Last Nights Debate


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Newsome v DeSantis.
If you didn't see it (or listen) you didn't miss much.
The best part of the debate is when Gavin told Ron to "drop out" and get behind Haley... "She can beat Trump"

"It sure looked like a presidential debate. There were two politicians at lecterns, a moderator, even a whole set made to look like one"

"But this was a product of TV, specifically of Fox News and host Sean Hannity. Newsom gained attention some months ago for a peppy interview with Hannity"

There is a word for that debate, S---show.

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Newsom knows the pro-Hamas element inside the Democratic Party is a liability ahead of the election. So he’s pretending to denounce them.

Remember, Democrats pulled out every dirty trick (and invented some new ones) to rig the 2020 election against Trump and boost voter turnout to levels never before seen in U.S. history, and even then Biden only won the Electoral College by 44,000 votes in three swing states. If just a handful of Democrats and independents are so turned off by the left’s pro-Hamas, pro-genocide wing of the Democrat Party that they opt to stay home on Election Day, they can’t win.
Newsom is a pathological liar. Everything he claimed about California was a lie, as was what he said about Florida in his feeble attempt to slime DeSantis. Inflation at 3%! It’s more like 15% here. Our gas prices are the highest in the country. He lied about the sexualized and pornographic material that his party demands be in our elementary and middle schools—his wife produces some of that material.
The last thing our country needs is democrats, and democrats from california are the worst
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Yeah, we saw who was talking over the other.

It was odd watching the opening of the debate where DeSantis was given an opportunity to speak and then DeSantis shouted down Newsom when he tried to speak

As soon as they went to commercial, DeSantis started to hold his tongue. He must have been read the riot act
Hard to answer when both DeSantis and Hannity were talking over him
In a debate, you give your answer to the question and then have the civility to allow the other person the same.

Newsome, like all leftwing progressives, thinks winning a debate means talking nonstop over the top of your opponent.

Hannity was expected to be a complete dunce in this and the idiot he is by not having control over the microphones.

He should have turned off DeSantis's mic when he asked Newsome a question and then turned off Newsome's mic when he asked DeSantis.

Not that it mattered; DeSantis mopped the floor with him on truthfulness and on-point answers to the issues.
It was odd watching the opening of the debate where DeSantis was given an opportunity to speak and then DeSantis shouted down Newsom when he tried to speak

As soon as they went to commercial, DeSantis started to hold his tongue. He must have been read the riot act
Now you know what it's like for Republicans in every presidential debate. They virtually all have leftist moderators.
I'm watching it now.

DeathSentance is getting his ass kicked!


We spent $20 billion in the last three years on homelessness," Dahle said. "We had 130,000 homeless people in California and now we have 170,000, so we're [at a] 30% increase in homelessness."

That means the state is spending about $23,000 per student in California annually, while spending $42,000 per homeless person, he said.

How many communities were destroyed in wild fires during this time frame? How much of that $20 billion was spent on building new affordable housing? Republicans like to throw a lot of big numbers around without context or meaning. Where did the $20 billion go? What housing was built? How many were housed? Why didn't it work?

I read about one program when Trump was in office, to turn unused shipping container into housing for the homeless - at a cost of $300,000 per container. All of the money went to the big corporations doing the work. I'm sure a homeless family could buy a perfectly lovely home for $300,000 that's a whole lot bigger and nicer than a steel box. Even in California.

There are a lot of questions in that response that Republicans aren't asking. They're just pointing fingers and making accusations - because they have no solutions, and they just want to use the issue to score political points.
How much of that $20 billion was spent on building new affordable housing? Republicans like to throw a lot of big numbers around without context or meaning.

There are a lot of questions in that response that Republicans aren't asking. They're just pointing fingers and making accusations - because they have no solutions, and they just want to use the issue to score political points.
Democrats failed, are failing in California, this has nothing to do with Republicans.

Republicans, we have solutions, it is called big business, steel making, textiles, manufacturing, giving people in the USA jobs. Republicans have solutions, it is called building houses.

I hope when Trump is in office, Trump changes the laws rules and regulations so that Trump can build a $trillion$ worth of apartments to sell to the public.

We need Trump, not the democrats who foolishly spent over $200 billion in California on green energy that does not work while allowing a million people, 10 million people do be homeless.

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