Jewish Middle School Teacher in Georgia Comes Unglued at Anti-Semitism, Threatens to Murder Students

The American flag should be the only flag in any American classroom in the public education system.
I am not an American - but I certainly wouldn't have a problem with a teacher in Germany, displaying an Israeli & Palestinian Flag - in order to document his neutral position, or his acknowledgement towards the right of existence of both parties.

Just as I wouldn't have a problem with a guy nailed on a wooden cross being displayed in a high-school class-room - those kids don't start to get religious due to going to a public school and looking at a cross - but in reference of their parents influence onto them and their self-interest. However I did ask kindly for it to be removed as an adult, in my single room, during my hospital stay.

The same goes for an LGBTq Flag in school - no one starts to get gay - due to some flag hanging in a school room. If a teacher would teach "indoctrinate" my daughter, it is great to be gay - I will handle him personally.

Schools/teachers are supposed to teach about EVERYTHING to further a students horizon - but not to "indoctrinate" kids with their personal conviction or agendas.

I remember very well the "repercussions" a teacher faced during a teacher/parents meeting - about him having stated to us in Grade 6 - Hitler was a decent chap - who's interest was to protect the Germans from evil influences. (That was an English missionary school in Singapore).

Are today's US parents to lazy and self-comforting, to attend teacher/parents meetings? to handle such occurrences themselves? They need laws for every shit, to handle their lives and that of their own kids? - just asking.

Constantly asking for laws to handle their own lives (being to lazy to handle it themselves) - and then constantly complaining about those laws :cuckoo:
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I am not an American - but I certainly wouldn't have a problem with a teacher in Germany, displaying an Israeli & Palestinian Flag - in order to document his neutral position, or his acknowledgement towards the right of existence of both parties.

Just as I wouldn't have a problem with a guy nailed on a wooden cross being displayed in a high-school class-room - those kids don't start to get religious due to going to a public school and looking at a cross - but in reference of their parents influence onto them and their self-interest. However I did ask kindly for it to be removed as an adult, in my single room, during my hospital stay.

The same goes for an LGBTq Flag in school - no one starts to get gay - due to some flag hanging in a school room. If a teacher would teach "indoctrinate" my daughter, it is great to be gay - I will handle him personally.

Schools/teachers are supposed to teach about EVERYTHING to further a students horizon - but not to "indoctrinate" kids with their personal conviction or agendas.

I remember very well the "repercussions" a teacher faced during a teacher/parents meeting - about him having stated to us in Grade 6 - Hitler was a decent chap - who's interest was to protect the Germans from evil influences. (That was an English school in Singapore).

Are today's US parents to lazy and self-comforting, to attend teacher/parents meetings? to handle such occurrences themselves? They need laws for every shit, to handle their lives and that of their own kids? - just asking.

Constantly asking for laws to handle their own lives - and constantly complaining about those laws :cuckoo:

The only flag that has any business in a classroom in the American public education system is the American flag.

That's my view on it.

I speak as an American. And only as an American.
The only flag that has any business in a classroom in the American public education system is the American flag.

That's my view on it.

I speak as an American. And only as an American.
Okay - fine with me - but is there such a law? if not, you need to get one done - right? or make a stand during a teacher/parents meeting.
Okay - fine with me - but is there such a law? if not, you need to get one done - right? or make a stand during a teacher/parents meeting.

If it were up to me, we'd abolish the Department of Education completely.

Republicans used to run on the idea.

Nowadays not so much, as they're just as rabidly statist these days. Collectively speaking, of course. They'll use the public education for their agendas just as quickly as their democrat counterparts.
If it were up to me, we'd abolish the Department of Education completely.

Republicans used to run on the idea.

Nowadays not so much, as they're just as rabidly statist these days. Collectively speaking, of course. They'll use the public education for their agendas just as quickly as their democrat counterparts.
Okay - so it all comes down to "democracy" - where the majority "supposedly" decides.
However "basic democracy" allows for you to make a stand at an e.g. teacher/parents meeting - see, if a majority backs your ideas/thoughts/conviction.

And hey - I am not lecturing you as an American - Europe and ALL these other fake democracies face the same problem/issue. Minorities making use of the political, established decision process to overrule the majority. But you still have the basic democratic option.
Okay - so it all comes down to "democracy" - where the majority 'supposedly" decides.
However "basic democracy" allows for you to make a stand at an e.g. teacher/parents meeting - see, if a majority backs your ideas/thoughts/conviction.

And hey - I am not lecturing you as an American - Europe and ALL these other fake democracies face the same problem/issue. Minorities making use of the political, established decision process to overrule the majority. But you still have the basic democratic option.

The democratic option...

The democratic option...
It does exist - even in China (living there now for more then 20 years) - there are ample examples of peaceful (very peaceful) demonstrations in China on the street an via the chat-media - and as they become bigger Beijing starts to amend or even retract those laws in question.

I believe that e.g. Chinese in China are far more active in these matters then Europeans or Americans. Where the majority is having a BBQ, and leaves it up to "other parties" - non existent in China - to handle things for which they are too lazy to act upon themselves. - just saying.
It does exist - even in China (living there now for more then 20 years) - there are ample examples of peaceful (very peaceful) demonstrations in China on the street an via the chat-media - and as they become bigger Beijing starts to amend or even retract those laws in question.

I believe that e.g. Chinese in China are far more active in these matters then Europeans or Americans. Where the majority is having a BBQ, and leaves it up to "other parties" - non existent in China - to handle things for which they are too lazy to act upon themselves. - just saying.

I took my kid out of public education system very, very early.

You know a lot of parents ask junior ''hey, did you do your homework?"

Then junior says, ''Yeah.''

Then mom or dad says ''umkay?''

Well...that's not how I do.

I say, ''hey, lemme see your books.''

So he came out of there with quickness, obviously.

Investigative Math. No algorithms allowed. Pft. Get real. lolol...
Again, YOU are in the wrong Thread.

No one here mentioned anything about denying the Holocaust. And certainly not me.
Thank you for reminding me that it relates to the Holocaust and the anti-semitism of its horror what this thread is all about. :tongue:
Let's cut this short okay? - she might have found that Israeli Flag offensive due to the occurrences that are presently happening in e.g. Gaza.

In order to condemn the murdering and killing of thousands of civilians in Gaza - one doesn't need to be raised as being antisemitic. Nor does one need to be raised as anti-Palestinian to condemn the Hamas actions of October 7th.

Again, you're looking at it from this one incident. I'm saying, this teacher, looking across the MSM spectrum, as well as the entire social media sphere, is feeling the walls closing in on the Jewish community, to the point that he finally snapped. It doesn't really matter what this girl's intentions were when she complained about the presence of the flag. It's all about the drumbeat occurring across the world.
Again, you're looking at it from this one incident. I'm saying, this teacher, looking across the MSM spectrum, as well as the entire social media sphere, is feeling the walls closing in on the Jewish community, to the point that he finally snapped. It doesn't really matter what this girl's intentions were when she complained about the presence of the flag. It's all about the drumbeat occurring across the world.
This thread is about "this one particular incident". As such my comments are also only related to "this one particular incident".

Is it an American school, in the USA? - yes or no?
Is he an American (citizen) teacher? - yes or no?

Then why - upon criticism towards the Israeli Flag by an American student - he, an American states: - I am a Jew?
Because he was trying to deflect from the Israeli policy and actions towards Palestinians via utilizing the "Holocaust guilt&pity syndrome"

An American teacher at an American school displays a Palestinian flag, and upon criticism towards the Palestinian flag he states; I am a Muslim and your criticism is anti-islamism & anti-plaestinianism - and I will kill you and cut of your head. Making use of the "Nakba guilt&pity syndrome" in order to deflect from the Hamas actions.

Upon that, you will defend that teacher?
You will further support the claim that anti-islamism/anti-palestinianism was involved on part of that student?

Again - the student criticized the Israeli flag (not some Jew, or Jews as such) - saying that he/she finds it offensive. Most likely due to Gaza.

As such this one particular incident has absolutely NOTHING to do with antisemitism - but simply anti-Israel, in regards to their present actions and or the known Israeli policy towards Palestinians as such. And Israels policy towards the Palestine issue has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Holocaust.

Only a "Holocaust guilt&pity syndrome" profiteer (like this teacher) or those who defend his actions - will come up and make use of the well known standard accusation "antisemitic", in regards to this one incident, and additionally will bring up the totally unrelated Holocaust to support their ridiculous antisemitism propaganda/claims - in regards to this one particular incident.

BTW, I personally find your avatar to be offensive, disturbing to me, does this proof antiamericanism? or just simply me being anti-MAGA?
So does this in turn supposedly proof that I am pro senile Biden?
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