"Last man standing"- Repub Primaries

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Will it be Mitt or Jon?
Jon Huntsman, Tea Party Darling? - Yahoo! News
For Tea Party poobah Erick Erickson, last weekend was not a good one. After a week of watching Herman Cain bobble and blunder his way through a cringe-inducing series of sexual harassment allegations, Erickson found himself in a bar with some like-minded buddies discussing the abysmal state of the Republican field.

Erickson, a CNN contributor who runs the influential right-wing blog RedState.com, had come to a grim epiphany. If someone new didn’t step up soon, Mitt Romney was going to win the nomination—and kill American conservatism in the process.

“My God,” he told his friends. “I think I might have to eat my ‘never ever vote for Jon Huntsman’ post.” They laughed, but Erickson tells The Daily Beast, “they’d come to the exact same conclusion.”
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Maybe the muddle will end up in an open convention. After all the Repubs changed the allocation of delegates in the early elections from winner take all to divvy it up by proportion of vote. Pretty well eliminates someone from amassing a big amount of votes in a crowded field.

In an open convention, anything goes, could get some people who dropped out, like Sarah, or Mitch or even Mr. Trump could get nominated.
The nominee will be Mitt, Newt, or Herman. And we can see how well Herman is doing lately.
Newt's got waaay too much baggage & conservatives hate Mitt (read the text I quoted from the grand poobah himself)
Huntsman could actually give the President a real contest.

Aside from his "treason" comment and not speaking out about some really bad audience behavior..yeah. He's a moderate, fiscally conservative, well versed on the world stage and has the political chops. However, he might make a better Democratic candidate in 2016. :lol:
Huntsman could actually give the President a real contest.

Aside from his "treason" comment and not speaking out about some really bad audience behavior..yeah. He's a moderate, fiscally conservative, well versed on the world stage and has the political chops. However, he might make a better Democratic candidate in 2016. :lol:

He's not as much of a flip-flopper like Mitt
I think Huntsman a fantasic candidate and would be happy with him as my candidate. He has strong business experience in the private sector, a great economic plan, Chinese relations agreements, executive experience running a VERY business friendly state and appears to be a moral individual.

But be honest. The guy polls at 0.5 - 1% in every poll. He has had any traction at all and it doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon.

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