Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

He doesn't sign shit. the American people support Israel. Kerry is a temporary diplomat.

And my strong wish is that as this global economic turbulence carries on the American people change their minds and pressure their government to stop the flow of money to Israel. An Israel that isn't armed to the teeth by someone else would have to behave a whole lot better.

They behave as any rational country under siege would.
I just want to know who does Kerry's eyebrows. :lol:

I want to know who supplies him with his obvious hairpiece :lol:
Kerry is not wanted nor appreciated by the Israeli people.

He can go and try and win his nobel prize somewhere else.

He is a man consumed by ambition: even in his time in VietNam, he was big on photo ops and planning his future campaigns.......
He's the secretary of state of the country that pays for half of Israels armed forces, Israel don't have a choice whether or not they listen to him or not, he signs the checks.

He doesn't sign shit. the American people support Israel. Kerry is a temporary diplomat.
Kerry's a little Yankee Democrat buzzard.
by proclaiming Israel a jewish state, it acknowledges the racial and religious past of the Jews and will still have a homeland in the future even if they become the minority. Israel's Jewish past will be preserved, not wipe away in favor of an Islamic only narrative.

We have seen the land go from welcoming the Jews to trying to erase any trace of their footprints. I think if they could have they would have edited the Quran as well so there is no mention of Israel. Moses would have been prophet without a purpose except to be given the commandments and marry into the house of Jethro.
So Israel releases murders, removes Jews from their homes, gives away Territory and it's much for the Arabs to recognize a Jewish state? The "peace process" is a sham, has always been a sham, and anyone who defends the self-absorbed ass named John Kerry is part of the problem.
by proclaiming Israel a jewish state, it acknowledges the racial and religious past of the Jews and will still have a homeland in the future even if they become the minority. Israel's Jewish past will be preserved, not wipe away in favor of an Islamic only narrative.

We have seen the land go from welcoming the Jews to trying to erase any trace of their footprints. I think if they could have they would have edited the Quran as well so there is no mention of Israel. Moses would have been prophet without a purpose except to be given the commandments and marry into the house of Jethro.

They are denying Israel's existence as a Jewish State for one reason ; " Right of Return " which would in time annex the State to " Palestine" which is why it will never happen.
He's the secretary of state of the country that pays for half of Israels armed forces, Israel don't have a choice whether or not they listen to him or not, he signs the checks.

He doesn't sign shit. the American people support Israel. Kerry is a temporary diplomat.
Kerry's a little Yankee Democrat buzzard.

He's actually more like those damned 'pine bark beetles': he was born in Denver (Colorado) and only infiltrated New England in time to go to prep school in NH. He's been insinuating himself in New England pretty much ever since......
He doesn't sign shit. the American people support Israel. Kerry is a temporary diplomat.
Kerry's a little Yankee Democrat buzzard.

He's actually more like those damned 'pine bark beetles': he was born in Denver (Colorado) and only infiltrated New England in time to go to prep school in NH. He's been insinuating himself in New England pretty much ever since......
Yeah, Teresa Heinz has turned him into part of the '400' and he fits well. I remember when he threw his medals over the fence in DC. I have always wondered if he connected up with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn around that time. That would hve been the connection to the Obamas.

Obama: Abbas Has ‘Consistently Renounced Violence


President Barack Obama welcomed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House on Monday in a bid to rekindle a fledgling peace process that has all but collapsed under Palestinian rejection and a massive influx of terrorist rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.

Obama hosted Abbas in the Oval Office for a “working lunch” and praised the Palestinian leader as “somebody who has consistently renounced violence.”

Obama omitted all references to Palestinian terrorism and last week’s rocket attacks, many of which were claimed to have been launched by a militant branch of Abbas’ own Fatah political party.

Obama also did not mention Abbas’ efforts to honor Palestinian terrorists and more recent remarks by his senior adviser calling on Allah to kill the Israelis.

The meeting comes at a critical time in the Middle East peace process, a priority for Secretary of State John Kerry.

Efforts to push both sides into signing an interim agreement that would lay the groundwork for a permanent deal have crumbled in recent weeks after Palestinian factions rejected the deal and resorted to launching nearly 200 rockets at Israeli civilians.

Obama lavished praise on Abbas during a joint press conference held before the two retreated from reporters for a one-on-one discussion.

“I have to commend President Abbas,” Obama said. “He has been somebody who has consistently renounced violence, has consistently sought a diplomatic and peaceful solution that allows for two states, side by side, in peace and security; a state that allows for the dignity and sovereignty of the Palestinian people and a state that allows for Israelis to feel secure and at peace with their neighbors.”

However, talks have in part broken down on the Palestinians ongoing refusal to publicly recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.”

Obama also did not touch on Abbas’s ongoing support for Palestinian terrorists who were released from Israeli jails last year in good faith as a precursor to the talks.

Obama: Abbas Has ?Consistently Renounced Violence? | Washington Free Beacon

Obama: Abbas Has ‘Consistently Renounced Violence


President Barack Obama welcomed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House on Monday in a bid to rekindle a fledgling peace process that has all but collapsed under Palestinian rejection and a massive influx of terrorist rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.

Obama hosted Abbas in the Oval Office for a “working lunch” and praised the Palestinian leader as “somebody who has consistently renounced violence.”

Obama omitted all references to Palestinian terrorism and last week’s rocket attacks, many of which were claimed to have been launched by a militant branch of Abbas’ own Fatah political party.

Obama also did not mention Abbas’ efforts to honor Palestinian terrorists and more recent remarks by his senior adviser calling on Allah to kill the Israelis.

The meeting comes at a critical time in the Middle East peace process, a priority for Secretary of State John Kerry.

Efforts to push both sides into signing an interim agreement that would lay the groundwork for a permanent deal have crumbled in recent weeks after Palestinian factions rejected the deal and resorted to launching nearly 200 rockets at Israeli civilians.

Obama lavished praise on Abbas during a joint press conference held before the two retreated from reporters for a one-on-one discussion.

“I have to commend President Abbas,” Obama said. “He has been somebody who has consistently renounced violence, has consistently sought a diplomatic and peaceful solution that allows for two states, side by side, in peace and security; a state that allows for the dignity and sovereignty of the Palestinian people and a state that allows for Israelis to feel secure and at peace with their neighbors.”

However, talks have in part broken down on the Palestinians ongoing refusal to publicly recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.”

Obama also did not touch on Abbas’s ongoing support for Palestinian terrorists who were released from Israeli jails last year in good faith as a precursor to the talks.

Obama: Abbas Has ?Consistently Renounced Violence? | Washington Free Beacon
Is BHO trying to be a comedian? "Denounced violence"?

Obama: Abbas Has ‘Consistently Renounced Violence


President Barack Obama welcomed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House on Monday in a bid to rekindle a fledgling peace process that has all but collapsed under Palestinian rejection and a massive influx of terrorist rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.

Obama hosted Abbas in the Oval Office for a “working lunch” and praised the Palestinian leader as “somebody who has consistently renounced violence.”

Obama omitted all references to Palestinian terrorism and last week’s rocket attacks, many of which were claimed to have been launched by a militant branch of Abbas’ own Fatah political party.

Obama also did not mention Abbas’ efforts to honor Palestinian terrorists and more recent remarks by his senior adviser calling on Allah to kill the Israelis.

The meeting comes at a critical time in the Middle East peace process, a priority for Secretary of State John Kerry.

Efforts to push both sides into signing an interim agreement that would lay the groundwork for a permanent deal have crumbled in recent weeks after Palestinian factions rejected the deal and resorted to launching nearly 200 rockets at Israeli civilians.

Obama lavished praise on Abbas during a joint press conference held before the two retreated from reporters for a one-on-one discussion.

“I have to commend President Abbas,” Obama said. “He has been somebody who has consistently renounced violence, has consistently sought a diplomatic and peaceful solution that allows for two states, side by side, in peace and security; a state that allows for the dignity and sovereignty of the Palestinian people and a state that allows for Israelis to feel secure and at peace with their neighbors.”

However, talks have in part broken down on the Palestinians ongoing refusal to publicly recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.”

Obama also did not touch on Abbas’s ongoing support for Palestinian terrorists who were released from Israeli jails last year in good faith as a precursor to the talks.

Obama: Abbas Has ?Consistently Renounced Violence? | Washington Free Beacon
Is BHO trying to be a comedian? "Denounced violence"?

Obama gets along better with Abbas than he does with Netanyahu. His sympathies are with the "Palestinians" anyway

Obama gets along better with Abbas than he does with Netanyahu. His sympathies are with the "Palestinians" anyway
I believe this story will give people an idea of what the Obama Administration is all about. Just got this story today.

TEL AVIV – In recent weeks, representatives for the Obama administration have held meetings with a senior politician here in which the U.S. delegates brought up the possibility of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, according to an informed Jerusalem diplomatic source.

The meetings were held with Israel’s popular finance minister, Yair Lapid, founder and leader of the Yesh Atid Party, which became the second-largest party in the Knesset winning 19 seats in the last election.

The diplomatic source said the Obama administration identified Lapid as a moderate who could be helpful in pushing the Israeli government into accepting the framework to create a future Palestinian state

Read more at White House seeks to replace Netanyahu?
Is BHO trying to be a comedian? "Denounced violence"?

Obama gets along better with Abbas than he does with Netanyahu. His sympathies are with the "Palestinians" anyway
I believe this story will give people an idea of what the Obama Administration is all about. Just got this story today.

TEL AVIV – In recent weeks, representatives for the Obama administration have held meetings with a senior politician here in which the U.S. delegates brought up the possibility of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, according to an informed Jerusalem diplomatic source.

The meetings were held with Israel’s popular finance minister, Yair Lapid, founder and leader of the Yesh Atid Party, which became the second-largest party in the Knesset winning 19 seats in the last election.

The diplomatic source said the Obama administration identified Lapid as a moderate who could be helpful in pushing the Israeli government into accepting the framework to create a future Palestinian state

Read more at White House seeks to replace Netanyahu?

'67 lines again..Release some more murders:rolleyes:

Obama gets along better with Abbas than he does with Netanyahu. His sympathies are with the "Palestinians" anyway
I believe this story will give people an idea of what the Obama Administration is all about. Just got this story today.

TEL AVIV – In recent weeks, representatives for the Obama administration have held meetings with a senior politician here in which the U.S. delegates brought up the possibility of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, according to an informed Jerusalem diplomatic source.

The meetings were held with Israel’s popular finance minister, Yair Lapid, founder and leader of the Yesh Atid Party, which became the second-largest party in the Knesset winning 19 seats in the last election.

The diplomatic source said the Obama administration identified Lapid as a moderate who could be helpful in pushing the Israeli government into accepting the framework to create a future Palestinian state

Read more at White House seeks to replace Netanyahu?

That fits right in with this little disclosure.

You should tread more carefully, John Kerry.

You have already made quite a name for yourself, jetting in and out of Israel what, 11 times already, or is it 12? In any case more than any of your predecessors except perhaps for Henry, who set the trend?

In nearly 13 months as secretary of state, you have left none of us in any doubt about the depth of your resolve to secure a ‘peace’ agreement between Israel and the PLO.

You have positioned yourself smilingly next to Israel’s prime minister and foreign minister, justice minister and other ministers, before taking them “inside” and twisting their arms, employing both your carrots and your sticks

Jerusalem Watchman | Weasel of state
Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Kerry should be asked to resign for such a stupid, ignorant and hurtful statement!

but then....who is going to ask him to? the Hussein in the White House?

*sigh* :mad:
"Both President Barack Obama and Secretary Kerry have made repeated references to Israel as a Jewish state recently, raising hopes that they might side with a demand the Israeli government believes is at the core of the decades-old conflict"

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Kerry is suggesting that Israel swallow their national pride in this situation. This is part and parcel of what the negotiations are all about. Should Israel decide this was a good move that is one thing, but for the US to interfere with this aspect of this sovereign state's position is simply wrong.

Obama gets along better with Abbas than he does with Netanyahu. His sympathies are with the "Palestinians" anyway

What do you expect being a muslim himself. Just as well the US constitution keeps him from declaring war on the Jews or he could find himself before the Grand Jury
Obama gets along better with Abbas than he does with Netanyahu. His sympathies are with the "Palestinians" anyway
I believe this story will give people an idea of what the Obama Administration is all about. Just got this story today.

TEL AVIV – In recent weeks, representatives for the Obama administration have held meetings with a senior politician here in which the U.S. delegates brought up the possibility of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, according to an informed Jerusalem diplomatic source.

The meetings were held with Israel’s popular finance minister, Yair Lapid, founder and leader of the Yesh Atid Party, which became the second-largest party in the Knesset winning 19 seats in the last election.

The diplomatic source said the Obama administration identified Lapid as a moderate who could be helpful in pushing the Israeli government into accepting the framework to create a future Palestinian state

Read more at White House seeks to replace Netanyahu?


YEP more illegal tampering in foreign politics by Hussein to show he is a good muslim boy.

Impeach him now and be done with it

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