Federal agents provoked the standoffs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Eliminate the BLM and the USFS. Get rid of them. They are goons and freaks.
The prosecution has for years said that the Bundys were not being targeted for harassment or abuse. However the judge has essentially shut the trial down as piles of evidence that was not turned over to the defense has come to her attention...and which proves everything the defendants claim is true.

Yes, there were snipers around the ranch. Yes they were targeting them and harassing them.

"Federal agents provoked a showdown with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy that might have turned deadly, according to a former government investigator assigned to examine the 2014 armed standoff.

"The revelation, in a memo from the former investigator, could impact Mr. Bundy’s high-profile trial now under way in Las Vegas.

"In the November 2017 memo to the Justice Department, Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Larry “Clint” Wooten said BLM supervisor Daniel Love oversaw a “punitive and ego-driven” law-enforcement buildup at Mr. Bundy’s ranch that included at least one sniper, as well as officers with long-range rifles.

"He also alleged widespread unprofessional behavior in the operation. He reported that Mr. Love kept a “kill list” of people under BLM scrutiny who had committed suicide; other agents mocked Mr. Bundy and his supporters."

Federal Agents Provoked Nevada Rancher Standoff, Memo Says

Anybody who lives in the rural areas of our country where blm and usfs thugs have infected the landscape know what these goons are all about. They are fanatics and creeps whose sole purpose is to intimidate and harass residents, start fires, lie, and vandalize towards the end of seizing control of all rural lands and resources.
It's time to stop these fringe government bureaus from even being!

Do we, as Americans, really need that in our lives? I say no.

The government's about 2/3 bigger than it should be. Start with bureaus like that.
It's time to stop these fringe government bureaus from even being!

Do we, as Americans, really need that in our lives? I say no.

The government's about 2/3 bigger than it should be. Start with bureaus like that.
They were unconstitutional and illegal from their inception, and everything they have done since is likewise illegal.
I suspect liewinger is a federal loser who works five months in the summer harassing people on public lands, and for the remainder of the year receives unemployment and foodstamps. A complete brownshirt. If he's even smart enough for that...
I feel safer with Bundy in jail
That makes sense, since you're a criminal yourself. Bundy stands against criminals.

I never pointed a gun at a federal agent

The federal agents who said they never pointed guns at peaceful ranchers and their children have been exposed as liars, as evidence has been brought forward that yes, they did exactly that. Before the *stand off*. And that is why the *stand off* happened. People came to protect the Bundys from the criminal and aggressive tactics of the feds. Which included circling their home with snipers before they started killing their cows.

They're going to be acquitted. Again. And then they are going to get huge settlements.

And people like you better start wearing bullet proof vests.
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I feel safer with Bundy in jail
That makes sense, since you're a criminal yourself. Bundy stands against criminals.

I never pointed a gun at a federal agent

The federal agents who said they never pointed guns at peaceful ranchers and their children have been exposed as liars, as evidence has been brought forward that yes, they did exactly that. Before the *stand off*. And that is why the *stand off* happened. People came to protect the Bundys from the criminal and aggressive tactics of the feds. Which included circling their home with snipers before they started killing their cows.

They're going to be acquitted. Again. And then they are going to get huge settlements.

And people like you better start wearing bullet proof vests.
"And people like you better start wearing bullet proof vests".....sure sounds like a threat to me.
I feel safer with Bundy in jail
That makes sense, since you're a criminal yourself. Bundy stands against criminals.

I never pointed a gun at a federal agent

The federal agents who said they never pointed guns at peaceful ranchers and their children have been exposed as liars, as evidence has been brought forward that yes, they did exactly that. Before the *stand off*. And that is why the *stand off* happened. People came to protect the Bundys from the criminal and aggressive tactics of the feds. Which included circling their home with snipers before they started killing their cows.

They're going to be acquitted. Again. And then they are going to get huge settlements.

And people like you better start wearing bullet proof vests.

Cliven Bundy is a menace to society

Prison is the best place for him

I feel safer with Bundy in jail

We would all feel safer with a.h. like you were in jail because you gov. ass lickers are way beyond a danger to humanity you are a parasite whose mental illness puts us all in danger.
When you are to stupid to see whats in front of you that is a DANGER TO ALL AMERICANS including you leftist dumbasses.

I feel safer with Bundy in jail
That makes sense, since you're a criminal yourself. Bundy stands against criminals.

I never pointed a gun at a federal agent

The federal agents who said they never pointed guns at peaceful ranchers and their children have been exposed as liars, as evidence has been brought forward that yes, they did exactly that. Before the *stand off*. And that is why the *stand off* happened. People came to protect the Bundys from the criminal and aggressive tactics of the feds. Which included circling their home with snipers before they started killing their cows.

They're going to be acquitted. Again. And then they are going to get huge settlements.

And people like you better start wearing bullet proof vests.

Cliven Bundy is a menace to society

Prison is the best place for him

Those snipers showed up when they heard the BLM snipers were drawing beads on the Bundy children.

As it has been revealed they actually did...hence the impending acquittals.
"Wooten, a lead investigator and case agent for the Department of Interior and the Bureau of Land Management, said he was brought in by the BLM to examine the armed standoff near Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch, which pitted armed ranchers and militia members against federal agents.

"Wooten said he spent 2 years and 10 months examining the case. In his letter, he said BLM supervisors "made a mockery of our position of special trust and confidence," ignoring the law and likely jeopardizing the trial against the Bundys and other defendants. "

The image of the overpass sniper is the one the commies like to wave around as *proof* of *terrorism*. That hero was Eric Parker. The jury wouldn't convict him on anything even remotely like that, because every jury who has seen the *evidence* agrees the BLM is balls to the wall out of control, criminal, and dishonest:

"Eric Parker and O. Scott Drexler were acquitted on most charges, but jurors deadlocked on a few weapons charges. Rather than face a third trial, both pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of obstructing a court order."

Federal agent alleges U.S. misconduct, cover-up in Bundy Ranch trial
I feel safer with Bundy in jail
That makes sense, since you're a criminal yourself. Bundy stands against criminals.

I never pointed a gun at a federal agent

The federal agents who said they never pointed guns at peaceful ranchers and their children have been exposed as liars, as evidence has been brought forward that yes, they did exactly that. Before the *stand off*. And that is why the *stand off* happened. People came to protect the Bundys from the criminal and aggressive tactics of the feds. Which included circling their home with snipers before they started killing their cows.

They're going to be acquitted. Again. And then they are going to get huge settlements.

And people like you better start wearing bullet proof vests.

Cliven Bundy is a menace to society

Prison is the best place for him

Those snipers showed up when they heard the BLM snipers were drawing beads on the Bundy children.

As it has been revealed they actually did...hence the impending acquittals.

Cliven Bundy is a terrorist who belongs in jail
"During the retrial in August, Navarro ordered Parker off the stand while he was testifying in his own defense after he raised the issue of government snipers. Navarro had previously barred defendants from talking about about snipers around the Bundy Ranch, in part because evidence did not support the claim such snipers had been present.

"But Navarro delayed the start of Cliven Bundy's trial last month after newly revealed evidence indicated FBI snipers were positioned around the ranch along with video surveillance. "

"Prosecutors have long maintained the FBI was not involved in the standoff and that no video surveillance or sniper teams were used. In fact, they charged defendants with making false claims about snipers and videos in order to incite militia in the run up to the standoff. "

"The report also indicated for the first time the FBI could have played an active role in the standoff and that armed tactical teams might have taken up positions around the Bundy Ranch. "

"He said a BLM supervisor engaged in "unprofessional monitoring of jail calls between defendants and their wives" for the purpose of making fun of them. He said Myhre put a stop to those activities.

"The carnival, inappropriate and childish behavior didn't stop with the directed bias and degradation of subjects of investigation,' Wooten wrote. "The childish misconduct extended to citizens, cooperators from other agencies and even our own employees."

"Wooten described Love's handling of the cattle round-up as aggressive. He said that Love routinely ignored advice from the U.S. Attorney's Office and Nevada law enforcement officials in order to "command the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale, and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible."

"Wooten wrote that it became clear his supervisor failed to notify the U.S. Attorney's Office on substantive and exculpatory case findings, he went directly to Myhre's office and to the FBI.

"When I asked Mr. Myhre if the former BLM SAC's (Love) statements like, 'Go out there and kick Cliven Bundy in the mouth (or teeth) and take his cattle,' and 'I need you to get the troops fired up to go get those cows and not take any crap from anyone,' would be exculpatory, or if we would have to inform the defense counsel, he said something like, 'we do now,' or 'it is now.'"

Federal agent alleges U.S. misconduct, cover-up in Bundy Ranch trial

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