Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.
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I just don't understand the odd behavior of US Jews in instances like this.

Warmongers on this site. I read that constantly.

Its not about bloodlust or being a warmonger. If Israel does not Take out Hamas, Hamas will make the next strikes more deadly, and now one from the I.C. will punish Hamas for breaking a ceasefire, as a matter of fact... they all applauded the murders and rapes of women and children. One enlightened Professor at Cornell saying he was exhillarated to see it. So Israel knows what its up against if they do nothing. Before the blood was even dry from the murders or the last Terrorists were chased out of southern Israel... Arabs around the world were cheering it on. We saw the crowds. So we all know where the blood lust is coming from.

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

I wonder how many the DOJ will be arresting?

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

Is Rep (D) Rashida Talibe guilty of insurrection?


Just another instance of the two tiered justice system in America. Conservatives/MAGA punished by the government as criminal for the right to speak out while all others are coddled.
One has to wonder what type of destruction was caused by the rioters/protestors today within the Cannon Building and Rotunda?

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

An Insurrection! Will they be arrested and thrown away in jail for being domestic terrorists? Will Biden be arrested for suggesting that Israel not end Hamas?

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