Sick of Islam being promoted to young people


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam. They leave out the fact that the Islam god was nothing but a murderer and a pedophile who married a little girl. The schools aren't teaching a basic history of religion. They are teaching children that Islam is the only true one. They want students to remember the tenets of Islam. One school had them create their own prayer rug and then use it to pray to the Muslim god. They teach that the Muslim god is the only true god, not that it's merely what Muslims believe. It's bullshit and the kids are being taught to respect Islam while it's been claimed that the pages in the book for other religions were accidentally left out. Bullshit.

Of course, the radical CAIR is already accusing the parents of hatred because they aren't willing to allow schools to convert their son to Islam. If schools were telling children that other religons were the only true ones or making children cite the 10 commandments or recite specific parts of the bible, the left would go into a rage. Teaching Islam is worse because it has been the most violent of all by far.

"Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.

The father said, "The audacity of this school, to think that they can sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please; it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at least, that’s not the case."

Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.

Notice that the students are not taught about the violent history of Islam, the killings of hundreds of thousands who would not convert, the subjugation of other faiths, the persecution of women, who for example are required to produce 5 male witnesses to prove crimes such as rape, and are required to wear burkas. None of this is taught, just the religious "tenets" of Islam.

The father continued, "What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam." "
Sick of Islam being promoted to young people

This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam.

I know whatcha mean. When I was a sprout they were pushing Christianism and the teachers left out the violence in that too.
Well, except for the violence they inflicted in class, but I mean historically. I had to go find all that out on my own.
I am currently taking history and they're making early islam look like the civilized ones. Pretty much another Greece or Rome was Baghdad.
Schools edit out the violence associated with all religions.

Baghdad was the center of a great civilization, true, but it was a violent civilization, as was Athens, Rome, Paris, London.....!

Public school education is a farce; texts make the man-eating Aztecs come across as flower children.

No wonder we can't compete with the rest of the world like we used to.
I've only ever had one openly liberal teacher. It was in eighth grade, and he was allegedly our geography teacher. I say allegedly because he told us at the beginning of the year that he'd be throwing out the curriculum and using his own. Instead of geography we spent a semester learning about the Holocaust and the Civil Rights era and a semester learning the basic doctrines of Islam and performing the pillars for a grade. Our hajj was a board game called The Road to Mecca. Our zakat was any act of service. I don't think he really understood the religion he was trying to teach us. He clearly wasn't Muslim himself. Just a liberal white guy trying to make his class of Southern Christians more open minded.
This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam. They leave out the fact that the Islam god was nothing but a murderer and a pedophile who married a little girl. The schools aren't teaching a basic history of religion. They are teaching children that Islam is the only true one. They want students to remember the tenets of Islam. One school had them create their own prayer rug and then use it to pray to the Muslim god. They teach that the Muslim god is the only true god, not that it's merely what Muslims believe. It's bullshit and the kids are being taught to respect Islam while it's been claimed that the pages in the book for other religions were accidentally left out. Bullshit.

Of course, the radical CAIR is already accusing the parents of hatred because they aren't willing to allow schools to convert their son to Islam. If schools were telling children that other religons were the only true ones or making children cite the 10 commandments or recite specific parts of the bible, the left would go into a rage. Teaching Islam is worse because it has been the most violent of all by far.

"Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.

The father said, "The audacity of this school, to think that they can sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please; it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at least, that’s not the case."

Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.

Notice that the students are not taught about the violent history of Islam, the killings of hundreds of thousands who would not convert, the subjugation of other faiths, the persecution of women, who for example are required to produce 5 male witnesses to prove crimes such as rape, and are required to wear burkas. None of this is taught, just the religious "tenets" of Islam.

The father continued, "What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam." "
Oh, the five pillars of Islam, how terrible: Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

These poor children must be traumatized for life...
This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam. They leave out the fact that the Islam god was nothing but a murderer and a pedophile who married a little girl. The schools aren't teaching a basic history of religion. They are teaching children that Islam is the only true one. They want students to remember the tenets of Islam. One school had them create their own prayer rug and then use it to pray to the Muslim god. They teach that the Muslim god is the only true god, not that it's merely what Muslims believe. It's bullshit and the kids are being taught to respect Islam while it's been claimed that the pages in the book for other religions were accidentally left out. Bullshit.

Of course, the radical CAIR is already accusing the parents of hatred because they aren't willing to allow schools to convert their son to Islam. If schools were telling children that other religons were the only true ones or making children cite the 10 commandments or recite specific parts of the bible, the left would go into a rage. Teaching Islam is worse because it has been the most violent of all by far.

"Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.

The father said, "The audacity of this school, to think that they can sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please; it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at least, that’s not the case."

Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.

Notice that the students are not taught about the violent history of Islam, the killings of hundreds of thousands who would not convert, the subjugation of other faiths, the persecution of women, who for example are required to produce 5 male witnesses to prove crimes such as rape, and are required to wear burkas. None of this is taught, just the religious "tenets" of Islam.

The father continued, "What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam." "
Oh, the five pillars of Islam, how terrible: Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

These poor children must be traumatized for life...
Of course, you would be outraged to hear of a class required to learn the Ten Commandments.
This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam. They leave out the fact that the Islam god was nothing but a murderer and a pedophile who married a little girl. The schools aren't teaching a basic history of religion. They are teaching children that Islam is the only true one. They want students to remember the tenets of Islam. One school had them create their own prayer rug and then use it to pray to the Muslim god. They teach that the Muslim god is the only true god, not that it's merely what Muslims believe. It's bullshit and the kids are being taught to respect Islam while it's been claimed that the pages in the book for other religions were accidentally left out. Bullshit.

Of course, the radical CAIR is already accusing the parents of hatred because they aren't willing to allow schools to convert their son to Islam. If schools were telling children that other religons were the only true ones or making children cite the 10 commandments or recite specific parts of the bible, the left would go into a rage. Teaching Islam is worse because it has been the most violent of all by far.

"Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.

The father said, "The audacity of this school, to think that they can sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please; it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at least, that’s not the case."

Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.

Notice that the students are not taught about the violent history of Islam, the killings of hundreds of thousands who would not convert, the subjugation of other faiths, the persecution of women, who for example are required to produce 5 male witnesses to prove crimes such as rape, and are required to wear burkas. None of this is taught, just the religious "tenets" of Islam.

The father continued, "What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam." "
Oh, the five pillars of Islam, how terrible: Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

These poor children must be traumatized for life...
Wait, what happened to keeping religion out of schools?
This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam. They leave out the fact that the Islam god was nothing but a murderer and a pedophile who married a little girl. The schools aren't teaching a basic history of religion. They are teaching children that Islam is the only true one. They want students to remember the tenets of Islam. One school had them create their own prayer rug and then use it to pray to the Muslim god. They teach that the Muslim god is the only true god, not that it's merely what Muslims believe. It's bullshit and the kids are being taught to respect Islam while it's been claimed that the pages in the book for other religions were accidentally left out. Bullshit.

Of course, the radical CAIR is already accusing the parents of hatred because they aren't willing to allow schools to convert their son to Islam. If schools were telling children that other religons were the only true ones or making children cite the 10 commandments or recite specific parts of the bible, the left would go into a rage. Teaching Islam is worse because it has been the most violent of all by far.

"Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.

The father said, "The audacity of this school, to think that they can sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please; it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at least, that’s not the case."

Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.

Notice that the students are not taught about the violent history of Islam, the killings of hundreds of thousands who would not convert, the subjugation of other faiths, the persecution of women, who for example are required to produce 5 male witnesses to prove crimes such as rape, and are required to wear burkas. None of this is taught, just the religious "tenets" of Islam.

The father continued, "What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam." "
Oh, the five pillars of Islam, how terrible: Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

These poor children must be traumatized for life...
Wait, what happened to keeping religion out of schools?
Comparative religion should be taught in schools, all schools. People kill people because of it. What gets kept out is Christian Proselytizing, which so many want to do.
Why can't we just include them only in their historical context and leave it at that? They can learn religion at masjid or temple or whatever. School is about teachings facts.
Why can't we just include them only in their historical context and leave it at that? They can learn religion at masjid or temple or whatever. School is about teachings facts.
That might have been the case at one time.

The purpose of school today is agitation and propaganda.

Why do you think our kids cannot compete with Third World peasants in the global job market?

They all know how to put a condom on a banana, but, lack the skills to earn either or the sense to use the condoms.
Why can't we just include them only in their historical context and leave it at that? They can learn religion at masjid or temple or whatever. School is about teachings facts.
Comparative religion is facts, dumbass. And school is not just about facts, it's about learning, and learning about learning, and learning to get along with others in your society, which is why I support Public Schools, where you learn along with your fellow citizens, not a select group or religious or rich kids.
Oh, the five pillars of Islam, how terrible: Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

These poor children must be traumatized for life...

No, the only ones traumatized are those who endure genital mutilation, are forced to marry as children to the pedophiles of islam or spend their life with no rights serving the men.

Maybe for men, it's okay, but not for girls and women. I'd say it's downright traumatic, but of course they never know what they are missing. For anyone who has tasted freedom and liberty, life as a Muslim female would be pure hell.

Teaching religion in schools is crossing the line and that goes for all religions. If the schools are going to cover the subject, they should do an overview of everything and stick to facts. Telling children that the muslim god is the only true god and not specifying that it is merely something that muslims believe is indoctrination and not teaching.

We all know that if students were told that the Christian God is the only god and then made students learn the 10 commandments and quote scripture, the left would have a collective seizure.

Some schools claimed that there was a mistake when the books were published and the pages containing information on other religions was accidentally left out. CAIR is influencing education in the states and of course they do not tolerate other religions and their goal is to push islam. Fuck them and the rest of the radicals.
Why can't we just include them only in their historical context and leave it at that? They can learn religion at masjid or temple or whatever. School is about teachings facts.
That might have been the case at one time.

The purpose of school today is agitation and propaganda.

Why do you think our kids cannot compete with Third World peasants in the global job market?

They all know how to put a condom on a banana, but, lack the skills to earn either or the sense to use the condoms.
Oh, the five pillars of Islam, how terrible: Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

These poor children must be traumatized for life...

No, the only ones traumatized are those who endure genital mutilation, are forced to marry as children to the pedophiles of islam or spend their life with no rights serving the men.

Maybe for men, it's okay, but not for girls and women. I'd say it's downright traumatic, but of course they never know what they are missing. For anyone who has tasted freedom and liberty, life as a Muslim female would be pure hell.

Teaching religion in schools is crossing the line and that goes for all religions. If the schools are going to cover the subject, they should do an overview of everything and stick to facts. Telling children that the muslim god is the only true god and not specifying that it is merely something that muslims believe is indoctrination and not teaching.

We all know that if students were told that the Christian God is the only god and then made students learn the 10 commandments and quote scripture, the left would have a collective seizure.

Some schools claimed that there was a mistake when the books were published and the pages containing information on other religions was accidentally left out. CAIR is influencing education in the states and of course they do not tolerate other religions and their goal is to push islam. Fuck them and the rest of the radicals.
Take off the tinfoil hat and stop reading right-wing propaganda.
By watching this video, you would think its from Middleeast... Nope, its Birmingham, England.

Why can't we just include them only in their historical context and leave it at that? They can learn religion at masjid or temple or whatever. School is about teachings facts.
That might have been the case at one time.

The purpose of school today is agitation and propaganda.

Why do you think our kids cannot compete with Third World peasants in the global job market?

They all know how to put a condom on a banana, but, lack the skills to earn either or the sense to use the condoms.
I highly doubt western youth will be becoming Muslims on mass anytime soon
Sick of Islam being promoted to young people

This is pretty blatant. The teachers leave out the violence that defines Islam.

I know whatcha mean. When I was a sprout they were pushing Christianism and the teachers left out the violence in that too.
Well, except for the violence they inflicted in class, but I mean historically. I had to go find all that out on my own.
I didn't believe in god, and if I ever did I lost such beliefs growing up. I view religions like an ideology prone to abuse.

Reciting prayers that you don't believe in, is like speaking gibberish, and as far as prayers are concerned - they hold no power if you don't believe the words you are reciting.
By watching this video, you would think its from Middleeast... Nope, its Birmingham, England.

Why can't we just include them only in their historical context and leave it at that? They can learn religion at masjid or temple or whatever. School is about teachings facts.
That might have been the case at one time.

The purpose of school today is agitation and propaganda.

Why do you think our kids cannot compete with Third World peasants in the global job market?

They all know how to put a condom on a banana, but, lack the skills to earn either or the sense to use the condoms.
I highly doubt western youth will be becoming Muslims on mass anytime soon

You may be right, but I wasn't talking about western youth.
The Islam god is the same as the Christian and Jewish god. I knew it is a murderer but didn't know about the paedophilia.
Young people in the Western world are not stupid.

They are standing by their Judeo-Christian faith!

Make no mistake about it!

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