Latest Trump Idea


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
"We should just cancel the election, and just give it to Trump."

I think even Hitler was not that full of himself to suggest something like this, no matter how much he would have wanted it.

Someone may find a Hitler quote and prove me wrong, but it doesn't even matter.

Trump didn't even say why he should be appointed president.
obviously not said in a serious way.
But he is right, small business is whats going to bring the poor black neighborhoods in line with the rest of the country, that bitch hillary puts a 40% tax on small business and she kills the new jobs that would turn things around for so many poor people. But she knows this, and she also knows that if people are not suffering, she has nothing to run on. She and the democrats have always needed the blacks to be enslaved, they need to be able to stand up every 4 years and tell a lie about how they are going to change things.
Tell me, any single one of you libs on here, please tell me how the black community is better off today than it was 8 years ago when the kenyan promised great changes in their communities. promises that were forgotten the day he took the oath of office.
The democrats have never delievered on their promise to the blacks, and they most likely never will.
Trumps right, what do the blacks have to lose?
And we can look at it this way, during this whole election all we hear from the left is what the right needs to do to attract the blacks. You know what? campaign promises are not what needs to be done, pointing out the blacks like they are a completely separate sector of this country is not going to work. What will work is to have a republican in office that actually TRIES to do something. I think that is what the democrats are afraid of. What if Trump wins, lowers taxes on the small business, stimulates job growth in those predominantly black areas and 4 years from now there is a positive change in the black community.
The republicans would gain the respect of the blacks and the dems would never be able to get it back.
Hillary is not a friend to any minority.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
No wonder Dale Smith loves Trump.

I gave up my U.C.C status and became an American nationalist over three years ago, Jake Smarmy...I am simply an observer of this farce. I know that it pisses you off because like all good little brown-shirt commies? You believe in conformity.......where is that list of "alt-right wingers", Jake????? Do some thinking for yourself and explain what you meant by the comment........pull up your big girl panties and put it out there,.........stop being a a coward for once in your life. You proclaimed a certain position but have ran from it..........why is that????
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Nobody cares what you think. You have proven yourself to be an idiot drone.
If trump was running right now with the exact same platform but on the democrats ticket, you would be defending everything he says.
So go away, go talk to someone that doesn't see through your bullshit.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.

Translating "Jake Smarmy":

Jake Smarmy: "your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent"

Translation: "Your coherent and well thought out post confuses me and thus renders your post as invalid because you used too many multi-syllable words....."
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

Jake Smarmy...what makes one an "alt-right-winger" specific.,

I challenge anyone viewing not only this thread but any others that Jake Smarmy is on to give his definition of "alt right" and to give examples......whatch him flee and run's pretty funny to witness. His convictions are weak......
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
I challenge anyone viewing not only this thread but any others that Jake Smarmy is on to give his definition of "alt right" and to give examples......whatch him flee and run's pretty funny to witness. His convictions are weak......
i think he is on a mission to derail the discussion because knows that the election should be canceled in order to appoint trump as god emperor of the universe instead.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.

Spinning hard aren't you traitor? You go girl, because your whore is done! Can't stand it can you? HAHAHA! clinton is toast.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.

Speaking of deflection...what is a "alt rightwinger"???????
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.

Spinning hard aren't you traitor? You go girl, because your whore is done! Can't stand it can you? HAHAHA! clinton is toast.
Dont count on clinton being toast.
This was promised to her 8 years ago. proof has already been shown that the dems are committing fraud and its not mentioned in the news outlets. Trump kissed a girl 40 years ago and its on every front page within hours.
She was promised and even if she were to only get 1 vote, she would win.
She is the next president.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.

Spinning hard aren't you traitor? You go girl, because your whore is done! Can't stand it can you? HAHAHA! clinton is toast.
Are you talking about economic opportunity in the black community, or are you just screaming because Trump is losing?
Geez, doesn't the low information left have anything to talk about other than a couple of words said in jest and spun by Media Matters?
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.

Spinning hard aren't you traitor? You go girl, because your whore is done! Can't stand it can you? HAHAHA! clinton is toast.
Are you talking about economic opportunity in the black community, or are you just screaming because Trump is losing?

No, i'm screaming because your whore has lost and you continue to pretend otherwise like the traitor shill you are.
mp, your nonsense language of racial and social conflict invalidates your intent.

Clean it up, talk clearly and logically, and let's get to the point.
Can't understand you? What's that presidential schlong looking thing in your mouth?
In other words, you have no idea how to talk sensibly, clearly, and to the point.

You are not even an effective little Trump bot.

Stop the nonsense and talk about the economy in the black communities.

In other words your whore is getting schlonged and there is nothing you can do but deflect for your little useless pathetic group of scum. But hey, it's October. Surprise!
In other words, you want to yell and smell, and not talk about what you said you were going to talk about, so you deflect.

Speaking of deflection...what is a "alt rightwinger"???????
somebody made up the term "alt right" a couple months ago and the sheep just cant stop using it.
I think its supposed to be another attempt at shaming people into voting for hillary just to prove they arent "alt Right"
No different than the only reason not to support or vote for obama is because you are racist. Same thing, different term.

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