Kitty rescue stories....

Tango and Cash were found in a box in a forest last December. ”My dad came home after work and told me he found a box with two kittens in it. I didn’t prepare myself for what we found.”
“He told me he found a box with two kittens after getting a complaint in this particular area about the roads being blocked with snow. We returned after work to see if the kittens had been picked up. This is what we saw.”​
“When I peaked in, my heart broke. This kitten is obviously very sick and cold. There’s two dishes of food with a blanket.”​
“We picked up the box and brought the cats to our home. If you separate them, they meow continuously until they’re reunited.”​
“We gave them a bath! They’re extremely skinny. They don’t really seem to know what to do with the tiny bowl of kitten food we put down.”​
“We wrapped them up and supplied them with body heat. Already we can see them perking up. They are honestly the sweetest cats I’ve seen.”​
“She keeps rubbing up against anyone who will let her. She keeps purring like crazy.”​
“The kittens have definitely found their home. We’ve put a lot emotionally into them and couldn’t bare to separate them or give them away.​
This is Tango, making biscuits.​
And Cash all grown up now!​
A tiny orphan kitten that was born in a van now got two unlikely moms.
While the kitten is being hand reared by the shelter staff, she is getting extra care and love from two lovely dogs.
A tiny 4 week old kitten was rescued from a van.​
They bottle feed the little kitten round the clock.​
Two lovely dogs give the caretakers a helping paw.​
“Everything will be ok, little one.”​
[ame=""]RSPCA Video - play time for hand-reared kitten - YouTube[/ame]​
A tiny orphan squirrel fell out of a tree but was saved by a family and a cat who took it in and began to raise it as her own.
Lisa Reichel and her family found the baby squirrel and attempted to save it. They were told by a wildlife expert to use a dropper to nurse it but the little squirrel wouldn’t accept it.
That’s when Lisa thought about Jingles the cat, who had a litter of her own. She placed the squirrel with the cat mother and Jingles started nursing her new baby.
A tiny orphan squirrel fell out of a tree but was saved by a cat mother who took it in and began to raise it as her own.​
Being blind doesn’t make this kitty disabled. He uses his other senses to help him ‘see.’
He was born this way, blind in both eyes. When he was little he learned how to navigate with his other senses. (reddit)​
Even though he can’t see the bowl, he knows how to have fun with it.​
He doesn’t need vision to know there is something fishy in the tank. “Oh hi, umm I was just checking on them,” he says.​
He uses his hearing and other senses to help him ‘see.’ Here he is listening to his human work.​
A tiny calico kitten was saved and adopted by a retired guard dog. Now Lily the dog guards and protects her little kitten.
“I heard a loud funny noise as we entered the park and I thought it was a bird. We walked Lily and on the way out I decided to investigate the noise that was still quite loud thinking it could be an injured bird,” said Lorrie R. via Kitty Army.
As they approached closer to the noise, Lily the dog started sniffing around and that’s when she found a 2 week old kitten. Knowing that it would be impossible for the kitten to survive in the woods, Lorrie picked up the kitten and they were headed off home.
“So I brought her home thinking it was going to be a very long month keeping them apart and safe. Much to my surprise, Lily has adopted the kitten! Comes and gets me when she needs to be fed and watches to make sure I do it right! I think Lily wants to keep her and I think in a month’s time she may get her wish!”
A tiny calico kitten was saved and adopted by a dog named Lily.​
Lily is a retired guard dog and now she guards and protects her little kitten.​
Lily watches over her little kitten like a mother would.​
When it’s time for the kitten to be fed, she watches to make sure her human does it right.​
Lily loves her kitty and the kitten adores her new mom.​
She was a stray cat found on the street, scared and hungry. Her rescuer sat with her for 2 hours and when she finally fell asleep on his lap, that’s when he knew.
“Some months ago, while out driving, we saw a stray cat wandering alongside the main road. We pulled over and got after her. She was easy to catch and wasn’t struggling, since she hardly had any energy left,” they wrote via imgur.
“Her body was covered with fleas and you could feel every bone sticking out.” They gave her a bath to help her remove the fleas.
“She was a bit scared but I sat with her for 2 hours and she ended up falling asleep on my lap. And that’s when I knew.”
The same day they took her to a vet. “They sterilized her and a help organization gave her medicine and food for the next 1 month, before we took her home again.”
“She can’t meow. She’s got abnormal long canines. Her tongue is oversized. She is afraid of heights. Her backlogs are stiff. But she wakes me up every morning, and falls asleep by holding my hand. This is my cat.”
A stray cat was found wandering alongside the street. They pulled over to rescue her. She didn’t struggle since she hardly had any energy left.​
They gave her a bath to remove the fleas.​
She was skin and bones.​
“She was a bit scared but I sat with her for 2 hours and she ended up falling asleep on my lap. And that’s when I knew.”​
They took her to a vet and got help for her medicine and food.​
“She can’t meow. She’s got abnormal long canines. Her tongue is oversized. She is afraid of heights. Her backlogs are stiff…”​
“But she wakes me up every morning, and falls asleep by holding my hand. This is my cat.”​
He was never a cat person until he met Raven the stray who stole his heart right from the start. ”Grew up with dogs, love those ‘OMG YOU’RE HOME!’ excited moments, the loyalty and obedience. It’s all glorious,” Raven’s human wrote.
“I snubbed a bunch of cats in my time because I liked dogs and cats were just independent little balls of ‘I do what I want.’ …Until just around Halloween of last year. Little black cat came up on our back porch one night, extremely friendly and cuddly. She didn’t leave our back porch for three days. We had an out of season snowstorm (hurricane Sandy), and I just felt so guilty leaving her outside. So now I have cat. And I love the crap out of her.” (reddit)
“First day we brought her inside, after a nice bath. Surprisingly she didn’t scratch me, she just meowed sadly.”​
“She won’t stop licking my hand.”​
Raven was very cuddly even from the start.​
“She’s the first cat I’ve ever had, and I honestly don’t think I could’ve asked for a better experience.”​
“Laundry? Oh no, silly human, this is my new bed.”​
“She’s so absolutely loving. It blows my mind.”​
Hazel and her sister Effie were surrendered to the shelter. Without a mom, the two babies need to be hand reared round the clock. Laurie C. of Itty Bitty Kitty Committee took the sisters to her home and became their surrogate mom.
“When they arrived, their expressions were blank, and they did not respond to the sight of us or any movement or sounds. They were just tiny, hungry, squirming, screaming things.
Now, they interact with us so much more. They seek attention and affection. Their eyes are brighter, they respond to sound, they are stronger and more stable, they play harder, and scream louder.”
When Hazel came to her foster home, her expressions were blank and she didn’t respond to the sight of any movement or sounds.​
They cleaned her up and helped her settle in.​
They hand reared Hazel and her sister round the clock…​
Then they learned to eat on their own.​
Two weeks later – she’s larger, livelier, and louder.
This 5 week old calico kitten loves her human dad and she won’t let him do anything without her.
“Every time I sit down to play games, she cuddles up on my shoulder… She won’t let me do anything without her,” human dad wrote via reddit.
When he plays video games, kitty tries to help. “She’s even tried to crawl up the TV to ‘help,’” he added.
“Every time I sit down to play games, she cuddles up on my shoulder.”​
“She’s started really getting into the game, and even squeaks and hisses at the bad guys.”​
“She won’t let me do anything without her.”​
Itty Bitty the 3-legged kitty is adopted by a special human who is also an amputee. When Brian Gentilotti met the tripaw kitten, he knew it was the perfect match.
“Itty Bitty is the amazing story of an injured kitten brought to Katz 4 Keeps with an uncertain future. While waiting to grow big enough to be spayed and have her injured leg amputated, Itty Bitty met Brian. Brian, an amputee himself and a huge part of Camp No Limits (camp for amputee children), was brought to Katz 4 Keeps by a friend to meet Itty Bitty. Brian immediately felt a connection and put a hold on Itty Bitty for adoption,” Katz 4 Keeps wrote on Facebook.
“I was down here visiting two campers and we were going to go to camp the following week. They said we found a really great cat for you to adopt so I came down and checked her out and that was it,” said Gentilotti via First Coast News.
Itty Bitty had to have her badly injured front leg removed, but she isn’t letting her amputation slow her down at all.
“I also had an amputation due to traumatic injury. After I had the amputation I was able to go back to doing the things I used to do like snow mobile and ski so it was definitely a positive thing… She’s not limited… She climbs. She hops up on things. She plays. She walks,” Gentilotti said.
“You can do anything. Don’t sit home and feel sorry for yourself because you have one limb missing, a hand or are missing both legs. There are a lot of amputees there that are missing all four limbs, and it’s amazing what they can do. They can throw a football better than I can, and this cat is an example of that. She’s able to do anything,” Gentilotti added.


[ame=]Itty Bitty! - YouTube[/ame]
These orphan kittens find a new mom, Brooke the German shepherd who cares for them like her own.
“My German shepherd Brooke was a great help as I raised some orphan kittens for the animal shelter. I fed them, she was responsible for washing and toileting,” the foster mom wrote.​


“This combination worked great and all four grew up as healthy as if they had been raised by their own mom.”​
[ame=]German Shepherd adopts Orphan Kittens - YouTube[/ame]​
Spirit the blind cat uses his exploring skills to help rescuers search and rescue 4 tiny kittens at a construction site. This is a remarkable story.
Despite his difficult beginning that took away his eye sight, Spirit has forgiven his past and now lives his best life and goes out to help others.
Here is the story from Spirit’s Facebook page:
“Late in the afternoon on Monday, April 14, we were notified about a feral cat that had been trapped at a building Construction site the day before, at around 11 am Sunday. The person who trapped the cat suspected that she was pregnant, but was not sure until the veterinarian informed her Monday afternoon that the cat had already given birth. The chances of finding the kittens — or being alive — after so much time had lapsed was very dismal. But we HAD to TRY! The temperatures were dropping, and our low for the night would be in the 30′s. We did not have any idea of what we might encounter, but we brought our Most Valuable Asset — a little blind kitty with a powerful spirit, who is absolutely amazing! Spirit is an excellent explorer, and will go above and beyond to help anyone in need. We needed a miracle!
Once we arrived at the Construction site, and were led to a rear access point under a trailer, and we quickly discovered that the space underneath this trailer was dark, very muddy and eerie, with an extremely low (height) clearance. We would need to crawl on our elbows and belly in order to maneuver under the trailer. The area was so daunting, we did not feel safe going into an unknown dark, cold, wet area, with only one entry/exit point. But, we needed to search for the hidden (abandoned) kittens, because time was of the essence! So, we called a dear friend who lived close by, and asked if she would be willing to venture into the unknown with us, under the trailer. To our Surprise, she agreed!!!
The entire time that we were searching under the trailer, Spirit was off lead. This was necessary for a number of reasons — so that his leash would not get tangled up in the debris, or metal supports, and also because he needed the freedom and ability to thoroughly investigate the lowest areas, where the clearance was literally about 6-8 inches high — too low for a person to reach on their own. We relied upon Spirit’s ability to notify & alert us, and our boy did not disappoint!”
Edit: According to Spirit’s facebook page, “Their (feral) mama cat had been spayed, then recovered at a friends house, and was relocated outside at a workers home.” The stress of surgery and nursing might be too much for the mama cat to handle, so they brought in CC the cat to help raise the kittens. And CC is fantastic!
This is the construction site trailer, where the feral mama kitty had been seen taking refuge under.​
They believed the missing kittens were hidden under the trailer.​
Spirit is listening carefully, ready to search & rescue!​
They sent in extra help for Spirit to look for the kittens. They were working as a team.​
He went exploring, trying to pick up any scents or sounds.​
It took a little exploring around, but Spirit spotted something up there.​
They took a closer look… It was the kittens!​
There were 4 kittens in total.​
They took the kittens home to foster. Here Uncle Spirit is checking on the little ones.​
The 4 rescue kittens now have a surrogate mama, CC, who is nursing and caring for them along with her 5 kittens.​
Meet Chance! He was wandering around at an elementary school all by himself until he was discovered by a teacher who just couldn’t leave him there. He was given a warm home with lots of food and love.
Chance was found at an elementary school wandering by himself.​
This is him cuddling with the human that saved and adopted him.​
They gave him a lot of food and love…​
One day, they brought him Ash who became Chance’s furry brother. They bonded.​
…and became inseparable!​
With a second chance at life, Chance is now thriving at his forever loving home.​
A tiny black kitten was dropped off in a box on the steps of a vet office. One of the employees took her home, thinking they would hand rear her until their German Shepherd dog Raven immediately claimed the kitten as her own.
Raven who has never had puppies started producing milk after she was introduced to the little feline friend. Her maternal instinct kicked in when she saw that little kitten looking to nurse.
“She washes (the kitten) with her tongue and if it gets too far away she’ll herd it back. And we found out yesterday that she’s actually lactating,” said the human mom via reddit.
The kitten is getting bottle fed by the humans while receiving motherly care from her dog mama.
A tiny black kitten was dropped off in a box on the steps of a vet office.​
One of the employees took her home and immediately their German Shepherd dog Raven claimed the kitten as her own.​
Raven who has never had puppies started producing milk after she saw the kitten looking to nurse.​
Her maternal instinct kicked in and she began to clean and care for the little orphan baby.​
It seems that the kitten is hers now.​
She watches the kitten play…​
…until she falls asleep. Raven is a very protective dog mama.​
She keeps her kitten by her side and wouldn’t be far away from her.​
Gracie a stray cat living in Afghanistan befriended a soldier one day and she’s been attached to him ever since. The bond they share is incredible.
Gracie’s soldier wrote via Nowzad.
“I first met Gracie when she was few months old, she was living with her mother and brothers close to the dining facility. She was extremely shy and would not allow anyone to get close or to touch her. Then I lost track of her for a while.
Then my branch was moved to another location and there I found Gracie: she was still very shy but day by day, little by little, we became friends, very close friends. She was calling on me 4 or 5 times a day, under my office’s window and she would wait for me to come out sitting on a chair (as you can see in the picture below), just to play or for some company: she wanted a friend, while people said she wanted to be fed that was not true.
Whenever I was calling her she would accompany me around the compound, walking with me. People started to call Gracie “my” cat because we were walking around the camp together, she is incredibly loyal and affectionate.
Gracie is very sweet and my colleagues used to say that she cried whenever I wasn’t in the office.
Once I went to the US Embassy, she accompanied me to the gate. When I came back, more than 2 hours later, she was still there-a lady offered her a sausage but she preferred to walk back with me. Once I went to the Milano building and when I came out more than one hour later she was there waiting for me. When I had my farewell party with my colleagues in the Destille Gardens she was hanging around, sitting on the chair with us and she walked back with me.
It was a great comfort for me during the mission knowing that someone was waiting for me every day. It was Gracie that picked me, and she took care of me more than I took care of her.
When some construction started close to my office Gracie was very scared because of the noise and the people moving around: but she would come anyway looking for me, and I was looking for her whenever some time passed.
When I left Kabul and had to say goodbye to Gracie-she was sitting in the middle of the crossroad complaining because I was not staying with her-that broke my heart, she was really crying.
We had been told that we could not take animals back with us, but it was only for the military flights. So, when I discovered that through Nowzad it would have been possible to get Gracie with me I immediately decided I wanted to adopt her.
I would like to take care of Gracie as she did with me, she was definitly my best friend in Kabul: she literally rescued me, now it’s my turn and I look forward to have her again with me.”
This is the chair Gracie sat on everyday waiting for her soldier.​
Thanks to Nowzad and many generous donations, Gracie is now fully funded and will soon be reunited with her soldier in Europe. Follow Nowzad on Facebook.
A tiny kitten was trapped after wandering into a pile of old wood and cobwebs.
Scott Allan walked outside one morning and heard what it sounded like a bird or squirrel. “(I) traced the sound to our side yard, and there he was, trapped in a junk pile of old wood and cobwebs. He wouldn’t come to my call and any attempt to get my arm in there just made him back up and disappear. Soooo long story short, the shed is now without siding as that was the only way to get to him,” Allan wrote via Facebook.
The kitten was under 0.5 pounds and was barely 3-weeks old according to the vet. They named him Thunder and he began to thrive.
A 3 week old kitten found himself trapped in a pile of old wood and cowebs, crying for help.​

In order to get him out, Scott Allan removed the siding of the shed. Here’s the kitten snuggling with his human. They named him Thunder.​

In no time, he had already claimed his human’s computer.​

Thunder meeting Ella the dog.​

She babysat him…​

…and became his good friend.​

This is Thunder just 3 weeks old.​

Now all grown up, he’s the king of his world.​

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