Laying The Groundwork For Obama's Second Term. What To Expect.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Laying the Groundwork of Obama's Second Term

By Victor Volsky

Barack Obama has great plans for his second term: to bring his golf handicap down to single digits and finally beat the pants off John Boehner. Considering that Obama's handicap right now is generously estimated at 17 -- i.e., on a good day he scores in the upper 80s to the lower 90s -- it is a very ambitious goal, but it's doable. Electoral victory would obviate the need for Obama to waste a lot of time shaking down star-struck Hollywood stars and credulous (or frightened) Wall Street tycoons, allowing the president to devote more attention to the all-important tasks of improving his golf game, watching basketball, and partying.

But won't golf, basketball, and entertainment, while obviously consuming the lion's share of the president's schedule, leave him enough time for less enjoyable pursuits? Like building on his first-term successes in destroying the economy, undermining the American dream, and knocking America down a peg or two in the international arena. No problem. Obama loves to delegate the more tedious components of his duties (i.e., work), and plenty of his enthusiastic allies are only too happy to pick up the slack.

Indeed, as reported by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott in their New York Times bestseller Fool Me Twice, progressive strategists are already busy at work, developing detailed blueprints of Dear Leader's program for his second term. Having perused thousands of documents developed by the network of progressive think-tanks, Klein and Elliott describe in detail their plans designed to further their century-old dream of destroying America as we know it and converting it into a socialist paradise.

Some highlights of their blueprints: a massive government-funded jobs program -- in effect, a remake of FDR's Works Progress Administration; a green "stimulus" and the founding of a federal "green" bank to provide low-cost financing to private-sector "clean energy" companies (Solyndra, anyone?); an overhaul of the immigration policy; an electoral reform; a national energy policy; and drastic defense spending cuts.

The animating principle of the progressive platform is the concept of "economic fairness" tirelessly touted by Obama. It would be achieved through a two-prong approach. One is a federal "living wage" program, under which all private-sector employers would be forced to pay their employees enough to meet their "basic needs" such as housing, food, utilities, transportation, health care, and recreation. And who is going to determine these needs? Why, government bureaucrats, of course.

The other prong is the progressives' age-old wet dream: "equal pay for equal work." It would be achieved by the requirement that all people should be compensated on the basis of their jobs' "value" rather than through the workings of the free market. And again, federal bureaucrats would establish the "value" of each job as well as police the private sector to ferret out bias and all manner of discrimination. Progressives also propose mandatory 12-week paid time off for medical needs and another hike of the minimum wage, notwithstanding the disastrous results of all previous minimum wage increases, which have basically destroyed the entry-level jobs market.

This thinking marks a significant deviation from the classic Marxist theory. While Karl Marx touted the "working class" as the grave-digger of capitalism, his modern acolytes have been disenchanted with the "proletariat" and no longer trust its revolutionary impulses. Accordingly, they have transferred their hopes to a new force: a gigantic welfare class wholly dependent on government largess for its livelihood and thus eager to vote for its progressive benefactors, perpetuating them in power.

Reading about their plans, I had an eerie sense of déjà vu...but of course!

In his 1944 State of the Union address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt articulated the "Second Bill of Rights," a set of proposals regarding what the government must do for its citizens, adumbrating Barack Obama's complaints that the U.S. Constitution covers only "negative rights" (thou shall nots). The positive rights annunciated by FDR included: read more here.......

Fact is Obama is the figurehead of a movement. He's the chief facilitator of this plan to destroy this country and remake it in a progressive's image. A sort of progressives wet dream.

Sisyphus - In Greek mythology Sisyphus (play /ˈsɪsɪfəs/;[1] Greek: Σίσυφος, Sísyphos) was a king punished by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever.

The word "sisyphean" means "endless and unavailing, as labor or a task".[2]
I expect Republicans to continue their Temper Tantrum and block government for another four years

That's exactly what will happen . Go screaming Obama is a Muslim , hey what

about them Collage trans scrips . Obama was not born here , Obama hangs out

with terrorist , Obama does not like America & wants to destroy it . Obama

wants to kill all baby's . Obama wants to just give free welfare to all . You know

more of the same .
I expect Republicans to continue their Temper Tantrum and block government for another four years

I almost hope Obama gets to highlight the impediment in the form of a Supreme Court nominee. Akin may have delivered the Senate to the Democrats though so we won't see the high noon showdown.
I expect Republicans to continue their Temper Tantrum and block government for another four years

I almost hope Obama gets to highlight the impediment in the form of a Supreme Court nominee. Akin may have delivered the Senate to the Democrats though so we won't see the high noon showdown.

By all means... The Constitutionality of our Laws need to be interpreted by partisan hacks. Thanks for exposing what a good little Socialist you really are.
I expect Republicans to continue their Temper Tantrum and block government for another four years

I almost hope Obama gets to highlight the impediment in the form of a Supreme Court nominee. Akin may have delivered the Senate to the Democrats though so we won't see the high noon showdown.

By all means... The Constitutionality of our Laws need to be interpreted by partisan hacks. Thanks for exposing what a good little Socialist you really are.

What are you talking about now?
I almost hope Obama gets to highlight the impediment in the form of a Supreme Court nominee. Akin may have delivered the Senate to the Democrats though so we won't see the high noon showdown.

By all means... The Constitutionality of our Laws need to be interpreted by partisan hacks. Thanks for exposing what a good little Socialist you really are.

What are you talking about now?

Socialists trying to change the constitution from the bench. It's how the health care bill became constitutional.

Everyone knows the threat to this nation from the left now after Judge Roberts inexplicably decided to buck the constitution and render it moot with respect to the Affordable Health Care Act. Now everyone knows that the law isn't an impediment to folks that want to destroy this nation from within. They're pulling out all of the stops with bribery, thuggery, and through every legal avenue at their disposal.

The voters are scared of abusive government and they don't trust the president like you think. Akin is pure nonsense to them. He won't make any difference.
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LOL. So Roberts is a socialist. Bet he would be surprised to know that.

The GOP embraced the Akin plank on abortion in their campaign platform. But threw Akin under the bus for stating publically what it meant. A most wonderful display of hypocracy.

Well, Mud, if we get enough people in the House and Senate, you may get your wish. Obamacare, as it stands now, will be replaced. With a Single Payer Universal Health Care System, such as the rest of the industrial nations of the world have. Just because they pay half as much for far better results doesn't mean that their system is better, does it?
LOL. So Roberts is a socialist. Bet he would be surprised to know that.

The GOP embraced the Akin plank on abortion in their campaign platform. But threw Akin under the bus for stating publically what it meant. A most wonderful display of hypocracy.

Well, Mud, if we get enough people in the House and Senate, you may get your wish. Obamacare, as it stands now, will be replaced. With a Single Payer Universal Health Care System, such as the rest of the industrial nations of the world have. Just because they pay half as much for far better results doesn't mean that their system is better, does it?

They somehow got to Roberts. His colleagues were flabbergasted by his decision.

Fuck Akin. He doesn't mean dick. He's a poster-boy for religious ignorance, tailor made for the left.

What amazes me is folks like you that are supposed to be intelligent falling for scams like this over and over again.

We have no chance of getting something that other countries have because the people in power aren't interested in being fair. They're merely interested in fucking us.

And I say that with a smile.
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I almost hope Obama gets to highlight the impediment in the form of a Supreme Court nominee. Akin may have delivered the Senate to the Democrats though so we won't see the high noon showdown.

By all means... The Constitutionality of our Laws need to be interpreted by partisan hacks. Thanks for exposing what a good little Socialist you really are.

What are you talking about now?

Really? I was responding to what you said... Lay off the Kool-Aid.
They somehow got to Roberts. His colleagues were flabbergasted by his decision.

Fuck Akin. He doesn't mean dick. He's a poster-boy for religious ignorance, tailor made for the left.

What amazes me is folks like you that are supposed to be intelligent falling for scams like this over and over again.

Rocks in the Head is intelligent? He's a sucker for every left-wing con that comes down the pike.
They somehow got to Roberts. His colleagues were flabbergasted by his decision.

Fuck Akin. He doesn't mean dick. He's a poster-boy for religious ignorance, tailor made for the left.

What amazes me is folks like you that are supposed to be intelligent falling for scams like this over and over again.

Rocks in the Head is intelligent? He's a sucker for every left-wing con that comes down the pike.

Maybe I was trying to give him more credit than he deserved, but I was mainly pointing out the rumor that liberals are inherently more intelligent than rightwingers.
I almost hope Obama gets to highlight the impediment in the form of a Supreme Court nominee. Akin may have delivered the Senate to the Democrats though so we won't see the high noon showdown.

By all means... The Constitutionality of our Laws need to be interpreted by partisan hacks. Thanks for exposing what a good little Socialist you really are.

What are you talking about now?

It's no surprise that when someone mentions constitutionality, you don't know what they're talking about.

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