Will Obama go to New Orleans, hold up his


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
hands and ORDER ISAAC to "go away" ...just go away" and it will as fewer and fewer people now believe ...
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." – Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.

Or will Obama remember WHAT he said about Katrina and the "Federal Government primarily at fault..?

Obama being quoted in the Chicago Sun-Times September 5, 2005 Monday Lynn Sweet column--

"I think there were a set of assumptions made by federal officials that people would hop in their SUVs, and top off with a $100 tank of gas and [get some] Poland Spring water," and flee the storm, Obama said.

The tragedy, said Obama, revealed "how little inner-city African Americans have to fall back on. But that has been true for decades."

What I've learned about covering Obama, a freshman senator, is that he is very measured.
On Friday night, rapper Kanye West, during a hurricane relief concert, said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

I asked Obama if he agreed.

"What I think is that we as a society and this administration in particular have not been willing to make sacrifices or shape an agenda to help low-income people," he said.

Obama also rejected the suggestion that local and state officials were to blame for the horrific response in Louisiana.

The breakdown occurred at all levels, but "I hold the federal government primarily responsible," he said.

Hurricane Katrina Anniversary: What Obama said in 2005 - Lynn Sweet
Obama regarding Katrina --

Obama also rejected the suggestion that local and state officials were to blame for the horrific response in Louisiana.

The breakdown occurred at all levels, but "I hold the federal government primarily responsible," he said.

Well now, I guess he'll show us how it's done with this latest hurricane.

Good luck Barry.
Obama regarding Katrina --

Obama also rejected the suggestion that local and state officials were to blame for the horrific response in Louisiana.

The breakdown occurred at all levels, but "I hold the federal government primarily responsible," he said.

Well now, I guess he'll show us how it's done with this latest hurricane.

Good luck Barry.

I'm sure he's driving the evacuation buses as we speak. "I, I, I"
Gee, I'm shocked. Barry couldn't seem to find any blame for the Chocolate Mayor who failed to pull the trigger on the evacuation plan the city had in place.

On a good note, Nagin's testifying in front of a grand jury... he's toast... it's only a matter of time.
the liberal media is salivating in anticipation of another horrific Katrina......for them anything will do to ignore Romney at the GOP convention.....
No doubt he will have FEMA standing by to respond as soon as possible, and unlike Bush, he won't shirk his duty and eat birthday cake while people are filmed by FAUX news living in dangerous situations.
How many people will be killed in Isaac? Will the whole city be homeless again?

FEMA will respond better under Obama than they did under Bush and his man Brownie
No doubt he will have FEMA standing by to respond as soon as possible, and unlike Bush, he won't shirk his duty and eat birthday cake while people are filmed by FAUX news living in dangerous situations.

no doubt....."never let a good disaster go to waste"...
Hopefully the winds calm down some and all that happens is a lot of Romney/Ryan yards signs get blown over.
Bush was begging that democrat POS, Gov. Blanco to let in the National Guard, that he had standing by days before Katrina hit. The snark refused with a smug smirk that the plan was to use the suffering to blame Bush. Meanwhile she was getting her make up done for the cameras.
possible Cat 1 hurricane(Isaac) vs. a Cat 5 screamer(Katrina) which downgraded to a strong Cat 4 when it hit.

C'mon Conservative douchebags, you're better than this.
No doubt he will have FEMA standing by to respond as soon as possible, and unlike Bush, he won't shirk his duty and eat birthday cake while people are filmed by FAUX news living in dangerous situations.

no doubt....."never let a good disaster go to waste"...
Is that why Bush let people suffer?

Bush was available.....you can blame Dimwit Gov Blanco for the many delays....

But now not to worry...... NO has BO......!
No doubt he will have FEMA standing by to respond as soon as possible, and unlike Bush, he won't shirk his duty and eat birthday cake while people are filmed by FAUX news living in dangerous situations.

Do you have a link to actual facts, or do you just make shit up as you go along?
Bush was begging that democrat POS, Gov. Blanco to let in the National Guard, that he had standing by days before Katrina hit. The snark refused with a smug smirk that the plan was to use the suffering to blame Bush. Meanwhile she was getting her make up done for the cameras.

He didn't send in FEMA when he should have.

He wanted to make Blanco give control of her state to him as a condition of sending in the National Guard.

Even you should be disgusted with that.
Bush was begging that democrat POS, Gov. Blanco to let in the National Guard, that he had standing by days before Katrina hit. The snark refused with a smug smirk that the plan was to use the suffering to blame Bush. Meanwhile she was getting her make up done for the cameras.

Someone else's fault? Bush was so on top to things too. (big sarcasm!) Oh, what day will Bush be at the Republican Convention? I do want to hear him talk. Haven't seen him in forever. Has he been living in a cave or something?

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