King of the Flipfloppers

Dec 3, 2003
Kerry seems to be a pretty bad flipflopper, but he is nothing compared to the guy he learned it all from, George Bush!

Bush said he'd support firefighters w/ a 3.5 billion dollar aid deal, but after 18 months when the firefighters finally got it, it was no where near the 3.5 billion.

1) Bush opposed the extension of the 9/11 commision, but now he is for it.
President George W. Bush and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) have decided to oppose granting more time to an independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks. Link

2) Bush was against a 9/11 commission, but now he is for it
President Bush said Thursday he opposes forming a special commission to investigate how the government handled terrorism warnings before Sept. 11, saying the information is too sensitive for such an investigation to be conducted in a public forum.Link
"This administration has provided unprecedented cooperation to the 9/11 commission," McClellan said. "It provided access to every single bit of information that they have requested."

3)Bush said he would only give a one hour of his time to the 9/11 commision, now he says he'll answer all questions they want to raise.

4)Bush was opposed to the commission investigating the huge meltdown of intelligence in Iraq, but now he is for it.
Until now, President Bush has reacted coolly toward the idea of a new commission, refusing to endorse it publicly. But his administration is under mounting election-year pressure to agree to an independent inquiry about Iraq's alleged arsenal of banned destruction.,2933,110074,00.html

5)Bush said he wouldn't negotiate with terrorists or countries belonging to the "Axis of Evil", but since then Bush has negotiated with the North Koreans, the palestinians, and made a peace agreement with the People's Mujahideen of Iran
Terror must be stopped. No nation can negotiate with terrorists. For there is no way to make peace with those whose only goal is death. … Since Sept. 11, I've delivered this message: Everyone must choose; you're either with the civilized world, or you're with the terrorists."

Bush was oringinally opposed to a Department of Homeland Security, but after much pressure, he flipflopped.

Bush said he would regulate power plants' output of carbon dioxide, but he has flipflopped.

Bush said he wouldn't allow the UN to bid on contracts, now he does.

Bush flipflopped on steel tariffs.

Bush said he was against "nation building", but now his presidency revolves around nothing else.

This is just the beginning of the Bush flip flop thread. I'll continue to add them as they come.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Bush said he'd support firefighters w/ a 3.5 billion dollar aid deal, but after 18 months when the firefighters finally got it, it was no where near the 3.5 billion. Bush opposed the extension of the 9/11 commision, but not he is for it. Bush was opposed to the commission investigating the huge meltdown of intelligence in Iraq, but now he is for it.Bush said he wouldn't negotiate with terrorists or countries belonging to the "Axis of Evil", but now Bush is negotiating with the North Koreans. Bush was oringinally opposed to a Department of Homeland Security, but after much pressure, he flipflopped.Bush said he would regulate power plants' output of carbon dioxide, but he has flipflopped.Bush said he wouldn't allow the UN to bid on contracts, now he does.
Bush flipflopped on steel tariffs.
Bush said he was against "nation building", but now his presidency revolves around nothing else

He did support it,he signed it . What you want from congress and what you get are never the same thing ..nice try..
G.W wanted an extension till 05...he didnt get it. as for being against the comission...why spend money when we all know that if the money hadnt been taken away by cuts[democrats] the power to operate properly would have still been there...nice try
Negotiate with the NK's? what would you have us do? start WWIII...nice try
show a link for the homeland security and power plant claims please...
The UN doest bid on contracts....nice try
G.W said he would TRY to hold the tariffs in place for three years to allow the industry as a whole modernize their plants. The industry thanked him for what he did, It has been noted that the steelindustry didnt need the 3 years!.. again nice try
as for nation building....I suppose you mean Iraq? we tore the country up, are we to just walk away? we didnt walk away afterWWII and we arent walking away now...thanks for playing
King of Flip flops Eh.
Mabey you should take a look at your boy Kerry a little closser, i think in some othe thread Jimnyc amnaged to point out 20+ flip flops I dare you to find 10 on GW. and unfortuanltlly the ones you listed before don't count, Jon pretty much threw those to the ground...ready and go!!!!
Originally posted by kcmcdonald
i think in some othe thread Jimnyc amnaged to point out 20+ flip flops

Here they are:

Flip-Flopped On Iraq War
Flip-Flopped On Eliminating Marriage Penalty For Middle Class
Flip-Flopped On Patriot Act
Kerry Took BOTH Sides On First Gulf War
Flip-Flopped On Gay Marriage Amendment
Flip-Flopped On Attacking President During Time Of War
Flip-Flopped On Death Penalty For Terrorists
Flip-Flopped On No Child Left Behind
Flip-Flopped On Affirmative Action
Flip-Flopped On Ethanol
Flip-Flopped On Cuba Sanctions
Flip-Flopped On NAFTA
Flip-Flopped On Double Taxation Of Dividends
Flip-Flopped On Raising Taxes During Economic Downturn
Flip-Flopped On Small Business Income Taxes
Flip-Flopped On 50-Cent Gas Tax Increase
Flip-Flopped On Leaving Abortion Up To States
Flip-Flopped On Litmus Tests For Judicial Nominees
Flip-Flopped On Federal Health Benefits
Flip-Flopped On Tax Credits For Small Business Health
Flip-Flopped On Health Coverage
Flip-Flopped On Welfare Reform
Flip-Flops On Stock Options Expensing
Flip-Flopped On Medical Marijuana
Flip-Flopped On Burma Sanctions
Flip-Flopped On Military Experience As Credential For Public Office
Flip-Flopped On PACs
Flip-Flopped On $10,000 Donation Limit To His PAC
Flip-Flopped On Using Personal Funds In 1996 Race
Flip-Flopped On Israel Security Fence
Dont worry about starting WW3 with Korea. Reagan ended WW3 when he brought the soviets down.
Alright, I can find 10 easy. The ones I posted I'll explain further and put up links. The UN one wasn't the actual UN being allowed to bid, but the actual countries that make up the UN that didn't support the war.

And Reagan didn't bring the soviets down
If Ronnie wasnt responsable for the fall of the wall..then who do you feel should get the credit? as for the countrys blocked from the contracts...only the first round of contracts were blocked. why should they countries that didnt support us get the spoils? they already made there money by skirting the santions anyway...screw france,germany and russia...they got caught with their hand in the cookiejar good. that why they were against us going in, so we wouldnt find out the truth about them.
You're going into the reasons why bush changed his mind, which is exactly what you guys aren't doing with kerry. So I'm going to start putting up examples of times when bush flipflopped like kerry does.

The commies fell from within, the country's economy collasped. I guess I've never heard a realistic argument about why Reagan defeated the USSR.:rolleyes:
Kerry changes his mind with the breeze..whatever the people want to hear is what will fall out of his pie-hole. I cant wait for the debate....better drink allot of coffee....kerry will drone on for ever and say will see
Believe me, I'm one of the last people that wanted to see Kerry nominated in our party, but if Bush wants to play dirty, I say so can we. And it kind of looks like Bush will say whatever the people want to hear, the ban on gay marriage amendment and giving however much time the 9/11 commission wants to interview him.
where areKerrys med records for the 3 purple hearts he won in nam...that didnt require a stay in the hospital???? king flip-flop is also king of BS..someone has gotto be kepping track of what he says so he dont go back on his words in the same day...this guy reminds me of max headroom....ayayayayayayay....if Kerry is the best the Democrats can muster they should close up shop and save the country a bunch of money...concide to G.W...its all over guys just dont waant to believe it ...YET! is G.W. playing dirty??? who is using soft[illegal] money to run anti-Bush ads....????
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
You're going into the reasons why bush changed his mind, which is exactly what you guys aren't doing with kerry. So I'm going to start putting up examples of times when bush flipflopped like kerry does.

The commies fell from within, the country's economy collasped. I guess I've never heard a realistic argument about why Reagan defeated the USSR.:rolleyes:

Ronald Reagan forced the communist economy to its knees by continually upping the arms ante knowing that the Russians would have to put their limited supply of cash into arms to keep up and neglecting everything else which eventually led to the collapse. There you are.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Believe me, I'm one of the last people that wanted to see Kerry nominated in our party, but if Bush wants to play dirty

I had to stop at that point. Bush wants to play dirty? I suggest you pay a lot more attention to the man you intend to put in the oval office...playing dirty is what Jk is all about.
I had to stop at that point. Bush wants to play dirty? I suggest you pay a lot more attention to the man you intend to put in the oval office...playing dirty is what Jk is all about.

I think you'd bette take your own advice and look at a few accomplishments Bush has made in office:picking intelligence, misleading the public, saying taxcuts are for the bottom half of americans, deregulating business, proposing amnesty for illegals, not protecting the biological and nuclear facilities, attacked Iraq which had nothing to do with al-queda or saudi arabia(which made up 14/19 hijackers), screwing the environment, record for money from special interests and doing nothing to protect marriage to name a few. Bush is so bad I'll take Kerry anyday.

C'mon, do you actually believe Bush isn't playing dirty and won't? Putting in the image of firefighters pulling out a dead firefighter from the rubble to exploit the feelings of Americans when the firefighters say bush isn't supporting them is in my opinion dirty.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I think you'd bette take your own advice and look at a few accomplishments Bush has made in office:picking intelligence, misleading the public, saying taxcuts are for the bottom half of americans, deregulating business, proposing amnesty for illegals, not protecting the biological and nuclear facilities, attacked Iraq which had nothing to do with al-queda or saudi arabia(which made up 14/19 hijackers), screwing the environment, record for money from special interests and doing nothing to protect marriage to name a few. Bush is so bad I'll take Kerry anyday.

C'mon, do you actually believe Bush isn't playing dirty and won't? Putting in the image of firefighters pulling out a dead firefighter from the rubble to exploit the feelings of Americans when the firefighters say bush isn't supporting them is in my opinion dirty.

What, hold on a sec. done nothing to protect power plants. OK those razor wires and armed gaurds are for show. Tax cuts affected all americans, get over it...the rich pay the most in taxes there for they get the most money back, it's that simple!!!! He is not proposing sweeping amniesty, it's a work pass, three years, you have to have documentation,'s not amenisty. It has to do with the war on terror, AQ is not the only enemy, all states or people who support or fund terror are just as guilty as the terrorists. Saddam wsa a funnder and supporter that makes him a terrror threat. How is bush screwing the enviroment, i look outside and the sky is blue, the water is water color, no one is walking around with enormus tummors, everytihng looks OK. Protect marraige? so what now as a dem you are against gay marraige? It thought all you guys were for this wow, i'm suprissed. But mabey you don't watch the news. Pres bush has thrown his support behind a constitutional amendment to ban gay marraige, i think that he is deffending marriage to the best of his ability, hell if your for defending mariage you better not vote for Kerry, he for gay marraiges.

You haven't even seen the ad have you...?
Jimnyc, I was talking about the firefighters.

KC, LOL!!!! 55% of our nuclear facilities failed mock terrorist attacks, and there are many chemical plants out there that you can just walk into! The rich do pay more, but Bush said the majority of the tax cut would go to the bottom half, it didn't. its still letting illegals in. don't you think we should go after the people that actually attacked us? I'm not a mindless partisan who supports every position, and one of those things is gay marriage. That Amendment has a snow ball's chance in hell of getting passed and bush knows it, so I say he is doing shit.

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