Gen James Mattis met with Pres. elect Trump today.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

I like Mattis because he will be good at killing those that TRUMP and I want killed . That being said MadDog Mattis will simply follow the TRUMPS orders Penny .
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Yeah. All we need to do is appease the Islamic beast and Arabs-Moslems will be our friends.

Just like the French found out in Nice this past July and just like the Germans discovered in Ansbach... this past July.

It seems that appeasing Islamic terrorists costs dearly.
I like Mattis because he will be good at killing those that TRUMP and I want killed . That being said MadDog Mattis will simply follow the TRUMPS orders Penny .
Or Trump will follow his lead, since he knows more about what is happening in the ME.
maybe , course General Mike Flynn is also in the mix and he thinks that islam is a threat to the Western world and Israel is part of the western world and a big time ally of the USA Penny .
And I think that the TRUMP is in favor of Israel , Pense was just on tely saying that the USA has no ally as good or cherished as Israel Penny .
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.
Penelope, et al,

As I said before, there are many countries in the world who are intimidated ("America pays a price") emanating from the threat by the Hostile Arab Palestinian and the greater Regional Islamic Radicals and their hostile activity (moderate Arabs are forced to hide support for America) originating from the direct incitement by Senior Leaders in the in the various Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.
Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

There are two basic ways to deal with these sources of incitement to violence.

• The US can back away like scared and afraid pack of children; cowering away from support to Israel. Once again, the US will standby while the enemies of the Jewish National Home (JNH) are allowed to dismantled the only Jewish Nation in the entire world. Israel, the most advanced country on the Human Development Scale, anywhere in the region (more advance than any member of the Arab League).

• The US can develop a highly selective and effective program to seek-out, target, and effectively neutralize each and every Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamic Follower, and Asymmetric Instigator of Violence. This program would start at the center of the Palestinian Instigation. Detect, engage and Neutralize (DEN) and each leader that openly praises and encourages further hostilities.

There are several objective where Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence that proves to be effective by the depraved anti-Semitic and indigenous cultures on the attack arc on Israel and regional threat to security.

It appears that the intimidation has worked on the some level in the US that are in senior positions; not just political animals but military leaders as well. The first thing that America should do is filter out these leaders from key position who appear to be the deer in the headlights.

Most Respectfully,
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

Not perceived bias Penny BUT ACTUAL BIAS,...steve
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
And you run a lot of things. Mainly your mouth.

I reported on an article, and if you don't like it too bad. Trump said a lot of things, and most will not come to pass , you have been taken.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

Not perceived bias Penny BUT ACTUAL BIAS,...steve

I agree, but that write up was in a Israel paper, so bias of course.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
And you run a lot of things. Mainly your mouth.

I reported on an article, and if you don't like it too bad. Trump said a lot of things, and most will not come to pass , you have been taken.
Taken? LOL!. All you do is parrot media bullshit like the rest of the cry baby morons here do. You fools got about 2 more months to "try" and stir up trouble. Then, it's going to get harder for you. I may even be here for meltdown #2, not that it matters much what I do.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
And you run a lot of things. Mainly your mouth.

I reported on an article, and if you don't like it too bad. Trump said a lot of things, and most will not come to pass , you have been taken.
Taken? LOL!. All you do is parrot media bullshit like the rest of the cry baby morons here do. You fools got about 2 more months to "try" and stir up trouble. Then, it's going to get harder for you. I may even be here for meltdown #2, not that it matters much what I do.

And you parrot your mouth. Fools, Clinton got more votes, and your now a minority, how does it feel fool?
The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
And you run a lot of things. Mainly your mouth.

I reported on an article, and if you don't like it too bad. Trump said a lot of things, and most will not come to pass , you have been taken.
Taken? LOL!. All you do is parrot media bullshit like the rest of the cry baby morons here do. You fools got about 2 more months to "try" and stir up trouble. Then, it's going to get harder for you. I may even be here for meltdown #2, not that it matters much what I do.

And you parrot your mouth. Fools, Clinton got more votes, and your now a minority, how does it feel fool?
Yes, I am a fool. President Clinton will be sworn in January, and I feel terrible. Stop making fun of me, you evil bitch! I want my mommy!
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
That's what people do when they're running for president, they tell voters what they intend to do if elected, and for the most part they do try to do what they promised, especially when the promises are as specific as Trump's.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.


Oh Penelope. I think I love you. You are a BLAST! Who was it that previously said 'the Palestinians haven't got a chance if Trump is elected." Heh Heh!
Taken? LOL!. All you do is parrot media bullshit like the rest of the cry baby morons here do. You fools got about 2 more months to "try" and stir up trouble. Then, it's going to get harder for you. I may even be here for meltdown #2, not that it matters much what I do.
And you parrot your mouth...

WTF does that mean?

...Fools, Clinton got more votes, and your now a minority, how does it feel fool?

Sour grapes becomes you, Princess, and just for the record:

Clinton - 232 EC votes
Trump - 290 (soon to be 306) EC votes

Winner by TKO - TRUMP

Get over it!

and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
That's what people do when they're running for president, they tell voters what they intend to do if elected, and for the most part they do try to do what they promised, especially when the promises are as specific as Trump's.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel


Oh Penelope. I think I love you. You are a BLAST! Who was it that previously said 'the Palestinians haven't got a chance if Trump is elected." Heh Heh!

Me, but better men than he are trying to talk sense into him. Trump is a jew lover, has jews in his family and his mentor was a jew, and he is surrounded by jews, and some say the first jewish president.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel

The Secretary of Defense doesn't make policy, he implements the President's policy decisions, still, unless Mattis has changed his mind since making these statements in 2013, he would be an unfortunate choice since the Trump team has committed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy there and dropping criticism of Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and these move have strong bipartisan support and nearly unanimous support among Republicans.

Trump said a lot of things when running
That's what people do when they're running for president, they tell voters what they intend to do if elected, and for the most part they do try to do what they promised, especially when the promises are as specific as Trump's.
and his opinion on Israel and Palestinians are like many of ours:

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

Related Topics

Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel.

“I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process

Mattis took over Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, from David Petraeus in 2010.

He called the current situation in Israel “unsustainable” and blamed the settlements for harming prospects for peace. The chances for an accord between Israel and the Palestinians, said Mattis, “are starting to ebb because the settlements and where they’re at are going to make it impossible to maintain the two state solution.”

Mattis then described a hypothetical in which 500 Jewish settlers live among 10,000 Arabs, and the implications of where Israel draws the border. He called it a choice between giving up the idea of a Jewish state or becoming an apartheid state.

Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel


Oh Penelope. I think I love you. You are a BLAST! Who was it that previously said 'the Palestinians haven't got a chance if Trump is elected." Heh Heh!

Me, but better men than he are trying to talk sense into him.
Anyone who is trying to persuade Trump not to follow through on his promise should shut up and listen. It is a fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel regardless of who likes it or doesn't like it, and Jerusalem never was on the negotiating table and never will be on the negotiating table regardless of who likes it or doesn't like it. By recognizing this fact and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and dismissing the absurd notion Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria - which collectively take up less than 2% of the land - are obstacles to a final status agreement, Trump is acknowledging facts that can't be changed in order to establish a realistic basis on which to talk about what can be changed. The only thing denying these facts by Clinton, Bush and Obama has accomplished is to give false hope to Israel's enemies and to encourage a continuation of a conflict that cannot change anything, and that is not only wrong, but deeply, deeply, deeply immoral.

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