Liar! Liar ... Democrats on Fire ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
You bet your bippy.No Laugh-in matter.Yet these drool
Democrats have a real problemo.They truly believe in
the absurd notion of " doubling down ".Obvioulsy making
little to no sense except in a Sci-fi flick.A cheap one.
It cost Hillary the Election in 2016.
It cost the Mass Public in the evils of managing a pandemic.
Or with BLM protests.Or the way the Biden team prepared for
the 2020 Presidency.They basically allowed their guy { Joe Biden }
to Hide instead of bring out vigorousloy campaigning as is
Donald John Trump's mindset.I heard a really good interview
by a terrific U.S. Senator yesterday on Hugh Hewitt's morning talk
radio program.It was Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson { in the senate since
2011.He was sitting next to Donald John Trump on air force one
having a really nice time.For around an hour.Johnson confirming
what most MAGA fans know and appreciate.How entertaining and
funny the 45th Potus of the United States really is.HE IS The American,human
version of an Energizer bunny.Whether Easter,Christmas or the 4th of July.
Johnson was also asked by Hewitt whether he felt Trump was in effect
auditioning him for his V.P. spot.Johnson was true to form.He was
honest to a fault.Knowing how the state of Wisconsin is extremely
Democrat.Also to a fault.Therein Lies the God's honest truth.
Therefore not much chance of Trump picking a guy { no matter
how wonderful a human being } as his V.P.
There are things in Politics that depend on being prudent.
One cannot conquer the habits of lying by doubling down.
Do not let Prejudice be a shining light.
{ Prejudices } 1922
" No man ever quite believes in any other man. "
-- H.L. Mencken
If anyone paid close attention Donald John Trump is
certainly no " any other man."
You bet your bippy.No Laugh-in matter.Yet these drool
Democrats have a real problemo.They truly believe in
the absurd notion of " doubling down ".Obvioulsy making
little to no sense except in a Sci-fi flick.A cheap one.
It cost Hillary the Election in 2016.
It cost the Mass Public in the evils of managing a pandemic.
Or with BLM protests.Or the way the Biden team prepared for
the 2020 Presidency.They basically allowed their guy { Joe Biden }
to Hide instead of bring out vigorousloy campaigning as is
Donald John Trump's mindset.I heard a really good interview
by a terrific U.S. Senator yesterday on Hugh Hewitt's morning talk
radio program.It was Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson { in the senate since
2011.He was sitting next to Donald John Trump on air force one
having a really nice time.For around an hour.Johnson confirming
what most MAGA fans know and appreciate.How entertaining and
funny the 45th Potus of the United States really is.HE IS The American,human
version of an Energizer bunny.Whether Easter,Christmas or the 4th of July.
Johnson was also asked by Hewitt whether he felt Trump was in effect
auditioning him for his V.P. spot.Johnson was true to form.He was
honest to a fault.Knowing how the state of Wisconsin is extremely
Democrat.Also to a fault.Therein Lies the God's honest truth.
Therefore not much chance of Trump picking a guy { no matter
how wonderful a human being } as his V.P.
There are things in Politics that depend on being prudent.
One cannot conquer the habits of lying by doubling down.
Do not let Prejudice be a shining light.
{ Prejudices } 1922
" No man ever quite believes in any other man. "
-- H.L. Mencken
If anyone paid close attention Donald John Trump is
certainly no " any other man."
/---/ Not quite sure what point you're making.
/---/ Not quite sure what point you're making.
Not as stark as the obvious jail movie :
- Riot in Cell Block 11 - { 1954 } with an all-star
cast of heavies { Neville Brand,Leo Gordon,Emile Meyer }
Where prison living conditions cause the cellmates to
About as much a hoot or riot as Biden is running
our country into the ground.
Strangely the Prison inmates do not rely on Lying.
In point of fact,it's Lying that is most conflicting to and
for them.

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