Krazy Kamala Harris’s Trump-Size Tax cuts for the poor & working people ahead of 2020 run

Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

That's just pure theft, so we take money from people who produce jobs buy better machinery to produce more and give it people to buy crack and meth???

Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You do know the difference between giving people a check and not taking money from them right??????

Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Yep. Same shit, different beneficiaries. That's what
corporatist government is all about.
Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men
ROLF! So they want to create another welfare program?

How beautifully liberal!
Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.
They're not even hiding their Marxism anymore...This is a good thing.
Marxism?? I must of missed the part about doing away with private property and free enterprise, not to mention the withering away of the state.
When the government confiscates all your income and provides you will all the services you use, it pretty much is abolishing private property in the means of production and free enterprise.

Marxist memes are used to justify all this shit. Marx is the one who originally proposed the graduated income tax.
They're not even hiding their Marxism anymore...This is a good thing.
Marxism?? I must of missed the part about doing away with private property and free enterprise, not to mention the withering away of the state.
You really a big enough rube to think that commie fucks like Harris will stop with this lunacy?
Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

What can I do to make it more attractive to you?
They're not even hiding their Marxism anymore...This is a good thing.
Marxism?? I must of missed the part about doing away with private property and free enterprise, not to mention the withering away of the state.
You really a big enough rube to think that commie fucks like Harris will stop with this lunacy?

Ohhhh that darn slippery slope fallacy again!
You just can't make this shit up. The Debt is $21T and growing and the dems want more giveaways. I'm becoming a "doomsday prepper" so stay away from my house or look the fuck out. How fucking dumb are the DC clowns? Congress totally deserves the 18% approval rating, actually it should be zero.
Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

What can I do to make it more attractive to you?
Cut all of it. Every last dime. The government shouldn't be issuing checks to anyone without getting something in return.
Apparently the irrefutable facts remain, the democratic party never saw a tax increase they didn't like and anytime they could give or promise something for free they didn't miss the opportunity to do so. So what happens when there are no 2,3,5, or 10 percenters left to tax?
Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

What can I do to make it more attractive to you?
Cut all of it. Every last dime. The government shouldn't be issuing checks to anyone without getting something in return.

Now, we are giving them properties the government owns which did not even get sold at auctions so its not like we are handing out goldmines.

We are requiring a decade of taxes and good behavior out of them.

To me it sounds like the Homestead Act which love or hate it, helped colinize America for the U.S.

What more can we ask of these ppl besides to revitalize our hopeless ghettos?
You just can't make this shit up. The Debt is $21T and growing and the dems want more giveaways. I'm becoming a "doomsday prepper" so stay away from my house or look the fuck out. How fucking dumb are the DC clowns? Congress totally deserves the 18% approval rating, actually it should be zero.
You can't make this shit up. The debt is 21T and growing and the Trumpanzees want more tax cuts for the wealthy while leaving working/middle class who actually spend their money on goods and services that drive the economy twisting in the wind.
You just can't make this shit up. The Debt is $21T and growing and the dems want more giveaways. I'm becoming a "doomsday prepper" so stay away from my house or look the fuck out. How fucking dumb are the DC clowns? Congress totally deserves the 18% approval rating, actually it should be zero.
You can't make this shit up. The debt is 21T and growing and the Trumpanzees want more tax cuts for the wealthy while leaving working/middle class who actually spend their money on goods and services that drive the economy twisting in the wind.
But the Dims want to hand out $6000 to everyone whether they pay taxes or not. Yeah, that's the way to cut the deficit.
Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Actually it is a interesting idea. Reagan was a big supporter of the earned income tax credit. Also Reagan once said that if we took all the money we spend on welfare and give it to recipients as grants, they would not be poor anymore. I could actually see a grand compromise if Republicans were forced to compromise.
they should be raising the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Who's "they" and raise the minimum wage to what amount? Yes I'm preparing to mock you.
Fifteen an hour and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

$15 an hour, not $15.50 or $16.75 where did you get that nice round number $15 an hour pull it out of your ass? This is why we destroy the left, they just fling shit out there half baked, destined to fail.

Next, who is going to pay for the free unemployment compensation the tooth fairy?
You need to read the threads. That silly canard has been answered.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and unemployment compensation at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour is what I am advocating for.

How would You be worse off.

No more economic red herrings regarding inflation; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

As predicted you can't answer. Never mind its retarded, $15 an hour is jack shit in NYC so why is your minimum wage one size fits all? Obviously $15 an hour isn't a livable wage in NYC. Typical half bake simpleton solution to a complex problem destined to fail. So typical of the left. Here :itsok: come back after you have better planned this.
it covers the cost of social services. and, the minimum wage is less now. any more red herrings?
Paying anything other than what the market calls for is asinine. Anyone promoting or supporting a $15 minimum wage knows nothing at all about economics and hasn’t the ability to think rationally.
Who's "they" and raise the minimum wage to what amount? Yes I'm preparing to mock you.
Fifteen an hour and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

$15 an hour, not $15.50 or $16.75 where did you get that nice round number $15 an hour pull it out of your ass? This is why we destroy the left, they just fling shit out there half baked, destined to fail.

Next, who is going to pay for the free unemployment compensation the tooth fairy?
You need to read the threads. That silly canard has been answered.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and unemployment compensation at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour is what I am advocating for.

How would You be worse off.

No more economic red herrings regarding inflation; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

As predicted you can't answer. Never mind its retarded, $15 an hour is jack shit in NYC so why is your minimum wage one size fits all? Obviously $15 an hour isn't a livable wage in NYC. Typical half bake simpleton solution to a complex problem destined to fail. So typical of the left. Here :itsok: come back after you have better planned this.
it covers the cost of social services. and, the minimum wage is less now. any more red herrings?

First get a job moochers, then we can discuss your worth and hourly wage.

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