Lies Ladies Tell..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Oh come on Ladies & Gents... which ones are your favorites..

just to get you started...

1) I'm a virgin
2) I'm on my period
3) He's just a friend
4) This is the first time I've ever done this
5) I just broke up with my boyfriend
I haven't got a thing to wear.... (said of a closet to full I have to store my clothes in a box under the bed, the closet and drawers all being full of her stuff)
Oh come on Ladies & Gents... which ones are your favorites..

just to get you started...

1) I'm a virgin
2) I'm on my period
3) He's just a friend
4) This is the first time I've ever done this
5) I just broke up with my boyfriend

6. You look just like Brad Pitt in that speedo
1. I'll call you.
2. I love you.
3. You're the only one.
4. I've never felt this way about anyone else.
5. I've got to work late at the office tonight.
6. That's the best sex I've ever had.
7. You've got the most beautiful eyes
8. No, I'm not married
9. Sorry. I must have left my wallet and credit cards at home.
10. You just have to believe me when I tell you nothing's wrong.
11. I'm ready to make a commitment.
12. Except for a beer or two, I never drink.
13. My husband and I haven't had sex in years.
14. We'll get married as soon as I ...
15. I'll be home in twenty minutes. 16. It's not that I don't care - I just have to spend more time with my kids.
17. I've only slept with maybe ten men in my entire life.
18. I've been celibate since we broke up.
19. I could never lie to you.
20. I can still last all night
21. I'm always on the pill
22. I can help you get a great job in my company (field)
23. I haven't seen him since she and I broke up
24. I tested HIV negative
25. I haven't seen him since he and I broke up
26. The only sexual fantasies I have are about you
27. No, I don't think your thighs (stomach, breasts, hips, etc.) are too big
28. I'm too tired
29. How could you think I'd be interested in him? He's your best friend
30. When it comes to oral sex, I'm the best
31. I've never had any trouble keeping an promise before
32. It's you and me, babe - we'll make love all over Europe
33. I'd never do anything to hurt you.
34. I want to grow old with you
35. Believe me, my husband and I live very separate lives
36. Our having sex won't change a thing between us
37. Don't worry, I've had a vasectomy
38. I'm going to leave my husband
39. You're nothing at all like my father
40. Your being a different religion doesn't matter to me
41. It doesn't bother me that you make more money than I do
42. Even without sex, we'd still be friends
43. I think older men are the most exciting
44. I'm considered one of the top people (in my field, in the company)
45. What attracts me to you is your mind
46. We'll split all the child care and household chores fifty-fifty
47. Of course I don't mind that you didn't come
48. I've never had an affair before
49. You're the only one who understands me
50. I've never been in therapy
51. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me
52. No, I'm not seeing anyone else
53. I haven't thought about her (old boyfriend) in years
54. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not having an affair?
55. Your career is as important as mine
56. I promise you that I'll change
57. I want us to remain close friends always
58. My husband and I have an understanding
59. You're wonderful; you deserve someone better than me
60. I don't masturbate
61. Let's be friends first
62. When you walked through that door, I knew it was the real thing
63. I'd like you even if you were a woman
64. It's okay to be good looking, but looks just don't mean that much to me
65. The difference between us will bring us even closer
66. I spend everything I earn on you and the kids
67. No, I never said that
68. You make me feel like a kid again
69. I'm going out with the boys (to the gym, to the office)
70. I'll move wherever you want
71. Of course I'm not bored with you
72. As soon as I finish this project (get a promotion, a raise, make partner), we'll......
73. You've got more sex appeal in your little toe than my husband's got in his whole body
74. It wouldn't be you and me anymore if I used one of those
75. Let's pool our assets - whatever is mine is yours
76. I still find you just as attractive as the day I met you
77. Divorce is the farthest thing from my mind
78. Sure, I'll watch the kids
79. It's not just the sex I want, it's being close to you.
80. We'll be spending a lot of time together when I retire
81. You're the only reason I've worked so hard
82. If I didn't have all this work, you know I'd go with you and the kids to your mom's
83. No one's ever turned me on like you do
84. My boss says there's nothing to worry about
85. I'll never tell
86. Relax, he's just a friend
87. This is just a temporary separation until we get things worked out
88. Your hair (dress, outfit) looks fantastic
89. It was just sex - it didn't mean a thing
90. Of course I'm listening to what you're saying
91. Come on in and we'll just cuddle for a few minutes
92. No, I don't think you're fat
93. You're the woman I should have married
94. I'm going to be focusing on my work for a while now.
95. I guarantee you, I'm not the mother
96. Your having kids has nothing to do with my not wanting to get married
97. I'm not ashamed of the way you talk (look, act, etc.)
98. It's nothing personal; I just don't like sharing my living space with someone
99. This time I'm really serious
100. Honestly, honey, it's just for the girls - none of the husbands go to the conference

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