Cain driven by holy spirit


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And over the years he has been directed all over the place. He even say he act spontaneously on many plans since he was 8 years old. Wanted to run against Bush, a minister, etc. Believes no one is poor unless they cannot eat or have shelter. Less than $15,000 he considers poor. He has done nothing to further Black people’s lives. Never been impressed with the Black agenda or the Afro-American experience. Fuzzy math of his 9-9-9 plan punished the poor. Imagine those making $23,000, he plan would as $2,000 to the income taxes. 9% flat tax on income, business and sales? An accountant in Cleveland name Rich Lowrie, his “senior economic advisor” calculated this 9-9-9- plan. Economist figure this plan would bring in $200 billion less than the present plan. 47% of American that presently pay zero in taxes would pay 9%. GE who pay 35% in taxes now would pay 9%. Would eliminate Social Security to private plans with 10% of your income. WTF? Sales tax would only apply to “new stuff” and the poor cannot afford new stuff and would not be taxes on thrift store items. And the poor will have to learn to “stretch” their dollars. LMAO
Cain need to get a new “holy spirit” because the present one is not doing the Hermanator in favors.
9-9-9- plan is a tax raise not even in disguised.

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast
"Yes, brothers and sisters! I'm here to tell you, the HOLY SPIRIT made me grope those women. And they were ASKING for it. Amen. Amen I say!"
Cain driven by holy spirit
We're gonna need to see a Certificate Of EXORCISM, on that one.

[ame=]Sarah Palin's pastor exorcises witches, condemns Jew Bankers - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sarah Palin Gets Protection From Witches - YouTube[/ame]​
And over the years he has been directed all over the place. He even say he act spontaneously on many plans since he was 8 years old. Wanted to run against Bush, a minister, etc. Believes no one is poor unless they cannot eat or have shelter. Less than $15,000 he considers poor. He has done nothing to further Black people’s lives. Never been impressed with the Black agenda or the Afro-American experience. Fuzzy math of his 9-9-9 plan punished the poor. Imagine those making $23,000, he plan would as $2,000 to the income taxes. 9% flat tax on income, business and sales? An accountant in Cleveland name Rich Lowrie, his “senior economic advisor” calculated this 9-9-9- plan. Economist figure this plan would bring in $200 billion less than the present plan. 47% of American that presently pay zero in taxes would pay 9%. GE who pay 35% in taxes now would pay 9%. Would eliminate Social Security to private plans with 10% of your income. WTF? Sales tax would only apply to “new stuff” and the poor cannot afford new stuff and would not be taxes on thrift store items. And the poor will have to learn to “stretch” their dollars. LMAO
Cain need to get a new “holy spirit” because the present one is not doing the Hermanator in favors.
9-9-9- plan is a tax raise not even in disguised.

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast

well...well.. let us see what else we can laugh at from LOL's post.

Cain has done nothing to improve the live's of blacks. Neither has Obama. More citizens are living in poverty than ever before.

Cain never been impressed with the black agenda. What about Obama, the son of a white and a foreigner. How can someone with no slave ancestry be down with the black struggle? Exactly.
When did the Holy Spirit begin driving perversion? Has he taken that lie detector exam yet? Naw, I didn't think so...
Cain driven by holy spirit
We're gonna need to see a Certificate Of EXORCISM, on that one.

[ame=]Sarah Palin's pastor exorcises witches, condemns Jew Bankers - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sarah Palin Gets Protection From Witches - YouTube[/ame]​
Shitipman get's a two 4er deal bash thread.
Bashed Palin which has nothing to do with the thread and waiting on the cain bash,
And over the years he has been directed all over the place. He even say he act spontaneously on many plans since he was 8 years old. Wanted to run against Bush, a minister, etc. Believes no one is poor unless they cannot eat or have shelter. Less than $15,000 he considers poor. He has done nothing to further Black people’s lives. Never been impressed with the Black agenda or the Afro-American experience. Fuzzy math of his 9-9-9 plan punished the poor. Imagine those making $23,000, he plan would as $2,000 to the income taxes. 9% flat tax on income, business and sales? An accountant in Cleveland name Rich Lowrie, his “senior economic advisor” calculated this 9-9-9- plan. Economist figure this plan would bring in $200 billion less than the present plan. 47% of American that presently pay zero in taxes would pay 9%. GE who pay 35% in taxes now would pay 9%. Would eliminate Social Security to private plans with 10% of your income. WTF? Sales tax would only apply to “new stuff” and the poor cannot afford new stuff and would not be taxes on thrift store items. And the poor will have to learn to “stretch” their dollars. LMAO
Cain need to get a new “holy spirit” because the present one is not doing the Hermanator in favors.
9-9-9- plan is a tax raise not even in disguised.

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast

What's his ride?
And over the years he has been directed all over the place. He even say he act spontaneously on many plans since he was 8 years old. Wanted to run against Bush, a minister, etc. Believes no one is poor unless they cannot eat or have shelter. Less than $15,000 he considers poor. He has done nothing to further Black people’s lives. Never been impressed with the Black agenda or the Afro-American experience. Fuzzy math of his 9-9-9 plan punished the poor. Imagine those making $23,000, he plan would as $2,000 to the income taxes. 9% flat tax on income, business and sales? An accountant in Cleveland name Rich Lowrie, his “senior economic advisor” calculated this 9-9-9- plan. Economist figure this plan would bring in $200 billion less than the present plan. 47% of American that presently pay zero in taxes would pay 9%. GE who pay 35% in taxes now would pay 9%. Would eliminate Social Security to private plans with 10% of your income. WTF? Sales tax would only apply to “new stuff” and the poor cannot afford new stuff and would not be taxes on thrift store items. And the poor will have to learn to “stretch” their dollars. LMAO
Cain need to get a new “holy spirit” because the present one is not doing the Hermanator in favors.
9-9-9- plan is a tax raise not even in disguised.

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast

What's his ride?

A 57 Tbird

And over the years he has been directed all over the place. He even say he act spontaneously on many plans since he was 8 years old. Wanted to run against Bush, a minister, etc. Believes no one is poor unless they cannot eat or have shelter. Less than $15,000 he considers poor. He has done nothing to further Black people’s lives. Never been impressed with the Black agenda or the Afro-American experience. Fuzzy math of his 9-9-9 plan punished the poor. Imagine those making $23,000, he plan would as $2,000 to the income taxes. 9% flat tax on income, business and sales? An accountant in Cleveland name Rich Lowrie, his “senior economic advisor” calculated this 9-9-9- plan. Economist figure this plan would bring in $200 billion less than the present plan. 47% of American that presently pay zero in taxes would pay 9%. GE who pay 35% in taxes now would pay 9%. Would eliminate Social Security to private plans with 10% of your income. WTF? Sales tax would only apply to “new stuff” and the poor cannot afford new stuff and would not be taxes on thrift store items. And the poor will have to learn to “stretch” their dollars. LMAO
Cain need to get a new “holy spirit” because the present one is not doing the Hermanator in favors.
9-9-9- plan is a tax raise not even in disguised.

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast

well...well.. let us see what else we can laugh at from LOL's post.

Cain has done nothing to improve the live's of blacks. Neither has Obama. More citizens are living in poverty than ever before.

Cain never been impressed with the black agenda. What about Obama, the son of a white and a foreigner. How can someone with no slave ancestry be down with the black struggle? Exactly.

This statement right here shows the utter stupidity roiling through your feeble brain.
And over the years he has been directed all over the place. He even say he act spontaneously on many plans since he was 8 years old. Wanted to run against Bush, a minister, etc. Believes no one is poor unless they cannot eat or have shelter. Less than $15,000 he considers poor. He has done nothing to further Black people’s lives. Never been impressed with the Black agenda or the Afro-American experience. Fuzzy math of his 9-9-9 plan punished the poor. Imagine those making $23,000, he plan would as $2,000 to the income taxes. 9% flat tax on income, business and sales? An accountant in Cleveland name Rich Lowrie, his “senior economic advisor” calculated this 9-9-9- plan. Economist figure this plan would bring in $200 billion less than the present plan. 47% of American that presently pay zero in taxes would pay 9%. GE who pay 35% in taxes now would pay 9%. Would eliminate Social Security to private plans with 10% of your income. WTF? Sales tax would only apply to “new stuff” and the poor cannot afford new stuff and would not be taxes on thrift store items. And the poor will have to learn to “stretch” their dollars. LMAO
Cain need to get a new “holy spirit” because the present one is not doing the Hermanator in favors.
9-9-9- plan is a tax raise not even in disguised.

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast

well...well.. let us see what else we can laugh at from LOL's post.

Cain has done nothing to improve the live's of blacks. Neither has Obama. More citizens are living in poverty than ever before.

Cain never been impressed with the black agenda. What about Obama, the son of a white and a foreigner. How can someone with no slave ancestry be down with the black struggle? Exactly.

This statement right here shows the utter stupidity roiling through your feeble brain.

Careful with those big words there genius, you might get a brain spasm.

I noticed you didn't call me a racist. Good thing, because I would have written that you spew racist crap all over this board and get a pass due to your race.

Also, how is my statement stupid? Obama is a man of privilege. Raised in paradise by a bank vice president or whatever she was. Educated in the Ivy League and adored by billions. Obama cares no more about the plight of blacks than Jesse Jackson or "Rev" Al. All their years of activism has accomplished what? Exactly.

Feeble brain? Really? Matching wits with you is a cake walk. If an average or higher IQ were a requirement to appear on this messagge board, you and most of your friends would have to find some other place to play.
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The media, left, right, and center, has lost interest in talking about Herman Cain. He's going to need some real supernatural intervention to escape from the toaster at this point.

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