Let's Hear It For America's (Liberal) Educators!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I'd pick the time frame at about two generations since the Left, Liberalism, Inc., has assumed total control of the American education industry......

...and since then we've witnessed American student's scores on international tests plummet.

Depressing, huh?

One Liberal plan after another....from self-esteem movement, to the 'mastery' movement, to discipline protocols based on skin-color.....
...abject failures all.

But no longer!

American (Liberal) educators have finally found a way to raise student's scores!
Finally......an endeavor that works! It works with every ethnicity....every age....every ability!

There is one teeny-weeny problem......

1. "11 former Atlanta educators convicted in cheating scandal

2. ATLANTA (AP) — In one of the biggest cheating scandals of its kind in the U.S., ... public school educators were convicted Wednesday of racketeering for their role in a scheme to inflate students' scores on standardized exams.

3. ... teachers, a principal and other administrators, were accused of falsifying test results to collect bonuses or keep their jobs in the 50,000-student Atlanta school system.

4. The racketeering charges carry up to 20 years in prison.

5. .... absolutely the biggest development in American education law since forever," said University of Georgia law professor Ron Carlson.

6. ....as far back as 2005, educators fed answers to students or erased and changed answers on tests after they were turned in. Evidence of cheating was found in 44 schools with nearly 180 educators involved, and teachers who tried to report it were threatened with retaliation.

7. Similar cheating scandals have erupted in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Nevada and other public school systems around the country in recent years,...."
11 former Atlanta educators convicted in cheating scandal - Yahoo News

On the bright side....
.....what better way to produce reliable Democrat voters?
Well this is an easy fix.

1). Make it mandatory teachers only get to teach to the test. That's it. Everyone teacher knows exactly what is on the test and teaches only to it.
2) Have highly paid proctor come in to give the test.

If we are going to judge teachers by test scores then what teacher in their right minds wouldn't teach solely to that test. Every day, every minute, every hour spent teaching only those things on the test.f Perhaps teachers could be given scripts to read aloud (a new script every day) so that this is ensured. All we would need is low paid people who can read to read aloud from the script and assign problems only found on the test. Then kids could take the test. The script could be written by the most conservative, corporate favored, anti environment groups. The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids. If you are not going to permit teachers to teach solely to the test, then the whole concept of high stakes testing is flawed. If you are going to tell a teafher their job depends on test scores, then by all means if I were a principal I would ensure the whole school does nothing every day but hammer on what is on the test. Anything like American history, art, stuff like that would be scrapped.
Well this is an easy fix.

1). Make it mandatory teachers only get to teach to the test. That's it. Everyone teacher knows exactly what is on the test and teaches only to it.
2) Have highly paid proctor come in to give the test.

then what teacher in their right minds wouldn't teach solely to that test. Every day, every minute, every hour spent teaching only those things on the test.f Perhaps teachers could be given scripts to read aloud (a new script every day) so that this is ensured. All we would need is low paid people who can read to read aloud from the script and assign problems only found on the test. Then kids could take the test. The script could be written by the most conservative, corporate favored, anti environment groups. The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids. If you are not going to permit teachers to teach solely to the test, then the whole concept of high stakes testing is flawed. If you are going to tell a teafher their job depends on test scores, then by all means if I were a principal I would ensure the whole school does nothing every day but hammer on what is on the test. Anything like American history, art, stuff like that would be scrapped.

1. Let's hear what someone who knows what he is talking about....you know, as opposed to you...

“Teaching to the test” is deplored in education circles, although that complaint is easily answered: if the test faithfully mirrors the skills and knowledge set out in the standards, then preparing one’s pupils to ace such a test is an honorable mission!"
Chester Finn

  1. Chester Evans Finn, Jr., is a former professor of education, an educational policy analyst, and a former United States Assistant Secretary of Education. He is currently the president of the nonprofit Thomas B. Fordham Foundation in Washington, D.C. Wikipedia

c. Accountability, based on the incentives that are provided for performance. And the sanctions for nonperformance, with a system that fairly apportions responsibility.

2. "If we are going to judge teachers by test scores, blah blah blah...."
One can easily see that you have been 'taught' by the sort of teachers noted in the OP.....'cause you can't even read.
These felons didn't teach....they simply faked the exam papers.

3. "Then kids could take the test. The script could be written by the most conservative, corporate favored, anti environment groups."
Based on the results achieved since Liberals assumed control of 'education,' it seems unlikely that any other....ANY OTHER....perspectives running schools could do worse.

4. "The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius.
But wait!!

Not just teachers.....the whole (Liberal) education structure was involved!

8. "Thirty-five Atlanta educators in all were indicted in 2013 on charges including racketeering, making false statements and theft. Many pleaded guilty, and some testified at the trial.

9. Former Atlanta School Superintendent Beverly Hall was among those charged.... she was among higher-ups pressuring them to inflate students' scores to show gains in achievement ...

9. Hall served as superintendent for more than a decade, which is rare for a big-city schools chief. She was named Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators in 2009 and credited with raising student test scores and graduation rates, particularly among the district's poor and minority students.

10. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that some scores were statistically improbable. In a video message to the staff before she retired, Hall said: "I am confident that aggressive, swift action will be taken against anyone who believed so little in our students and in our system of support that they turned to dishonesty as the only option."
11 former Atlanta educators convicted in cheating scandal - Yahoo News
".... Former Atlanta School Superintendent Beverly Hall was among those charged...She was named Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators in 2009 and credited with raising student test scores and graduation rates,...."

Great the way Liberals just love giving awards to each other.....

I can't imagine why the American Association of School Administrators wouldn't giver here another award....maybe alter it to 'Felonious Superintendent of the Year'.....after all, she did 'raise student scores.'

But....having passed on to a different (final) reward.....she isn't available to accept this one....They could mail it....as long as it was printed on asbestos....

Hey.....remember when the Nobel folks gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for tying his shoes?

And who can forget the awards given to the NYTimes fake, Paul Krugman.

Oh...and speaking of the NYTimes....and fake awards....there was the ever-popular Walter Duranty who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932.

He reported in the NYTimes “there is no famine (in the Ukraine)”while 7 –10 million were starved to death. In his New York Times articles (including one published on March 31, 1933), Duranty repeatedly denied the existence of a Ukrainian famine in 1932–33. In an August 24, 1933 article in NYT, he claimed "any report of a famine is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda.
And who knows 'propaganda' better than a Liberals....and in this case, a Stalin lap-dog.

"And despite the fact that Duranty has been found to be one of the greatest and most dangerous liars in the history of journalism, the Times still proudly displays him as a Pulitzer winner."
The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine Holodomor

So....why wouldn't Liberals give Superintendent Hall a posthum
ous award?
The above story should serve as a cautionary tale....and teach the Liberal educational industry to stop using underhanded methods in place of actual teaching.

While said underhanded menthods have proven to be a boon in other Liberal endeavors, such as media manipulation and election victories, Liberal teachers should stick to what they do best:

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT)passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjustincarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamalrepresents a threat to thecivil rightsof all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events
Decades of lowered standards and they STILL have to cheat to pass!

Why can't we just copy Korea or Norway's Education System in English?

Not Japan though, they have a Prussian Education System like us, churning out drones.
Decades of lowered standards and they STILL have to cheat to pass!

Why can't we just copy Korea or Norway's Education System in English?

Not Japan though, they have a Prussian Education System like us, churning out drones.

"Why can't we just copy Korea or Norway's Education System in English?"

C'mon, Maddy.....you know why.


Until I become Absolute Queen of America, the personification of the Constitution, this will continue.

Or....I would accept this statutory redress: no Liberal, Progressive, socialist, or Democrat.....no totalitarian of any stripe, will be allowed in any decison making, or position of power in the nation.

I've analyzed my failure as a write-in candidate, and believe it is related to my campaign promise to have everyone's auto license plate be their cell phone number, so that I can immediately notify everyone of what they are doing wrong as they drive in front of me....

Think that could be it?
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.
Finland has it figured out. ?They are light years ahead of us in more ways than just education.
perhap0s Atlanta needs to teach to the test. quit wasting time on things like history and the arts. You expertise is in question big time.
I would say about a third of teachers I had were liberal. Perhaps a quarter conservative or libertarian, and the rest indeterminate.
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.

1. I homeschool my children.
2. Homeschool mothers volunteer to teach classes in our co-ops.
I do.

So...now I own everything you owned?
Maybe Goodwill will take it.....

3. I challenged you earlier:
"The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius."

You ran and hid, huh, girly-man?
Last edited:
I would say about a third of teachers I had were liberal. Perhaps a quarter conservative or libertarian, and the rest indeterminate.

This post of yours seems a diaphanous attempt to deny that the 'education industry' is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Inc.

'Fess up....and stick to the truth.
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.

1. I homeschool my children.
2. Homeschool mothers volunteer to teach classes in our coops.
I do.

So...now I own everything you owned?
Maybe Goodwill will take it.....

3. I challenged you earlier:
"The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius."

You ran and hid, huh, girly-man?
You home school?

So what do you do....send them off to read political propoganda while you sit on your duff all day on the internet posting political propoganda?

Or wait....

In honor of your never having an original thought, theyre actually constructing these OP's for you and receiving some sort of credit?

The above story should serve as a cautionary tale....and teach the Liberal educational industry to stop using underhanded methods in place of actual teaching.

While said underhanded menthods have proven to be a boon in other Liberal endeavors, such as media manipulation and election victories, Liberal teachers should stick to what they do best:

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT)passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjustincarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamalrepresents a threat to thecivil rightsof all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

When Bush invited Kennedy (Murderer - MA) to write the Education Bill is exactly why and when I consigned Bush43 down to the Ninth Circle with the other traitors. We had a golden opportunity to restore educational freedom and take young minds out of the hands of the Statists. My error was not recognizing that the son was as evil as the Father.
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.

1. I homeschool my children.
2. Homeschool mothers volunteer to teach classes in our coops.
I do.

So...now I own everything you owned?
Maybe Goodwill will take it.....

3. I challenged you earlier:
"The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius."

You ran and hid, huh, girly-man?
You home school?

So what do you do....send them off to read political propoganda while you sit on your duff all day on the internet posting political propoganda?

Or wait....

In honor of your never having an original thought, theyre actually constructing these OP's for you and receiving some sort of credit?


GT stick with stuff you know. This bitter frustration of yours is really ugly
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.

1. I homeschool my children.
2. Homeschool mothers volunteer to teach classes in our coops.
I do.

So...now I own everything you owned?
Maybe Goodwill will take it.....

3. I challenged you earlier:
"The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius."

You ran and hid, huh, girly-man?
You home school?

So what do you do....send them off to read political propoganda while you sit on your duff all day on the internet posting political propoganda?

Or wait....

In honor of your never having an original thought, theyre actually constructing these OP's for you and receiving some sort of credit?


Serious question....

How important is the fact that you have a 75 IQ in explaining your lack of respect for your betters?
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.

1. I homeschool my children.
2. Homeschool mothers volunteer to teach classes in our coops.
I do.

So...now I own everything you owned?
Maybe Goodwill will take it.....

3. I challenged you earlier:
"The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius."

You ran and hid, huh, girly-man?
You home school?

So what do you do....send them off to read political propoganda while you sit on your duff all day on the internet posting political propoganda?

Or wait....

In honor of your never having an original thought, theyre actually constructing these OP's for you and receiving some sort of credit?


GT stick with stuff you know. This bitter frustration of yours is really ugly
Ive forgotten more than youll ever know, jaded old man.
Yes all kids will fall at your alter and yearn for you to fill them with knowledge, I would bet everything I own that you wouldn't last a day in a classroom without folding up like a cheap suit but I do hand it to you that you do talk a goo game.

1. I homeschool my children.
2. Homeschool mothers volunteer to teach classes in our coops.
I do.

So...now I own everything you owned?
Maybe Goodwill will take it.....

3. I challenged you earlier:
"The extreme fallacy of test scores is the new cool aid being swallowed by stupid American parents who are too busy working to properly parent their kids."
The only fallacy apparent is the mistake view that you have a brain.
Simple enough to prove me wrong: outline how society would judge the efficacy of any system sans examinations.

Go ahead, genius."

You ran and hid, huh, girly-man?
You home school?

So what do you do....send them off to read political propoganda while you sit on your duff all day on the internet posting political propoganda?

Or wait....

In honor of your never having an original thought, theyre actually constructing these OP's for you and receiving some sort of credit?


Serious question....

How important is the fact that you have a 75 IQ in explaining your lack of respect for your betters?
When did you escape your white jacket?

Youre a full time message board poster slash propogandist and claim you also home school someone?

My fucking eye.

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