Just To Confirm....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....that everything we on the Right have said about Obama, Iran, nuclear weapons.....is true and correct....

1. "Report On 1,500 Protesters Killed And Khamenei's Role Reverberates Among Iranians"

2. "Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'"
Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'

3. Do you require more confirmation of Hussein Obama's religious affiliation....the only possible explanation for his guarantee of nuclear weapons to these 7th century savages?

Ready to admit it, Democrats????

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When is Trump going to get that better Iran nuclear deal he promised ?

He cant. Because the Democrats said so. LOL. Don't you know that everything that's ever went wrong, anywhere in the universe has been the fault of the Democrats? Republicans are angels sent from God himself, on unicorns.
When is Trump going to get that better Iran nuclear deal he promised ?

He cant. Because the Democrats said so. LOL. Don't you know that everything that's ever went wrong, anywhere in the universe has been the fault of the Democrats? Republicans are angels sent from God himself, on unicorns.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
The world is witnessing the glaring example of the difference between Islam and the Judeo-Christian faith that produced America, writ large.
The Obama Iran deal was a treaty that should have been approved by the Senate. It wasn't. Why isn't that an impeachable offense, the same as Trump's abuse of office? Obama's legacy was, in his eyes, improved. Which means he got something of value in return for giving them billions of dollars. Sounds like bribery to me.
The world is witnessing the glaring example of the difference between Islam and the Judeo-Christian faith that produced America, writ large.
Don´t make the world a nuclear battlefield. You have bombed and invaded countries, unleashed terrorist armies and are besieging and blackmailing countries. We don´t like you. We don´t give a shit about the lies you parrot.

'At least 106 dead' in Iran protests over gas prices
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

And then....

"Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us
President Obama's deal with Iran was supposed to keep that nation's mullahs from creating a nuclear weapon with which it could intimidate and dominate the Mideast and much of Europe. Instead, it actually makes it more possible -- and in shorter time.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of a secret side deal that, in the words of the normally circumspect AP, advances "Tehran's ability to build a bomb even before the end of the pact." The accord as agreed to by the U.S. and five other nations was supposed to last 15 years. Or so we were told. Turns out, that's not the case.

...the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think.

The so-called "add-on" agreement lets Iran expand its uranium enrichment program after 10 years -- not 15 years, as the public parts of the deal suggested."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Sanctions and targeted espionage on Iran's nuclear program seems like a great deal to me.

Same could be said about your beloved, the only REAL ones with Nukes in the Mid-East.

You can't recognize the difference as to who has nukes????

Really, you dunce????

Is it the same thing when police have guns and when serial killers have them????
Sanctions and targeted espionage on Iran's nuclear program seems like a great deal to me.

Same could be said about your beloved, the only REAL ones with Nukes in the Mid-East.

You can't recognize the difference as to who has nukes????

Really, you dunce????

Is it the same thing when police have guns and when serial killers have them????

Israel has never admitted to having nuclear weapons. Any claim that Israel has nuclear weapons is pure speculation.
Sanctions and targeted espionage on Iran's nuclear program seems like a great deal to me.

Same could be said about your beloved, the only REAL ones with Nukes in the Mid-East.

You can't recognize the difference as to who has nukes????

Really, you dunce????

Is it the same thing when police have guns and when serial killers have them????

Israel has never admitted to having nuclear weapons. Any claim that Israel has nuclear weapons is pure speculation.
As are claims that Iran wants nukes.
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Iran has nuclear weapons?
Don´t take them serious. When Trump was on the peace trip in 2016 they applauded him. They still applaud him. He can do anything, they will applaud. Don´t be fooled by the party lapdogs that don´t argue on their own.
Iran never threatened other countries. There are no nukes.

I thought I'd missed something. It went from Iran being bad to their own people, to Iran having nukes. I'm new here. But not to political forums. And I think this is the first time I've ever seen stretch this far. Even with Trump supporters.

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