsustainable as the cost was huge to feed, clothing, shelter and provide medical treatment for the slaves. It is much more cost effective and profitable to free them, pay them a pittance, and than reap all their money by charging them for food, clothing, shelter and medical treatment. They discovered that if we pay them a minimum wage that doesn't cover their basic needs they will be forever indebted to the wealthy class. They will forever keep working and producing wealth for the upper classes for the illusion of freedom and getting out of poverty.

Except the poor get their food, clothing and shelter paid for by the gov't

And that is the main issue behind everything. The wealthy (Republicans) don't want the poor to get anything, keeping the indentured servitude going. They are at odds with those (Democrats) that want to help the poor out of poverty. Except the Democrats help the poor for alterior motives, they use them to hopefully keep the political power and wealth for themselves. They know that the Republicans will fight until their last breath to keep the poor from getting anything. This suits them just fine because they want to give the poor just enough to keep them on their side (votes). In reality the Democrats and Republicans in power right now don't want to share their pie with anyone.
The physicality of the poor overseas is much different. The feelings of helplessness and frustration are the same. The knowledge that the chances of getting out of poverty is slim to none, is also the same.

As for the slavery comparisson, I see it a little different. Slavery was unsustainable as the cost was huge to feed, clothing, shelter and provide medical treatment for the slaves. It is much more cost effective and profitable to free them, pay them a pittance, and than reap all their money by charging them for food, clothing, shelter and medical treatment. They discovered that if we pay them a minimum wage that doesn't cover their basic needs they will be forever indebted to the wealthy class. They will forever keep working and producing wealth for the upper classes for the illusion of freedom and getting out of poverty.

Except the poor get their food, clothing and shelter paid for by the gov't

And that is the main issue behind everything. The wealthy (Republicans) don't want the poor to get anything, keeping the indentured servitude going. They are at odds with those (Democrats) that want to help the poor out of poverty. Except the Democrats help the poor for alterior motives, they use them to hopefully keep the political power and wealth for themselves. They know that the Republicans will fight until their last breath to keep the poor from getting anything. This suits them just fine because they want to give the poor just enough to keep them on their side (votes). In reality the Democrats and Republicans in power right now don't want to share their pie with anyone.


the Democrats want to keep the poor exactly where they are
as long as they keep voting for them

The Left has no real interest in improving their situation with things of
real value that will make them less dependent
It is nothing more than the modern day left version of "panem et circenses"

Again, nothing more than "sugar coated" slavery

However, if you take any man give him a job and make him pay taxes
He is more likely to vote for Republicans

When it comes to keeping the people in the poverty cycle,
the left has more at stake than the right
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The physicality of the poor overseas is much different. The feelings of helplessness and frustration are the same. The knowledge that the chances of getting out of poverty is slim to none, is also the same.

As for the slavery comparisson, I see it a little different. Slavery was unsustainable as the cost was huge to feed, clothing, shelter and provide medical treatment for the slaves. It is much more cost effective and profitable to free them, pay them a pittance, and than reap all their money by charging them for food, clothing, shelter and medical treatment. They discovered that if we pay them a minimum wage that doesn't cover their basic needs they will be forever indebted to the wealthy class. They will forever keep working and producing wealth for the upper classes for the illusion of freedom and getting out of poverty.

Except the poor get their food, clothing and shelter paid for by the gov't

And that is the main issue behind everything. The wealthy (Republicans) don't want the poor to get anything, keeping the indentured servitude going. They are at odds with those (Democrats) that want to help the poor out of poverty. Except the Democrats help the poor for alterior motives, they use them to hopefully keep the political power and wealth for themselves. They know that the Republicans will fight until their last breath to keep the poor from getting anything. This suits them just fine because they want to give the poor just enough to keep them on their side (votes). In reality the Democrats and Republicans in power right now don't want to share their pie with anyone.

Oh Booo fuckin' hooo.
If you want to keep a man poor, just keep giving him just enough money to stay there.
Of course we need to help people who truly need it. But if a person has their health and they are perpetually on the dole then they need a dose or real reality.
Except the poor get their food, clothing and shelter paid for by the gov't

And that is the main issue behind everything. The wealthy (Republicans) don't want the poor to get anything, keeping the indentured servitude going. They are at odds with those (Democrats) that want to help the poor out of poverty. Except the Democrats help the poor for alterior motives, they use them to hopefully keep the political power and wealth for themselves. They know that the Republicans will fight until their last breath to keep the poor from getting anything. This suits them just fine because they want to give the poor just enough to keep them on their side (votes). In reality the Democrats and Republicans in power right now don't want to share their pie with anyone.

Oh Booo fuckin' hooo.
If you want to keep a man poor, just keep giving him just enough money to stay there.
Of course we need to help people who truly need it. But if a person has their health and they are perpetually on the dole then they need a dose or real reality.

To them, they have reality it's everyone else that doesn't have reality. Their reality is a right to anything they want. We have paid the poor to be poor for a few decades now. The number of poor has increased as a result. We made being poor not bad at all! Now we have something else. Poverty should be made far more comfortable and the poor are entitled to far more goods and services. Not only MORE, but better goods and services.
Explain to me how the poor influenced the "free trade" agreements over the last decade or more? Explain to me how Accounting practices that created ENRON were the poors fault. Explain to me how Bernie Madoff was going to blame his theft on the poor? Explain to me how government corruption is the poors fault? When you can do this I'll admit that all of our problems belong on the poors shoulders. The Poor and the Wealthy have created this mess. Voting Republican and Democrat will ensure that it continues. The real blame for our problems fall squarely on the voting public. We do not demand better. Prove me wrong.
There has been a lot of talk in this country for years about the erosion of the middle class, however when I look at the income distribution in this country today I see that the income of the upper 50% of citizens is 87.3% of all the money earned in the country, and the income of the lower 50% is only 12.7%. There is in fact no middle class in America today; there is only us and them.

There are those who call this country is the land of opportunity, but as I live and breathe today I know without a doubt that this is a lie, it may have been true in the year 1900, but not having lived then I cannot say if it was just as much a lie in those days. The reality is there’s a glass ceiling in this nation at the 50% mark, if one is born above that line, one can have any opportunity under the sun and go as far as ones individual capabilities allow, but if one is born below that line ones only purpose in living so far as American society is concerned, is to work. And furthermore to work always for the benefit and profit of someone born above that 50% line.

Want your kids to go to college? Better be prepared to pay. Contrary to what the upper-class would have you believe federal student aid is of little use, the maximum a person of the lower class may receive is just over 30,000. This may sound like a significant amount to some, however in reality it will not even pay for an education at a state level university, to say nothing of the ivy league. Think your kids smart enough to earn a scholarship? Keep dreaming, the vast majority of scholarships offered are given to children from families who are already above that 50% line. Said scholarships are just given out as free benefits to coax kids with “the right breeding” in, or in some cases to help schools meet their minimum standards under affirmative action. Said scholarships will never go to a child from the lower 50% simply because of the kids own intellect. And as for that federal student aid money you can get, it will just about pay for community college, a degree that will get one nothing except a low level office job at best.

So in what other ways might the lower 50% “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” as republicans like to claim they should?

Want to be a movie star? Better be prepared to pay. The only way to get ones foot “in the door” of Hollywood is to pay an agent, an incredible expense that a performer just entering the field can’t hope to pay unless they are already members of the upper class, already born to that upper 50%. Without an agent, you won’t get laughed out of every studio in town, because you’ll never set foot in one.

Want to write a great movie? Same thing, better get an agent, and don’t think you can afford one unless you make over 100 grand a year already. Without an agent you will never sell a script in Hollywood, but take it from me, if your movies good enough you will darn well get it plagiarized in Hollywood, in fact you can get that in no time flat.

Want to write the great American novel? Better pay out the nose for an agent because without one no legitimate publisher in the country will look at your manuscript, unless it’s to allow an established writer from the upper 50% plagiarize you. Think you’re going to self-publish it? Dream on. The volume of material available for sale on amazon, kindle, and similar sites and services dictates that unless you pay out the nose for advertising, you will have zero sales.

Want to start any kind of business? Go give it a shot. While we have all heard the “success stories”, the reality is that such a small percentage of such ventures succeed as to make the real number of success’s insignificant. Of course good luck getting backing from the banks. The reality is if your born to the upper 50% like that idiot James O’Keefe, the banks will extend you a 50,000 dollar line of credit at the drop of a hat no matter how stupid your business model is, just like it did for him. But if you’re born to the lower 50%, good luck with the banks, No matter how good your business model is! Unlike the studios you will get the chance to be laughed out of every bank in town.

In the end it’s all a lie. If you’re born to the lower class, your sole purpose in this society is to work your ass off for the benefit of the upper class. Frankly I’m at the point where I would love nothing more than for a REAL class war to break out, because as far as I’m concerned that upper 50% can just kiss my fucking ass.

Only us and them.................IDIOT!!!!!
Thatis so untrue. Your life is more challenge, but not country in the world allows for the poor to move up the economic table then America. Certainly not China or Europe.

Here is one route, study hard in free education. Graduate from high school, then apply for scholarships, take out student loans or join the armed forces.

After getting a college education you are n the same footing with the middle and upper middle class kids!

I have known too many rags to the middle class, to know you have no idea what you are talking about.

This is the whole problem with the OWS and socialist movement. You think other people and society owes you everything and hard work and personal accountability mean nothing!
I'll bet that same dollar that slavery is older than war. It doesn't stretch the imagination too far to see family groups taking in orphans, feeding and sheltering them in exchange for work - You don't expect those little bastards to get any of the family inheritance do you? How unfair is that?

War is as old as prostitution. But not as much fun. :lol:

If the first war wasn't over property, it was over pussy.

No. I don't have a link - look around you.​

No argument here.
ALL work is considered a form of slavery to liberals. That's why it can never change.

Very good

and all money "belongs" to the gov't
which is why the liberals think one has to "pay" for a tax cut since
it is unconceivable that there should be less gov't

Less government comes with less population and land mass. When you are willing to give one of those things can talk about less government.

Having a small government manage a big country is a bad idea.
In your opinion

Since Papa Obama has increased spending
there is no room to cut?

Perhaps if started with things like the wasted monies on Solyndra
and the $70,000 the State Dept spent on his books
might be a good place to start
In your opinion

Since Papa Obama has increased spending
there is no room to cut?

Perhaps if started with things like the wasted monies on Solyndra
and the $70,000 the State Dept spent on his books
might be a good place to start

You're funny. Relative to the last administration..Obama's actually cut spending. That will become more dramatic once the trigger kicks in and the Bush tax cuts expire.

Solyndra is a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on Halliburton, Blackwater, the Joint Strike Fighter and Missile defense. Yet somehow Issa picks it as the very first issue to "investigate".

Comedy gold.
In your opinion

Since Papa Obama has increased spending
there is no room to cut?

Perhaps if started with things like the wasted monies on Solyndra
and the $70,000 the State Dept spent on his books
might be a good place to start

You're funny. Relative to the last administration..Obama's actually cut spending. That will become more dramatic once the trigger kicks in and the Bush tax cuts expire.

Solyndra is a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on Halliburton, Blackwater, the Joint Strike Fighter and Missile defense. Yet somehow Issa picks it as the very first issue to "investigate".

Comedy gold.
You're funny. Relative to the last administration..Obama's actually cut spending

That is a fucking lie.

Desperation this early in the morning. damn................r
In your opinion

Since Papa Obama has increased spending
there is no room to cut?

Perhaps if started with things like the wasted monies on Solyndra
and the $70,000 the State Dept spent on his books
might be a good place to start

You're funny. Relative to the last administration..Obama's actually cut spending. That will become more dramatic once the trigger kicks in and the Bush tax cuts expire.

Solyndra is a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on Halliburton, Blackwater, the Joint Strike Fighter and Missile defense. Yet somehow Issa picks it as the very first issue to "investigate".

Comedy gold.

Truth is hard for the left
Bush's national debt rose by an average of $607 billion a year. How does that compare to Obama? During Obama's presidency to date, the national debt has risen by an average of $1.723 trillion a year — or by a jaw-dropping $1.116 trillion more, per year, than it rose even under Bush.
Explain to me how the poor influenced the "free trade" agreements over the last decade or more? Explain to me how Accounting practices that created ENRON were the poors fault. Explain to me how Bernie Madoff was going to blame his theft on the poor? Explain to me how government corruption is the poors fault? When you can do this I'll admit that all of our problems belong on the poors shoulders. The Poor and the Wealthy have created this mess. Voting Republican and Democrat will ensure that it continues. The real blame for our problems fall squarely on the voting public. We do not demand better. Prove me wrong.

Explain to me how the definition of "poor" got to be big screen tvs(plural), x-boxes, cell phones, 7 kids from 5 daddies, and asses as wide as a truck.
Explain to me how the poor influenced the "free trade" agreements over the last decade or more? Explain to me how Accounting practices that created ENRON were the poors fault. Explain to me how Bernie Madoff was going to blame his theft on the poor? Explain to me how government corruption is the poors fault? When you can do this I'll admit that all of our problems belong on the poors shoulders. The Poor and the Wealthy have created this mess. Voting Republican and Democrat will ensure that it continues. The real blame for our problems fall squarely on the voting public. We do not demand better. Prove me wrong.

Explain to me how the definition of "poor" got to be big screen tvs(plural), x-boxes, cell phones, 7 kids from 5 daddies, and asses as wide as a truck.

Key word.........
In your opinion

Since Papa Obama has increased spending
there is no room to cut?

Perhaps if started with things like the wasted monies on Solyndra
and the $70,000 the State Dept spent on his books
might be a good place to start

You're funny. Relative to the last administration..Obama's actually cut spending. That will become more dramatic once the trigger kicks in and the Bush tax cuts expire.

Solyndra is a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on Halliburton, Blackwater, the Joint Strike Fighter and Missile defense. Yet somehow Issa picks it as the very first issue to "investigate".

Comedy gold.

I say enslave OWS because maybe then they would appreciate the dollar - no pun intended.

Can't say it can't be done, but I hope not - A return to slavery would take a generation so destitute that they volunteer servitude in exchange for food and shelter.

:eusa_think: How do y'all feel about welfare recipients picking up trash along the roads?

There would be revolution before that happened.

No American would submit to slavery.
Weren't you just condemning the OP for the same sort of ridiculous hyperbole?

Getting paid to do something is not slavery. Why shouldn't public benefits recipients do something to earn their money?
Can't say it can't be done, but I hope not - A return to slavery would take a generation so destitute that they volunteer servitude in exchange for food and shelter.

:eusa_think: How do y'all feel about welfare recipients picking up trash along the roads?

There would be revolution before that happened.

No American would submit to slavery.
Weren't you just condemning the OP for the same sort of ridiculous hyperbole?

Getting paid to do something is not slavery. Why shouldn't public benefits recipients do something to earn their money?

They do

They continue to vote for Democrats

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