Josh Howard: Screw Anthem, I'm Black

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
So you are saying an American exercised his right to free speech, like you do?
See, this is what Obama inspires in his followers:
Hatred of America.
And this coming from an NBA player who is probably in the top two percent of wage earners in this country, yet still he badmouths America. How stupid can he be?
I'll bet he has no problem getting all those "benjamins" printed in the ole "US of KKK" though right?
Another reason Obama doesn't get my vote, look at his followers.
See, this is what Obama inspires in his followers:
Hatred of America.

And this coming from an NBA player who is probably in the top two percent of wage earners in this country, yet still he badmouths America. How stupid can he be?
I'll bet he has no problem getting all those "benjamins" printed in the ole "US of KKK" though right?
Another reason Obama doesn't get my vote, look at his followers.

Wow, that is the most uneducated, bigoted statement.

How do you know he is voting for Obama? Because he's BLACK?

And you think people who are voting for Obama HATE America? That's not close minded propaganda, is it?

You need to come out of your lab Mad Scientist.

Get your label maker now.
Wow, that is the most uneducated, bigoted statement.
It's not bigoted, it's an observation. I never mentioned his race, but YOU HAVE!
How do you know he is voting for Obama? Because he's BLACK?
No, because of his words. A McCain supporter isn't likely to say "I don't celebrate this shit" when talking about the Star Spangled Banner.
And you think people who are voting for Obama HATE America? That's not close minded propaganda, is it?
No it's the truth. Obama supporters and Liberals in general always rail against the US and our free market systems. You always want to emulate some sort of failed Euro-Socialist system. That's anti-American.
You need to come out of your lab Mad Scientist.
No can do. Teh Rove has me working overtime on all these DieBold voting machines.
It's not bigoted, it's an observation. I never mentioned his race, but YOU HAVE!

No, because of his words. A McCain supporter isn't likely to say "I don't celebrate this shit" when talking about the Star Spangled Banner.

No it's the truth. Obama supporters and Liberals in general always rail against the US and our free market systems. You always want to emulate some sort of failed Euro-Socialist system. That's anti-American.

No can do. Teh Rove has me working overtime on all these DieBold voting machines.

Uh, race was mentioned at the start of this thread Mr. MS.

I'm a dem and I say the Pledge every day with my students. Damn, that's so Un-American.

I've never railed against the US, but whatever stereotype you want to use to keep you happy, have at it.

Yeah, you better get working on those Voting machines MS, that's the only chance your party will have to win the election! :tongue:
See, this is what Obama inspires in his followers:
Hatred of America.
And this coming from an NBA player who is probably in the top two percent of wage earners in this country, yet still he badmouths America. How stupid can he be?
I'll bet he has no problem getting all those "benjamins" printed in the ole "US of KKK" though right?
Another reason Obama doesn't get my vote, look at his followers.

Pretty dumb statement. There are many blacks in the military who are followers of Obama and will be voting for him this fall. Many of whom who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan and are on their second and third tours over there. People don't risk their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan because they hate their country.
Pretty dumb statement. There are many blacks in the military who are followers of Obama and will be voting for him this fall.
You have tried unsuccessfully to change the subject from the idiot Josh Howard to our heroes overseas. A person who puts his/her life on the line in the War on Terror has earned my respect no matter how they vote.
See, this is what Obama inspires in his followers:
Hatred of America.
And this coming from an NBA player who is probably in the top two percent of wage earners in this country, yet still he badmouths America. How stupid can he be?
I'll bet he has no problem getting all those "benjamins" printed in the ole "US of KKK" though right?
Another reason Obama doesn't get my vote, look at his followers.

I'm make a post about a persons words and actions yet all you Liberals can see is his skin color. It is you Liberals who are the bigots. I challenge any of you squishy Liberal types to find the word "black" in the post above.

And now I have an NBA Team to cheer against!
You have tried unsuccessfully to change the subject from the idiot Josh Howard to our heroes overseas. A person who puts his/her life on the line in the War on Terror has earned my respect no matter how they vote.

I'm make a post about a persons words and actions yet all you Liberals can see is his skin color. It is you Liberals who are the bigots. I challenge any of you squishy Liberal types to find the word "black" in the post above.

And now I have an NBA Team to cheer against!

You changed the subject when you said followers of Obama are blah, blah, blah...

if you meant to exclude the military servicemembers that are following Obama then you should have made that clear.
You changed the subject when you said followers of Obama are blah, blah, blah...
if you meant to exclude the military servicemembers that are following Obama then you should have made that clear.
When I was in the service, 1982-1992, I would say about 50% of all service members I worked with weren't interested in protecting America, they viewed it just as another government job. I suspect it's still the same these days.
For whatever reason they signed up, they still served, they still went to Iraq and Afghanistan and many gave the ultimate sacrifice. Except for a few idiot "objectors", they all served honorably. They will forever have my gratitude and respect.
You may not want to believe it but a good percentage of our service men and women don't like America as it is and are working for a more socialist country. Those that think this way have two choices; Obama or McCain.

Now who do you think the socialist America haters are gonna' choose? Just like Josh Howard they choose Obama.
When I was in the service, 1982-1992, I would say about 50% of all service members I worked with weren't interested in protecting America, they viewed it just as another government job. I suspect it's still the same these days.
For whatever reason they signed up, they still served, they still went to Iraq and Afghanistan and many gave the ultimate sacrifice. Except for a few idiot "objectors", they all served honorably. They will forever have my gratitude and respect.
You may not want to believe it but a good percentage of our service men and women don't like America as it is and are working for a more socialist country. Those that think this way have two choices; Obama or McCain.

Now who do you think the socialist America haters are gonna' choose? Just like Josh Howard they choose Obama.
I'm voting for Obama. Are you calling me a socialist, America hater?

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