Jewish kid arrested for making over 100 bomb threats against Jewish centers


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
For months now the press and certain ethno-religious activist organizations That Must Not Be Named have been hyping an anti-Semitic Hate Wave that’s heating up like a giant oven across the United States. They’ve blamed it on Donald Trump, who is a hardcore Zionist and obviously let his daughter marry an Orthodox Jew as a cover for the fact that he secretly wishes for Jews to be beaten in the streets.

Initial reports of purposely toppled headstones in a Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn turned out to be caused by “poor maintenance” rather than “anti-Semitism.”

It is apparently true that Jewish Community Centers across the nation have been targeted with over 100 bomb threats since Trump’s election. But to the undoubted dismay of Nazi-hunters across the globe, so far we have yet to receive confirmation that even one of them was perpetrated by a white “Nazi.” Instead, there was disgraced black reporter Juan Thompson, recently arrested for attempting to frame his white ex-girlfriend for some of the bomb threats. And now comes the grimly hilarious news that a male Jewish teenager living in Israel—but possessing dual American citizenship—has been arrested in connection with making “over 100 bomb threats” against Jewish centers not only in America, but in “Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.”

According to the Colorado Gazette, “Jews worldwide uttered a collective gasp” when they heard that a Jew had been arrested for the threats.
For months now the press and certain ethno-religious activist organizations That Must Not Be Named have been hyping an anti-Semitic Hate Wave that’s heating up like a giant oven across the United States. They’ve blamed it on Donald Trump, who is a hardcore Zionist and obviously let his daughter marry an Orthodox Jew as a cover for the fact that he secretly wishes for Jews to be beaten in the streets.

Initial reports of purposely toppled headstones in a Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn turned out to be caused by “poor maintenance” rather than “anti-Semitism.”

It is apparently true that Jewish Community Centers across the nation have been targeted with over 100 bomb threats since Trump’s election. But to the undoubted dismay of Nazi-hunters across the globe, so far we have yet to receive confirmation that even one of them was perpetrated by a white “Nazi.” Instead, there was disgraced black reporter Juan Thompson, recently arrested for attempting to frame his white ex-girlfriend for some of the bomb threats. And now comes the grimly hilarious news that a male Jewish teenager living in Israel—but possessing dual American citizenship—has been arrested in connection with making “over 100 bomb threats” against Jewish centers not only in America, but in “Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.”

According to the Colorado Gazette, “Jews worldwide uttered a collective gasp” when they heard that a Jew had been arrested for the threats.

"let his daughter marry" whom she wanted to? That sounds archaic.

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