Kitty rescue stories....

Try some of the shelters mentioned in these stories.

There aren't any real no kill shelters in my area. Ours supposedly has a no kill wing, but unless they are 100% adoptable when they come in and there is a vacancy, they just gas them.

I'll check around with people and in the meantime get them somewhat acclimated to humans so if they get picked up they will have a theoretical chance. There are some ferals that have been around a few years in my neighborhood that have managed to be people friendly and cage avoiding. If the wander off, someone will likely help them or else they will show back up. If they are here by fall, I will see if I can get a lady who comes back every year for homecoming to take them to a no-kill shelter she works with in the northeast.

If people would spay/neuter, there wouldn't be a need for no-kill shelters.

Ferals and semi-ferals are not adoptable. As it is now, we kill millions of very well-socialized and adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. The last thing anyone wants is an animal who is terrified of people.

By fall, there will be more litters, more disease and even fewer adoptable cats.
If people would spay/neuter, there wouldn't be a need for no-kill shelters.

Ferals and semi-ferals are not adoptable. As it is now, we kill millions of very well-socialized and adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. The last thing anyone wants is an animal who is terrified of people.

By fall, there will be more litters, more disease and even fewer adoptable cats.

There would still be a need as some families surrender their pets for various reasons. I disagree with your position that feral cats cannot be domesticated. Every cat we ever had just showed up at our door. These particular cats just showed up under my back porch. I am not going to have them gassed because someone thinks it is more humane that an animal dies than lives without central air conditioning as is often the attitude I find with local places.
Try some of the shelters mentioned in these stories.

There aren't any real no kill shelters in my area. Ours supposedly has a no kill wing, but unless they are 100% adoptable when they come in and there is a vacancy, they just gas them.

I'll check around with people and in the meantime get them somewhat acclimated to humans so if they get picked up they will have a theoretical chance. There are some ferals that have been around a few years in my neighborhood that have managed to be people friendly and cage avoiding. If the wander off, someone will likely help them or else they will show back up. If they are here by fall, I will see if I can get a lady who comes back every year for homecoming to take them to a no-kill shelter she works with in the northeast.

If people would spay/neuter, there wouldn't be a need for no-kill shelters.

Ferals and semi-ferals are not adoptable. As it is now, we kill millions of very well-socialized and adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. The last thing anyone wants is an animal who is terrified of people.

By fall, there will be more litters, more disease and even fewer adoptable cats.

You've said MANY stupid things in the political section, but your complete disrespect for feral cats is absolutely mind blowing...Almost EVERY rescue in here has been a FERAL CAT!!!!!!

PLEASE go away and make yourself look dumber then this in the political section (hard to do, but I KNOW you can do it!)....or even better, go kill yourself, and save the world from human trash like you!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Meet Murcy the kitty who is quite special. “If your head is exponentially larger than the rest of your entire body, that’s cute,” said Cuteoverload. And we agree!
“That’s Murcy. She was born with twisted hind legs that just stick out behind her and kind of lay there,” said Josh Norem of The Furrtographer. “But it doesn’t bother her at all.”
“Despite her disability, she sails around the house like any other playful kitten,” said Saving Grace Rescue. Just recently, Murcy was adopted and now living the life at her forever loving home.
Meet Murcy the kitty. She is quite special.​

She was born with twisted hind legs, but it doesn’t bother her at all. She plays just like other kittens.


Murcy sharing her bed with a furiend.​
A tiny calico kitten survived the devastating tornado in Cedarville, Ohio after a meteorologist rescued her from tornado rubble amid the wreckage of several destroyed homes.
“While Meteorologist Rich Wirdzek WHIO TV was out in Cedarville surveying the tornado damage – he found a little something extra in the rubble,” WHIO TV reports. They promptly wrapped up the kitten in a jacket and kept her warm and dried her up.
They found out that the kitten belongs to a family whose house was destroyed and were able to reunite the kitten with the family. “Great news about the kitten, she was reunited with the family and seems to be ok,” Wirdzek wrote via twitter.
[Watch video below]
Meteorologist Rich Wirdzek rescued a tiny kitten while surveying the damage of homes destroyed by a tornado.​

They promptly wrapped up the kitten in a jacket and kept her warm and dried her up.​

The kitten has since been reunited with the family and is said to be doing well.​

[ame=]Weatherman rescues kitten from tornado rubble - YouTube[/ame]
When a family rescued 2 cats from an irresponsible breeder, they were told that the kitties were both males. Not only did they discover that one of them is in fact a female, they saw her belly grow bigger and bigger. Then one day it popped.
The cat mama is very young, but she’s doing a fantastic job and is in great health. Mama gave birth to two kittens, but only Boo the tabby survived. Boo looks like a mini version of her. The cat father has been neutered and they are planning to have the mama fixed as soon as the baby is on solids. “(The mama cat) was kept separate until he had the surgery and was healed but we just noticed her belly growing so we couldn’t get her neutered… as soon as baby is on solids mama will be neutered as will Boo (the kitten) at 6 months,” they said.
“We will definitely keep the kitten, we have the mother and the father…” They are keeping the family of three together.
The family rescued 2 cats, and one of them’s belly started to grow. One day it popped. Boo the kitten was born. He’s a mini version of his mom.​

They rescued the cat mom and the cat dad from an irresponsible breeder.​

They are keeping the three together. A happy furry family!​
Meet Yoga, a paraplegic kitty who is truly special. Though she can’t use her back legs or tail due to an injury, she can get around the house on her two legs just as well as any 4 legged cats do. She has a wheelchair to help her roll around if she likes, but Yoga loves to walk on her own. And she does it like a champ!
Yoga was adopted from Almost Home Ohio in Ashland along with her wobbly friend Trip who has cerebellar hypoplasia. They are inseparable.
Meet Yoga, a paraplegic kitty who is truly special.​

Though she can’t use her back legs or tail due to an injury…​

…she can get around the house on her two legs just as well as any 4 legged cats do.​

Yoga playing!​
She has a wheelchair to help her roll around if she likes.​

Yoga was adopted from Almost Home Ohio in Ashland along with her wobbly friend Trip who has cerebellar hypoplasia. They are inseparable.​

“What disability?” Yoga is purrfect!​
Meet Piper the cat who was saved by employees from Roto Rooter from a sewer drain pipe in Omaha. It took hours to get the little kitten out to safety. After the kitty was rescued, they made her the office cat of Roto Rooter.
Employees took turns to look after the kitten when the office was closed, but it didn’t take long for Tim and his family to fall hard in love with Piper and eventually adopted her into their home.
Meet Piper the cat who was saved by employees from Roto Rooter from a sewer drain pipe in Omaha.​

She became the office cat at Roto Rooter.​

Piper giving the workers some help during work.​

Tim and his family fell hard in love with the kitten and adopted her into their home.​

Piper all grown up now :).​
They found Toro the kitten behind a dumpster. He was sick, hungry and crying for help. The family spent two weeks making him well, and now he’s a different kitty. The story has a happy ending.
The family brought the little sick kitten home and spent many sleepless nights nursing him back to health. “It was a struggle since he didn’t always want to eat directly from the bottle. But, we’re patient, even when it took 45 minutes to get him to eat bit by bit. He’s well on to normal food now, eating like a maniac,” tekz of reddit said.
When asked about the vet cost, they said: “We spent around $200 so far, but we’re getting the rest of the bill today. We don’t care, the only important thing is that Toro survived,” they said. “I always say this is what extra income is for. I’m not going to remember what TV I had 20 years from now, but I’ll always remember Toro and how I spent sleepless nights trying to make that little bundle of joy better.”
When they found Toro, he was in bad shape, hungry and crying. They took him to a vet immediately.​

Finally some food!​

“His eye was closed and one of his back paws was huge, obviously infected. Got him on antibiotics and started feeding him every 3-4 hours.”​

“A few days later he was already much better, but still couldn’t rely on one of this paws.”​

“A week on the antibiotics worked, he was eating like crazy and enjoyed cuddling.”​

“10 days in Toro was using all of this paws, finally behaving like a normal kitten: running around and playing with a ball.”​

“Here’s Toro sleeping in my lap after running around for two hours.”​

Finally cured, he’s now adopted and living happily at his forever loving home.​
Three tiny kittens found a new unusual mom, a beagle mix dog named Mary who has a litter of puppies of her own. Mary adopted the kittens at the Pickens County Animal Shelter in Jasper, Georgia. She’s been caring for the kittens since before their eyes were even opened.
Mary has seven little puppies of her own. When they tried to introduce the kittens to Mary, she took all three in and started nursing them as her own.
Mary grooms the kittens, sleeps with them and cannot bear to have them leave her side.
Shelter staffers work around the clock to feed the kittens, but Mary is playing an important role. “If anything, it’s given the kittens the companionship of the litter, the mother, the warmth.”
Three rescue kittens have found a new unusual mom, a beagle mix named Mary who has a litter of pups of her own.​

She loves her kittens, grooms them, sleeps with them and cannot bear to have them leave her side.​

[ame=]Dog Fostering Kittens Without Mother Cat - YouTube[/ame]
Penny the kitten was rescued twice. After she was saved by a kind person and taken to the vet, Penny went into a coma. They didn’t think she’d make it, but her life took a different turn…
“Found this kitten outside my work, next day she went into a coma,” said Ryan B. via reddit. They didn’t think Penny would survive so he said goodbyes… “The next day, (the vet) called and said she woke up and is fine. Meet my new cat, Penny. This one is lucky for sure.”
An orphan kitten named Roadhouse is now nursing alongside her new siblings, tiny pups, and getting all the love from her new mom, a white Maltese dog named Coco.
Coco was rescued from a hoarding situation and was brought to Animal Haven. After she came into the shelter, she gave birth to her litter of puppies.
Just a few days after her puppies were born, Roadhouse the kitten came in without a mother. She wouldn’t take formula from a bottle, so they introduced her to Coco. “We said, ‘What would happen if we put the kitten with Coco,’ and it was instantaneous,” Mara of Animal Haven said.
Roadhouse has formed a beautiful bond with her new mom and the puppies.

[ame=]Mama Dog Nurses Kitten With Her Puppies at NYC Animal Shelter - YouTube[/ame]
Meet Kanga, a sweet, playful girl with bent legs we’ve seen in kitties like Harvey. Despite those short front legs, she is very active and doesn’t think she’s any different.
“She is such a sweet, adorable kitten. Only about a pound and already gets in and out of the litter box,” said Amber of Saving Grace Rescue.

Kanga was born with short front legs, but she doesn’t think she’s any different.

[ame=]Kanga - YouTube[/ame]

I had a little boy with his back legs like that.... would drag himself around out in the backyard about 6 weeks after birth....immediately caught him, and took him to a GREAT Vet that was able to put him into semi-hard casts that he could adjust before they firmed up....over a course of 8 months, we were able to straighten out his rear legs so they were roughly 90% of a normal cat. He walked bow legged, but could run jump and do anything his siblings could. Called him Grumbles, as he didn't purr or meow, just grumbled, but you knew what he wanted by the pitch of his grumbles.... lived many years and a good life!....sweet as could be, always believed he knew that we tried to help him.
ours is very simple

she is an older cat

toilet trained and very affectionate

she lived for years with a handicapped woman who died

the kids did not want to be bothered with the cat

left her locked in their moms house

about a month or so after the passing

the house was to go up for auction

a friend was sent in to prepare the place for auction

and found the cat nearly dead

we took her in
A ginger cat was found in a car’s engine compartment yesterday. “My neighbors ring my doorbell saying they think there is a cat in my car,” the car owner said via reddit. “Right after I was able to remove her from my car, she jumped out of my hands and ran under my neighbor’s car and jumped in there. Just scared and wanted to be in dark places I think.”
When he brought the kitten into his home, she took refuge under the couch. Moseph the resident dog came to see the kitten and started licking her. It was an instant bond. “They are getting along just fine. My dog is cool with cats. He’ll just sniff and lick her,” he added. “And yup. I think I’m a cat owner now.”
A ginger cat was found in a car’s engine compartment. This is kitty cuddling with her rescuer.​

After hiding under the couch for sometime, she came out to get some water. “She’s finally drinking! She hasn’t eaten or drunk anything since I found her yesterday.”​

She’s won his heart. “I think I’m a cat owner now.”​

When kitty met his dog Moseph, they bonded instantly.​
Meet Boots, the cat who only has two paws, very much like Yoga the cat, but Boots can go downstairs on her front paws like a ninja.
She lives with her human Megan in Colorado. “Boots came to live with us when she was about 5-6 weeks old,” Megan told Buzzfeed. “She was picked up by the awesome volunteers from Life is Better Rescue when she was only 10 days old.”
“She had been passed up by other rescue groups because she was missing her rear paws. We believe this was an accident – perhaps she’d been closed in a door, or a recliner, something mechanical. We don’t believe it was purposeful human intervention.”
Watch Boots go downstairs like a ninja!

Boots met her human when she was 5-6 weeks.

“A vet in Denver fitted her for “house slippers” (the blue prosthetics) when she was 6 months old.”

“It was tough as she re-learned how to walk. But as you can see from our video, she has no problem now.”

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A tiny kitten was found in the middle of the road. A woman saw the kitten, rushed to the rescue. (via Cuteoverload)
“On October 8, 2013, I was on my way to a meeting. I had taken a wrong turn and pulled over to try to sort out my location,” said Susan C. “It was around 5:30pm so there was a good bit of traffic. Several yards away in the middle of the street I noticed some little critter and thought to myself ‘That chipmunk sure has a long tail.’ After a few seconds, I realized that it wasn’t a chipmunk but a very small kitten in the middle of the road.”
“As I watched, two SUV’s barely missed flattening the poor baby. I drove to the kitten as quickly as I could and when I got out of the car, the tiny gray and white kitten looked up at me and mewed. I said, ‘Oh, come here, baby’ because I’m a crazy lady who talks to cats.
He had a bloody little nose and his eyes were very runny. I asked some people in the neighborhood if anyone knew of a cat with a litter…, but no one knew of one. Based on his rough appearance, I surmised that he was probably from a feral litter. I took the little guy to our local emergency vet and they said the bloody nose was just a scrape and gave me some ointment for his eyes.
She estimated his age at four weeks. On the way there, I called my husband to tell him of my find and he said ‘I guess we have a new kitten.’ We did indeed have a new kitten. Oliver, named after another fortunate orphan, joined our cat household of Buddy and Missy and now he is a beloved member of the family.”
Meet Oliver, who was found in the middle of the street. “As I watched, two SUV’s barely missed flattening the poor baby. I drove to the kitten as quickly as I could and when I got out of the car, the tiny gray and white kitten looked up at me and mewed.”​

No one in the neighborhood recognized the kitten, so she brought him home. This is Oliver poking out of the box in his new home, meeting the cat residents, Buddy and Missy.​

His very first fitting in a box experience.​

Oliver sharing the Cat TV with his new furiend.​

Buddy and Missy invite him to nap with them.​

“Everything is ok now.”​

Needless to say, Oliver is fitting in just fine.​
Coco was just a few weeks old when she was found alone. “I found this kitten underneath my garden shed… She’s about 2 1/2 weeks old,” Kay N wrote via flickr. She took the kitten home to her care. It was then Coco knew she would be all right.
Coco was found underneath a garden shed when she was just 2 1/2 weeks old.​

When her rescuer took her home, she gave her a big hug.​

They fed her around the clock and nursed her back to health.​

This is Coco getting her first belly rubs.​

She gave her human love nibbles.​

Coco grew and thrived. Her ears perked up.​

All grown up now. Coco is a beauty!​
These good Samaritans teamed up to rescue a tiny kitten trapped in a storm drain in Bluffton, South Carolina.
“Kudos to Town Building Inspector Sandy Oliver for seeing a 5-week old kitten cross Bluffton Parkway and saving its life. It took a village, or at least three town employees and a Cleland Site Supervisor, to finally get it out of the storm drain. ‘Stormy’ is safe, warm and fed now” (Town of Bluffton Government)
Meet Stormy the cat who was trapped in a storm drain, crying for help.​

Good Samaritans in Bluffton, South Carolina teamed up to save the little kitten. Here officer Jake Higgins tries to reach the kitten.​

Cleland Site Prep Supervisor T.J. Savarese blocked traffic with his truck, opened the storm cap and pulled the kitten out to safety.​

Stormy’ is now in the care of the Palmetto Animal League

Safe, warm, comfortable and loved.​

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