July expected to be hottest month ever recorded

The jet stream is the edge of the polar vortex. I suppose you could say they were separate things in the same way the the peel and the fruit of an orange are seperate things. But remember, they are all still an orange.
Stop splitting hairs.
Your links, BTW confirm my explanation.
You can suppose all you want, but science and fact says you are wrong. You accuse me of splitting hairs? The Jet Stream is made from the Earth's rotation as well as the interaction of high and low pressure systems, hot and cold areas of the earth. The polar vortex is made due to it being much colder, getting less sun, and the Arctic, being a low pressure area/system.

Are they still an oranges, coming from two very different trees? I would say one is an apple, having a different seed, origin, than the other.

What you get wrong, trying to save your poorly thought out, posts, is that one Jet Stream can be said to be, "at", the edge of the polar vortex. It can not be said to be the edge of the polar vortex. Stating that would simply be, stupidity. Nothing more, especially at this point of your education on jet streams.

Streams, there is more than one jet stream.
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The jet stream is the edge of the polar vortex. I suppose you could say they were separate things in the same way the the peel and the fruit of an orange are seperate things. But remember, they are all still an orange.
Stop splitting hairs.
Your links, BTW confirm my explanation.
You can suppose all you want, but science and fact says you are wrong. You accuse me of splitting hairs? The Jet Stream is made from the Earth's rotation as well as the interaction of high and low pressure systems, hot and cold areas of the earth. The polar vortex is made due to it being much colder, getting less sun, and the Arctic, being a low pressure area/system.

Are they still an oranges, coming from two very different trees? I would say one is an apple, having a different seed, origin, than the other.

What you get wrong, trying to save your poorly thought out, posts, is that one Jet Stream can be said to be, "at", the edge of the polar vortex. It can not be said to be the edge of the polar vortex. Stating that would simply be, stupidity. Nothing more, especially at this point of your education on jet streams.

Streams, there is more than one jet stream.
You know despite trying to describe them differently you confirmed than I am correct. They are one and the same.
Your links, BTW confirm my explanation.
You said the Jet Stream is the Polar Vortex. That is just plain old stupidity.

My links do not confirm that at all.

I think at this point you must have forgotten what you are talking about, which is easy to do if you do not know what you are talking about.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. You're focusing on splitting a hair. My post was about how global warming can cause record cold weather. Your links backed up my post.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. You're focusing on splitting a hair. My post was about how global warming can cause record cold weather. Your links backed up my post.
You said, the Jet Stream and the Polar Vortex are one in the same. Then you doubled down on that in another post.

Your posts, simply proves that you can not learn when presented with facts.

You can not admit the simple facts of the atmosphere. You certainly can not engage in a more complicated discussion.

The biggest factor in everything, is the SUN. Hot or Cold. It is the Sun.

So, what temperature do you believe it should be today? Exactly.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. You're focusing on splitting a hair. My post was about how global warming can cause record cold weather. Your links backed up my post.
You said, the Jet Stream and the Polar Vortex are one in the same. Then you doubled down on that in another post.

Your posts, simply proves that you can not learn when presented with facts.

You can not admit the simple facts of the atmosphere. You certainly can not engage in a more complicated discussion.

The biggest factor in everything, is the SUN. Hot or Cold. It is the Sun.

So, what temperature do you believe it should be today? Exactly.
Ah, I see. You're just another idiot denier looking to fight. Your own links backed up my post.

You lose.

Get lost kid.
Ah, I see. You're just another idiot denier looking to fight. Your own links backed up my post.

You lose.

Get lost kid.
You can dictate all you like, you can run from all the facts, you can call me a denier. What you can not do, is tell us that the Polar Vortex is the Jet Stream then dictate that the Earth's cooling is caused by global warming.

You offered one poorly written opinion that was based on your misunderstanding of what the Polar Vortex is.

I have successfully pointed that out. Care to post again so I can continue to tell everyone who reads this that you are wrong?

Care to answer with another post that proves you can not save your original, dumb statement; "The Polar Vortex is the Jet Stream".

One again, we see that the demoRATs simply believe, their opinion is not based on fact nor science.
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Ah, I see. You're just another idiot denier looking to fight. Your own links backed up my post.

You lose.

Get lost kid.
You can dictate all you like, you can run from all the facts, you can call me a denier. What you can not do, is tell us that the Polar Vortex is the Jet Stream then dictate that the Earth's cooling is caused by global warming.

You offered one poorly written opinion that was based on your misunderstanding of what the Polar Vortex is.

I have successfully pointed that out. Care to post again so I can continue to tell everyone who reads this that you are wrong?

Care to answer with another post that proves you can save your original, dumb statement; "The Polar Vortex is the Jet Stream".

One again, we see that the demoRATs simply believe, their opinion is not based on fact nor science.
Sure thing kid.

You run along now.
Global warming denier trigger warning.
Remember when Donald Trump suggested that the fact that the Macy's parade was chilly was proof against Global warming?

He tweets about local weather about city blocks near 34th street, but when it comes to weather about a larger area (like you know, the planet as a whole), his tweets are nowhere to be seen.
July expected to be the Earth's hottest month on record

How many new nuke plants should we build?
100 is about what we have now, nuclear plants. Providing us with 20% of our electricity. 500 would give us a 100% of our electricity needs from nuclear. An extra 100 plants would allow us to expand industry.

Maybe we need 1000 nuclear plants.
You F****** CLOWN
You put up a "20 yr low in Great Falls Montana" at the top of the page, vs my ALL Time records for 10,000 Times the area. EUROPE. (and soon Greenland and the Artic)
you 12 IQ Hypocrite.
Do you know what, a "fucking clown" is, in these threads. It is one who only does a copy and paste from a Google search. How you posted shows all of us that you can not formulate a response. That your knowledge of this topic is only what you Google search.
Global warming denier trigger warning.
Remember when Donald Trump suggested that the fact that the Macy's parade was chilly was proof against Global warming?

He tweets about local weather about city blocks near 34th street, but when it comes to weather about a larger area (like you know, the planet as a whole), his tweets are nowhere to be seen.
July expected to be the Earth's hottest month on record

How many new nuke plants should we build?

As many as you want. With the permitting process being so long, if you get started now, by the time they come online we will have fine tuned molten salt reactors enough to be able to use the waste from your plants to fuel the MSR's.
You F****** CLOWN
You put up a "20 yr low in Great Falls Montana" at the top of the page, vs my ALL Time records for 10,000 Times the area. EUROPE. (and soon Greenland and the Artic)
you 12 IQ Hypocrite.
Do you know what, a "fucking clown" is, in these threads. It is one who only does a copy and paste from a Google search. How you posted shows all of us that you can not formulate a response. That your knowledge of this topic is only what you Google search.
These guys are ass clowns. The shit they spew is total garbage, unsupported by empirically observed facts. The US-CRN shows us at -0.14 deg C for June and July is averaging out at -0.78 Deg C with 30 days completed. It can not be the "Hottest Ev'a" as 73% of the NH was below average in July.
July, coldest in New England in 45 years. 55 degrees was the low yesterday.
You are correct... Funny how only the high temps are being reported but the more important night time lows, which indicate atmospheric cooling are being ignored.
The planet isn't experiencing night time low temperatures. Deniers are struggling in this thread.

Ha ha ha ha ha...,

you just stated that there are NO nighttime low temperatures for the planet. It is YOU who is struggling and have been all along .from post one onward.

Meanwhile you have completely ignored my post 21

For the planet as a whole, not the town you wanna cherrypick. Do you know what a planet is?
Now you're gonna tell me what the night time temperature was for the planet as a whole (as in global warming) in July.

You are one ignorant pissant little boy, here is a post I made 3 weeks ago about a lot of RECORD LOW temperatures news at post 6768

There are plenty of cold records being made this summer, little boy. Here is a sample of recent headlines:

Record low temps in Oklahoma and Texas

Minnesota – 121-Year-Old Cold Record Topples

Coldest June 11 in central England in more than 141 years

Southern U.S. breaks cold records more than a century old Breaking record lows from the early 1900s in six states.

More record lows in the south Some going back to 1911.

Austin shatters all-time July record low

Those are just the news in America, I have a lot of European and ASIAN record cold and snow records headlines, even a few in the Southern Hemisphere too.

You are an ignorant little boy.


You are a demonstrated idiot, since this is in YOUR OWN WORDS:

You seem to say NO night time low temperature for the planet. Maybe you meant it differently, but that would mean you need to write better. Your smarmy reply to me was a perfect example of a snot nosed little boy who wants to appear smart, when you are an idiot who doesn't understand the concept of COHERENCE in science debates.

Meanwhile you STILL have ignored post 21, the one with temperature data exposing your dishonest claims about the difference between Weather and Climate. Are you scared of me little boy?

Here is a quote you skipped over, because it destroys your dishonest one month narrative, then call skeptics a bunch of names in the thread, while you skipped over several postings that utterly destroys your bullcrap.

"BOOM goes the misleading narrative the article pursues, since it is about a single month that hasn't ended yet. Secondly there is a weak El-Nino going on and has been for months, which ALWAYS causes atmospheric warming, the Ocean waters is losing thermal energy at an above average rate, funny the article completely ignored that part.

The Per Decade RATE of warming is well below the predictions/projection published by the IPCC reports, which of course has been ignored as well in the typically misleading article you posted. EL-NINO's are the dominant cause of the warming over the past 5 decades, which gets overlooked due to CO2 mania.

It takes ignorance for people to fall for misleading articles like this one because it omits critical information that would put this warming phase in its proper place."

You are scared to address it, little boy?


You also skipped over Billy bobs post 30, and post 58 because they were so devasating to your bullcrap, that you HAD to ignore them, in order to maintain your misleading dishonest narrative.

You cower over postings you ignore, little boy?
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