Lebanon begins building 'security wall' around Palestinian refugee camp


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?
In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?
ISIS huh? Fine company for the anti-Palestinian crowd.

You mean like EVERY arab-muslim country in the ME?
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.
In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?
ISIS huh? Fine company for the anti-Palestinian crowd.

You mean like EVERY arab-muslim country in the ME?
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?
ISIS huh? Fine company for the anti-Palestinian crowd.

You mean like EVERY arab-muslim country in the ME?
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.
In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?
ISIS huh? Fine company for the anti-Palestinian crowd.

You mean like EVERY arab-muslim country in the ME?
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
ISIS huh? Fine company for the anti-Palestinian crowd.

You mean like EVERY arab-muslim country in the ME?
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.
You mean like EVERY arab-muslim country in the ME?
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.

Don't you know the balestinians have been targeting the Lebanese for decades?
Lebanon is simply pro-Lebanon, the balestinians are actually those who're anti anything but pan-Arabic.
Nothing new here, except for the Arabs taking measures that actually worked for Israel.
Last edited:
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.

Don't you know the balestinians have been targeting the Lebanese for decades?
Nothing new here, except for the Arabs taking measures that actually worked for Israel.
You mean ISIS. That is the group you are defending right?
So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.

Don't you know the balestinians have been targeting the Lebanese for decades?
Nothing new here, except for the Arabs taking measures that actually worked for Israel.
You mean ISIS. That is the group you are defending right?

Change the tape, you seem to talk to yourself.
It's actually the balestinians who defended and hid them as presented.

But I guess that if there's no Jew around to blame- it's the Jew to blame.
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.

Don't you know the balestinians have been targeting the Lebanese for decades?
Nothing new here, except for the Arabs taking measures that actually worked for Israel.
You mean ISIS. That is the group you are defending right?

Change the tape, you seem to talk to yourself.
You've been imaginary this whole time? Thank goodness.
It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.

Don't you know the balestinians have been targeting the Lebanese for decades?
Nothing new here, except for the Arabs taking measures that actually worked for Israel.
You mean ISIS. That is the group you are defending right?

Change the tape, you seem to talk to yourself.
You've been imaginary this whole time? Thank goodness.

It clearly says that they sheltered the commander.
Where did you get that I was defending them??
rylah, et al,

Well, these types of activities in such locations would be a threat to any country.

The first blocks of an isolation wall were erected around the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon this week, as a plan to build 'security' cordons and watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh came into effect.

In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?​


Just as most security barriers, it would seem that the threat is being quarantined. It is a security countermeasure against a potential threat.

Most Respectfully,
rylah, et al,

Well, these types of activities in such locations would be a threat to any country.

The first blocks of an isolation wall were erected around the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon this week, as a plan to build 'security' cordons and watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh came into effect.

In September, Islamic State group's top commander in Lebanon, Imad Yassin was arrested at his hideout in an overnight raid on the camp.

How many NGO's, do you think, will cry "apartheid!" or "occupation" ?
Should we send Roger Waters with the UN specialists?
Who else are the balestinians hiding ?​

Just as most security barriers, it would seem that the threat is being quarantined. It is a security countermeasure against a potential threat.

Most Respectfully,
It seems like a serious decision for an Arab nation and confirmation of Israeli methods.

How do you think this effects the public image of Lebanon in the eyes of Arab nations? Or is it another confirmation of what Natanyahu said at the UN- about the change of attitude towards Israel?
rylah, et al,

I am actually surprised that it took Lebanon so long to implement restraints and countermeasures.

How do you think this effects the public image of Lebanon in the eyes of Arab nations? Or is it another confirmation of what Netanyahu said at the UN- about the change of attitude towards Israel?

Actually that is three out of four Arab States that have implemented some form of action. There was a very interesting news article a few years ago.
Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent

CAIRO — Battling Palestinian militants in Gaza two years ago, Israel found itself pressed from all sides by unfriendly Arab neighbors to end the fighting.

Not this time.

After the military ouster of the Islamist government in Cairo last year, Egypt has led a new coalition of Arab states — including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — that has effectively lined up with Israel in its fight against Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip. That, in turn, may have contributed to the failure of the antagonists to reach a negotiated cease-fire even after more than three weeks of bloodshed.

It was then, much like it was now.


• The partnership with the Palestinians desired by King Hussein fell apart in September, 1970. ... In a brief yet intense campaign ending in July 1971, the Jordanian army put an end to the chaotic actions of these Palestinians guerrillas in Amman.
Jordanian Official History

• Finally, on July 31 (1988) King Hussein announced the severance of all administrative and legal ties with the occupied West Bank. Accordingly, electoral districts were redrawn to represent East Bank constituencies only. This disengagement decision marks the turning point that launched the current democratic process, and began a new stage in Jordan’s relationship with West Bank Palestinians.
Jordanian Official History

• But all indications are that King Abdullah still has not realized the approaching tornado. Instead of embarking on real and meaningful reforms and combating rampant rampant financial and administrative corruption, he has directed his energies against Jordanians of Palestinian origin. The king is already being threatened by the powerful and popular Muslim Brotherhood; he may soon have to face an even bigger threat.
Anti-Palestinian Discrimination in Jordan by Khaled Abu Toameh August 6, 2012

Cairo - When the Egyptian army trucks recently rolled towards the Rafah border, they carried a message on the side: "A gift from the Egyptian people."

Five hundred tonnes of aid were sent to the Gaza Strip on the orders of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, as dozens of Palestinians from Gaza passed in the opposite direction for much-needed medical treatment in Egyptian hospitals.

For some, it looked like a reaffirmation of Egypt's historic pan-Arabist commitment to the Palestinian cause. But amid Israel's current military operation in Gaza, wrangling over a possible ceasefire deal and growing anti-Hamas sentiments back in Egypt, some have doubted that commitment.

Members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are scheduled to hold indirect talks in Cairo on Sunday to reach a ceasefire in Gaza, mediated by Egyptian and American negotiators. At least three representatives of the Palestinian factions were barred from entering Egypt through Rafah crossing on Saturday, while Israel has reportedly refused to negotiate directly with Hamas at the meetings in Cairo.
Al-Jazeera News Service Aug 2014
It shoud be remembered that the Arab Palestinian Leadership is intentionally trying to incite rioting and the sergationist management of the Temple Mount:

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas also added a few words, telling eastern Jerusalem activists this week at a meeting in Ramallah, “Al Aqsa is ours, the Holy Sepulcher is also ours. They have no right to dirty the mosque with their filthy feet, we won’t let them do it.”
Saudi Arabia is raising the issue of violence at the Temple Mount with the United Nations Security Council.
By: Hana Levi Julian
Published: September 17th, 2015

There were several Arab Palestinian factions that were once funded by Saudi Arabia and enabled by Egypt; including the terrorist organization HAMAS. But in more recent times the regimes newer regimes of Egypt and Saudi Arabia are beginning to view the Arab Paestinians as a gateway of a Sunni jihad that threatens not only Israel, but them as well.

It sure is hell, not the case that the Arab Palestinian poses or attempts to promote peace and security throughout the Middle East, or even on the Temple Mount.

Question 1: What positive contribution has the Arab Palestinian made to the religious sites on the Temple Mount?

Question 2: Where is it written that the Arabs have any right to deny anyone access to their Holy Places?

It is the Arabs that deny freedom of religion on the Temple Mount. And if there is a religious conflict, in all probability the Arab Palestinians will be the cause.

Most Respectfully,
rylah, et al,

I am actually surprised that it took Lebanon so long to implement restraints and countermeasures.

How do you think this effects the public image of Lebanon in the eyes of Arab nations? Or is it another confirmation of what Netanyahu said at the UN- about the change of attitude towards Israel?

Actually that is three out of four Arab States that have implemented some form of action. There was a very interesting news article a few years ago.
Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent

CAIRO — Battling Palestinian militants in Gaza two years ago, Israel found itself pressed from all sides by unfriendly Arab neighbors to end the fighting.

Not this time.

After the military ouster of the Islamist government in Cairo last year, Egypt has led a new coalition of Arab states — including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — that has effectively lined up with Israel in its fight against Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip. That, in turn, may have contributed to the failure of the antagonists to reach a negotiated cease-fire even after more than three weeks of bloodshed.

It was then, much like it was now.


• The partnership with the Palestinians desired by King Hussein fell apart in September, 1970. ... In a brief yet intense campaign ending in July 1971, the Jordanian army put an end to the chaotic actions of these Palestinians guerrillas in Amman.
Jordanian Official History

• Finally, on July 31 (1988) King Hussein announced the severance of all administrative and legal ties with the occupied West Bank. Accordingly, electoral districts were redrawn to represent East Bank constituencies only. This disengagement decision marks the turning point that launched the current democratic process, and began a new stage in Jordan’s relationship with West Bank Palestinians.
Jordanian Official History

• But all indications are that King Abdullah still has not realized the approaching tornado. Instead of embarking on real and meaningful reforms and combating rampant rampant financial and administrative corruption, he has directed his energies against Jordanians of Palestinian origin. The king is already being threatened by the powerful and popular Muslim Brotherhood; he may soon have to face an even bigger threat.
Anti-Palestinian Discrimination in Jordan by Khaled Abu Toameh August 6, 2012

Cairo - When the Egyptian army trucks recently rolled towards the Rafah border, they carried a message on the side: "A gift from the Egyptian people."

Five hundred tonnes of aid were sent to the Gaza Strip on the orders of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, as dozens of Palestinians from Gaza passed in the opposite direction for much-needed medical treatment in Egyptian hospitals.

For some, it looked like a reaffirmation of Egypt's historic pan-Arabist commitment to the Palestinian cause. But amid Israel's current military operation in Gaza, wrangling over a possible ceasefire deal and growing anti-Hamas sentiments back in Egypt, some have doubted that commitment.

Members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are scheduled to hold indirect talks in Cairo on Sunday to reach a ceasefire in Gaza, mediated by Egyptian and American negotiators. At least three representatives of the Palestinian factions were barred from entering Egypt through Rafah crossing on Saturday, while Israel has reportedly refused to negotiate directly with Hamas at the meetings in Cairo.
Al-Jazeera News Service Aug 2014
It shoud be remembered that the Arab Palestinian Leadership is intentionally trying to incite rioting and the sergationist management of the Temple Mount:

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas also added a few words, telling eastern Jerusalem activists this week at a meeting in Ramallah, “Al Aqsa is ours, the Holy Sepulcher is also ours. They have no right to dirty the mosque with their filthy feet, we won’t let them do it.”
Saudi Arabia is raising the issue of violence at the Temple Mount with the United Nations Security Council.
By: Hana Levi Julian
Published: September 17th, 2015
There were several Arab Palestinian factions that were once funded by Saudi Arabia and enabled by Egypt; including the terrorist organization HAMAS. But in more recent times the regimes newer regimes of Egypt and Saudi Arabia are beginning to view the Arab Paestinians as a gateway of a Sunni jihad that threatens not only Israel, but them as well.

It sure is hell, not the case that the Arab Palestinian poses or attempts to promote peace and security throughout the Middle East, or even on the Temple Mount.

Question 1: What positive contribution has the Arab Palestinian made to the religious sites on the Temple Mount?

Question 2: Where is it written that the Arabs have any right to deny anyone access to their Holy Places?

It is the Arabs that deny freedom of religion on the Temple Mount. And if there is a religious conflict, in all probability the Arab Palestinians will be the cause.

Most Respectfully,

"Members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are scheduled to hold indirect talks in Cairo on Sunday to reach a ceasefire in Gaza..."

Muslim Brotherhood
Palestinians guerrillas
Al quaeda
The Taliban
The Pakistani Taliban
Boko Haram
Al shablob
Jeremiyah islamyah
Barrel Bombers: the pilot, the one who opens the plane door, the ones who pushes out the barrel bombs
all wanna-be terrorists
Etc, et al

They all look alike to me:

et al,

I noticed that at least one Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) Group has claimed that they are responsible for the fires. I do not know how reliable the source is yet. But needless to say, the suspicions are mounting.

The Clarion Project News Report
BY ELLIOT FRIEDLAND Sun, November 27, 2016

Ma’sadat al-Mujahideen, a Palestinian Salafist group, claimed responsibility for carrying out arson attacks that sparked colossal fires in the northern and central regions of Israel. Some 75,000 people were forced to flee the coastal city of Haifa as firefighters battled to bring the blaze under control.

In a statement claiming responsibility the group said that Jews must “return from whence they came since they have no place among us.”

The group has not offered proof that it was involved in setting the fires and security services are unsure if their claim is true or not.

I'm still waiting for something more definitive from the Security Service and Arson Investigation Teams. While several suspects have been detained, in connecting with possible arson allegations, --- I suspect that the exceptional windy whether, the very dry ground and tinderbox like conditions are much more likely.

There is no question that there is an ever increasing number of HoAP's celebrating the disasters and chatting-up the damage and destruction being done. I'm hoping that the Israelis can ignore this and get-on with the busniess of a decisive recovery program.


Not only have several EU countries sent firefighting aid to Israel, but Russia sent two Beriev Be-200 amphibious aircraft to fight the fires, as well as the Ukrain which sent two An-32P BFNC firefighting aircraft. This supplements the Air Tractor from Cyprus --- the two Bombardiers and one Hercules from Greece, and the planes from Italy and Turkey. I'm glad to see this.

I'm sure there are many that are thanking these countries for their contribution to the effort. This offsets the anti-Semetic position:

Most Respectfully,
Oh yeah? I don't really care. I'm just tired of the U.S. getting roped into all the nonsense that constantly happens in the ME.

So you care so little that you troll a thread that has actually no US mention in it?

Get yourself a stick with a board if you're into meaningless slogans:lame2:
It's not trolling to point out that the countless competing factions in the ME share many evil stances among each other.

It's trolling when you don't address anything in the OP.

Of course it has nothing to do with the balestinians trying to overthrow governments, stub pregnant women... or hide islamist militants that aim at destroying the US. Nothing you care about right?
I did address the OP. I pointed out the anti-Pali crowd can count a new ally among themselves. Now you've gone and turned it into this whole thing.

Don't you know the balestinians have been targeting the Lebanese for decades?
Lebanon is simply pro-Lebanon, the balestinians are actually those who're anti anything but pan-Arabic.
Nothing new here, except for the Arabs taking measures that actually worked for Israel.

This is so true. The PLO was even based in Lebanon with weapons galore in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatila. What right did Palestinian terrorists have to be based in Lebanon?

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