I've never been so disappointed in conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

Will miss you PredFan. I will be voting for President Trump. He did not do one single thing worthy of the lies thrown at him like a pieplate of fluff nine thousand times a day on 300 television and a simiar number of radio stations of well-paid-by-soros-and-the-Califate of webnetters from Silicone Valley.

One other add-on. Keep in mind that while what President Trump says is frequently harsh, but sometimes the truth is harsh, and he tells it like it is. You can go on listening to nonstop lies with Biden if he is re-elected, but they're prepping Kamala as we speak, because Biden is really losing his grip on reality from his last night noises made. I'm just as sorry as I can be about his suffering disease. Seven years ago, I buried my late husband because his dementia had him so confused, he fell hard and hit his head on a tile floor the day before he passed away. He was a brilliant man, but he couldn't say more than a few words at a time his last 2 days on this earth. :( I think Biden is still alive because of the advanced medical attention he has been blessed with. There comes a time in this heinous disease in which the best medicine has to offer doesn't work any more.

There isn't any truth in what Trump has been saying about DeSantis. Not a shred of truth. The worst thing is that there's no reason for Trump to be lying. DeSantis was never going to beat Trump in the primaries. Just wasn't going to happen. Not because DeSantis isn't great, he is, but because Trump's following (Which I used to count myself among), is too numerous. Talking bull shit about the man was completely unnecessary.
/——/ Don’t forget the RINOs undermining him too.
Indeed, I noticed that. The Deep State had their plants everywhere. I think many of them whored themelves to Trump at first to get him to appoint them. Then they stabbed him in the back. Many of them deliberately made themselves look stupid, just to make him look stupid....just like John McCain acted stupid in October 2008 on purpose to assure Obama's win. Later he supported Obamacare when he said he wouldn't. The man was NOT working as a Republican although he ran as one. Honestly, I have to admit one thing about Trump: He was certainly a bit novice when it comes to playing cat 'n' mouse ala CIA. He truly underestimated those people and gave them way too much ammo to use against him. Trump DOES have a big mouth that has got him into trouble many times. Hopefully if he's re-elected he'll be more careful and mindful of that. Having a big mouth doesn't make one's policies and decisions wrong.
There isn't any truth in what Trump has been saying about DeSantis. Not a shred of truth. The worst thing is that there's no reason for Trump to be lying. DeSantis was never going to beat Trump in the primaries. Just wasn't going to happen. Not because DeSantis isn't great, he is, but because Trump's following (Which I used to count myself among), is too numerous. Talking bull shit about the man was completely unnecessary.
You didn’t see how so many who ultimately wound up in his admin’s circle were totally trashed by him in the primaries?
There isn't any truth in what Trump has been saying about DeSantis. Not a shred of truth. The worst thing is that there's no reason for Trump to be lying. DeSantis was never going to beat Trump in the primaries. Just wasn't going to happen. Not because DeSantis isn't great, he is, but because Trump's following (Which I used to count myself among), is too numerous. Talking bull shit about the man was completely unnecessary.
I don't mind the fact that Trump plays rough, but I agree that he can take it too far sometimes. DeSantis, for the most part, has proven to be a pro-America, America-first, honorable, and courageous leader. Trump should see him as a complete ally. Together, they might actually be able to clean up the Swamp, so I see no reason to commit slander and division within the right wing community.

Why the lies about Ron DeSantis? He's not even announced that he's running, and even if he did, he's not going to beat Trump. No one is going to beat Trump in the primaries. So why lie about him?

He's the best governor in the country right now and the best governor we in Florida have had in our history. He is a conservative champion.

The lies:

1. "He only won because Trump endorsed him." Fact: he won because he was running against Andrew Gillum, a far left scumbag (If you'll excuse the redundancy), I didn't even know that Trump had endorsed Desantis back then. Ron DeSantis won the second time by a landslide because of what he did AFTER he won the first time. Trump did not endorse him this last time.

2. "He's backed by George Soros" Fact: Soros stated that he hoped DeSantis won because he believed that if he does beat Trump in the primaries, Trump will start a third party and ensure that the democrats will every race on the ticket. Soros does not want DeSantis to be president. Only an idiot would believe that. DeSantis has been a thorn in his side since day one, firing and sanctioning Soros backed DAs all over the state.

3. "He's a RINO." Fact: They make this claim because RINOs and Trump haters in the GOP support him. Saying that DeSantis is a RINO ignores everything he's done since his election to governor, and is a bone-headedly stupid as a leftist saying Trump is a racist because racists support him.

4. "Ron DeSantis didn't do anything to stop Disney." Fact: Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) is on record as spouting is stupid lie. Ron DeSantis did the ONLY thing he had the power to do as governor and that was to remove Disney's ability to govern itself outside the laws and rules of the state of Florida.

People, leave the lying to the Democrats, that kind of stupidity is beneath us.
You are painting all Republicans, Trump supporters, and Trump voters with too broad of a brush, Pred Fan. I'm not voting for Ron DeSantis even though he is one of the best governors ever to be elected to any of the 50 states or other territories. I like him a lot, and I adore his family. But Trump was innocent of every sick thing Hillary Clinton demanded he be "indicted" and "impeached" because he got more votes than she did in an election, and she has since then engaged and paid everyone she knows to lie about Trump and to make him look like the north side of a horse going south. She and her sisters in Congress managed to get him impeached based on lies and contract agreements with him that other people broke and agreed to go after him with criminal lies and false narratives written up by, yes, Hillary Clinton's war room.

I do remember that Ron DeSantis enjoyed popularity in his own state when President Trump endorsed his candidacy and pulled him up to the top for a very pleasant win of a governorship. And yes, Governor DeSantis had supporters richer than Trump who set aside his wealth to become the President of the United States in spite of Hillary's multiple attempts to block Trump's victory over her campaign which was in trouble from the beginning because of her reputation as a vicious, conniving rival, which had absolutely nothing to do with Trump, except that she got a huge windfall financially by her good friend George Soros. What she and Mr. Soros didn't know is that the American people do not appreciate shennannigans steeped in jealousy over someone elses' talent for making other people feel appreciated when they do something good. President Trump has proven himself voter friendly because he stands up for minorities with his teeth in it, whereas Mme. RodhamClinton goes for the neck right after she sharpens her teeth. Get the difference? If you don't, you may be watching too much false narrative that was proffered by one-sided mainstream media on 300 stations that told Hillary's tall tales against Trump 24-7-365. And it was so obvious the majority of American voters were not impressed by the unsupported narratives, i.e., a lie a minute total smarming. It was not Trump's fault that Hillary's lies went unappreciated by a truth-loving American voter majority and her deep state digging her campaign's sorry grave. :dig:
I don't mind the fact that Trump plays rough, but I agree that he can take it too far sometimes. DeSantis, for the most part, has proven to be a pro-America, America-first, honorable, and courageous leader. Trump should see him as a complete ally. Together, they might actually be able to clean up the Swamp, so I see no reason to commit slander and division within the right wing community.
DeSantis makes me-first-you-last noises from time to time, in particular his head-butting seniors in the Senior Citizen State that Florida is to postpone senior benefits by one year. That wouldn't last with Trump for as long as a millisecond because with Trump, it's truth first, last, and always, no exceptions, and no schooching backwards. Just my little observation over the years. :dunno:
DeSantis makes me-first-you-last noises from time to time, in particular his head-butting seniors in the Senior Citizen State that Florida is to postpone senior benefits by one year. That wouldn't last with Trump for as long as a millisecond because with Trump, it's truth first, last, and always, no exceptions, and no schooching backwards. Just my little observation over the years. :dunno:
I'm 75% in agreement. But I was opposed to Trump's suggestion to impose "red flag laws" on gun owners. A Red Flag Law says that a person is guilty before proving his innocence. I was and am opposed to Trump's belief in the dangerous vaccine. Even with all the evidence before him, he still thinks they're great. And I still wonder why he surrounded himself with Deep Staters (Wray, Barr, Pence, Kushner, etc.). I think Trump means well, overall, but he ain't perfect.
I don't mind the fact that Trump plays rough, but I agree that he can take it too far sometimes. DeSantis, for the most part, has proven to be a pro-America, America-first, honorable, and courageous leader. Trump should see him as a complete ally. Together, they might actually be able to clean up the Swamp, so I see no reason to commit slander and division within the right wing community.
I think they ought to agree that the winner of the primary should appoint the loser as his VP. That would be win-win for everyone.
I'm 75% in agreement. But I was opposed to Trump's suggestion to impose "red flag laws" on gun owners. A Red Flag Law says that a person is guilty before proving his innocence. I was and am opposed to Trump's belief in the dangerous vaccine. Even with all the evidence before him, he still thinks they're great. And I still wonder why he surrounded himself with Deep Staters (Wray, Barr, Pence, Kushner, etc.). I think Trump means well, overall, but he ain't perfect.
I think Trump became pro-vax because if he was opposed to it, Dem witch hunters would just use it to relentlessly suggest that he was putting the public at risk. It's still politically correct to get the shot and wear a mask even though it's not mandated. It's amazing how many people still go around with masks on. I serve the public and I see it constantly. It's almost a given that the people who do probably are also pro-vax and look down on anyone who opposes it.
I don't mind the fact that Trump plays rough, but I agree that he can take it too far sometimes. DeSantis, for the most part, has proven to be a pro-America, America-first, honorable, and courageous leader. Trump should see him as a complete ally. Together, they might actually be able to clean up the Swamp, so I see no reason to commit slander and division within the right wing community.
Again, during the primaries, trump trashed most of those who ended up as part of his administration or adjuncts thereof so I wouldn’t take this too seriously.
I have never been so disappointed in Potatohead voters and Democrats.

I get this disappointment every time I go to the grocery store or buy fuel or get an electric bill. When I see all the damn Illegals flooding into the country I wonder how could anyone be so stupid as to vote for Potatohead.

Then I hear of all of Potahead's family corruption and saw how he screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then there all his woke policies that are destroying the military.

Very disappointed. How could the Moon Bats be that stupid? It is not like we didn't warn them that Potatohead was going to be a disaster. Maybe they will listen the next time but I won't count on that. You can't fix that level of stupidity.
I have never been so disappointed in Potatohead voters and Democrats.

I get this disappointment every time I go to the grocery store or buy fuel or get an electric bill. When I see all the damn Illegals flooding into the country I wonder how could anyone be so stupid as to vote for Potatohead.

Then I hear of all of Potahead's family corruption and saw how he screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then there all his woke policies that are destroying the military.

Very disappointed. How could the Moon Bats be that stupid? It is not like we didn't warn them that Potatohead was going to be a disaster. Maybe they will listen the next time but I won't count on that. You can't fix that level of stupidity.
They’re all being told by the same propaganda sources that any hardships are the fault of trump or Russia or republicans, etc.
It’s about who controls the message combined with weak-minded democrats’ need to belong.
Do you think he learned who his enemies are or how relentlessly nasty they are? He's still the best we have, despite his flaws
I sure hope he learned from his mistakes. He clearly didn't know just how treacherous the Swamp was his first go around. I hope he fires all the top dogs in the DOJ and FBI and has an all-star team waiting to take their place. Then I hope he goes after Biden and his criminal family and other members of the Biden Cabal with as much vim and vigor as they went after him. I want to see vengeance.

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