Left Says to Taylor Swift "No White People Can Have a Good Year!"


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
For all of us who like skinny babes..... Taylor Swift is hot.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
I am sorry that you didn't have a good year. I am glad that Taylor Swift did. Certainly she was speaking subjectively. For her it was a good year, It was for me too. But it was also a year fraught with strife and unhappiness. Objectivity and subjectivity. Taylor may not be great at abstract thought or reasoning. She sings does she have to be a genius too?
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
I am sorry that you didn't have a good year. I am glad that Taylor Swift did. Certainly she was speaking subjectively. For her it was a good year, It was for me too. But it was also a year fraught with strife and unhappiness. Objectivity and subjectivity. Taylor may not be great at abstract thought or reasoning. She sings does she have to be a genius too?
Strife and unhappiness brought about by regressive liberals and the lying media.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
That was really stupid. Life goes on, despite who sits in the distant WH.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
The Regressives have completely lost their shit, consumed in White Guilt and skin color.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
This thread is useless without pics!!!
I'm old enough to know that for the most part people CHOOSE to be either happy or otherwise.

There are always things going on around you that are sad and tragic and outrageous, along with an equal number of things that are happy, heartening, and miraculous. Revel in what you want.

Jesus, thank you for not making me a Leftist.

And I second the vote on Taylor Swift being pretty hot.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​

This is what bothers me with the progressives. If politics aren't swinging in their direction, then anybody who's happy is problematic. It's so insanely arrogant.

And "the rest of us are fighting for our lives under Trump" takes the fucking cake. Who's Trump out there killing? Have murder rates risen significantly in the last year? Has he turned the military loose on the citizenry and I just managed not to hear about it?

I'm not a big Trump supporter, but when I talk politics lately I find myself defending him left and right because the anti Trump'ers are too hysterical to even make accurate criticisms. They just throw out these crazy hyperbolic accusations about genocide and fascism and call me names when I disagree.
MORE proof the leftists/lib/''etc'' are so obsessed with Trump, race, etc that it warps their minds
so they bring up the '''evil''' white extremists/nazis who have murdered a whopping 77 people--since 1995
but they fail to mention blacks who murder over 3000--every YEAR
...not only obsessed, but lying propagandists

there it is again--according to the article, straight-white people are '''evil'''
It hasn't been a great year for the Left. The fat lady sang, their master was revealed as a flatulent cupcake, and no one's dream came true.

2018 will be worse.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
I had a great 2017.
One thing to remember, the left wing is always pissed about something.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
I did very well in 2017 without doing anything, the stock market did it for me. It sure beat the previous 8 years.

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