I've never been so disappointed in conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.


Why the lies about Ron DeSantis? He's not even announced that he's running, and even if he did, he's not going to beat Trump. No one is going to beat Trump in the primaries. So why lie about him?

He's the best governor in the country right now and the best governor we in Florida have had in our history. He is a conservative champion.

The lies:

1. "He only won because Trump endorsed him." Fact: he won because he was running against Andrew Gillum, a far left scumbag (If you'll excuse the redundancy), I didn't even know that Trump had endorsed Desantis back then. Ron DeSantis won the second time by a landslide because of what he did AFTER he won the first time. Trump did not endorse him this last time.

2. "He's backed by George Soros" Fact: Soros stated that he hoped DeSantis won because he believed that if he does beat Trump in the primaries, Trump will start a third party and ensure that the democrats will every race on the ticket. Soros does not want DeSantis to be president. Only an idiot would believe that. DeSantis has been a thorn in his side since day one, firing and sanctioning Soros backed DAs all over the state.

3. "He's a RINO." Fact: They make this claim because RINOs and Trump haters in the GOP support him. Saying that DeSantis is a RINO ignores everything he's done since his election to governor, and is a bone-headedly stupid as a leftist saying Trump is a racist because racists support him.

4. "Ron DeSantis didn't do anything to stop Disney." Fact: Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) is on record as spouting is stupid lie. Ron DeSantis did the ONLY thing he had the power to do as governor and that was to remove Disney's ability to govern itself outside the laws and rules of the state of Florida.

People, leave the lying to the Democrats, that kind of stupidity is beneath us.
Like I keep saying, it's way too early to get fired up about the 2024 election. I think Trump is fine, I think Desantis is fine and I think a year from now we'll figure out who the nominee is. Everybody needs to stop taking the bait.

Why the lies about Ron DeSantis? He's not even announced that he's running, and even if he did, he's not going to beat Trump. No one is going to beat Trump in the primaries. So why lie about him?

He's the best governor in the country right now and the best governor we in Florida have had in our history. He is a conservative champion.

The lies:

1. "He only won because Trump endorsed him." Fact: he won because he was running against Andrew Gillum, a far left scumbag (If you'll excuse the redundancy), I didn't even know that Trump had endorsed Desantis back then. Ron DeSantis won the second time by a landslide because of what he did AFTER he won the first time. Trump did not endorse him this last time.

2. "He's backed by George Soros" Fact: Soros stated that he hoped DeSantis won because he believed that if he does beat Trump in the primaries, Trump will start a third party and ensure that the democrats will every race on the ticket. Soros does not want DeSantis to be president. Only an idiot would believe that. DeSantis has been a thorn in his side since day one, firing and sanctioning Soros backed DAs all over the state.

3. "He's a RINO." Fact: They make this claim because RINOs and Trump haters in the GOP support him. Saying that DeSantis is a RINO ignores everything he's done since his election to governor, and is a bone-headedly stupid as a leftist saying Trump is a racist because racists support him.

4. "Ron DeSantis didn't do anything to stop Disney." Fact: Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) is on record as spouting is stupid lie. Ron DeSantis did the ONLY thing he had the power to do as governor and that was to remove Disney's ability to govern itself outside the laws and rules of the state of Florida.

People, leave the lying to the Democrats, that kind of stupidity is beneath us.
I have seen none of that. Trump's political ads are hitting Santis for voting to raise the SS retirement age to 70, cut benefits, etc. DeSantis hasn't specifically supported Trump's candidacy which he would do if he did not want to challenge Trump. Trump is hitting first that's all, that's his style. Trump will go after anyone running against him including politicians from the Republican party. Basically it's Trump against the D.C. swamp (Remember DeSantis was part of the swamp)
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I have seen none of that. Trump's political ads are hitting Santis for voting to raise the SS retirement age to 70, cut benefits, etc. DeSantis hasn't specifically supported Trump's candidacy which he would do if he did not want to challenge Trump. Trump is hitting first that's all, that's his style. Trump will go after anyone running against him including politicians from the Republican party. Basically it's Trump against the D.C. swamp (Remember DeSantis was part of the swamp)

But why tell lies? I'm not saying Trump is the liar but many of his supporters are and they are running ads and some are on here lying. For instance saying that DeSantis was part of the swamp which is a lie.
DeSantis was not the best governor? He won by the biggest margin
Well...he was running against the former Republican Governor of Florida.

Hard to blame the Democrats for not charging out to the polls to support Charlie Crist.


So here's another example that I could use to show that Trump and his supporters are part of the swamp. I don't really believe that just as i don't believe that DeSantis is but the Governor's haters claim that he is and they use really sketchy evidence to support their claim.

A couple of Trump PACs are urging Republican voters to forget about pushing for social issues. they claim we need to focus on the Economy and prevention of WWIII. Their rationale is that we need to soften our stand in order to win more independent voters.

I have heard this nonsense for the last 35 years since Reagan left office. I heard it from republicans when George HW Bush was trying to win a second term, when Bob Dole lost to Bill Clinton, during George W. Bush's presidency and when McCain and Romney lost to Obama. We were told we can't win with our radical right agenda, such as pro-life, pro 2nd Amendment, border security, and fiscal responsibility. Where did this pansey-ass, ball-less, spine-less, RINO attitude get us? In the mess we are in today.

If we compromise our principles and win the elections, what have we won? Nothing. Many Trump supporters and even many of the people closest to Trump are calling for us to end the boycott of Anheiser Busch, and not to give up on our battle against the woke culture. That's some pretty RINO stupidity right there.

Again, unlike many republicans who bash the best governor in the US, I won't doubt Trump's commitment to doing what's right. The claim that DeSantis is part of the swamp and under control of the Bushes, is no more true than if i said that all of the above proves Trump is part of the swamp.

The real enemy is the left, the real liars are the Democrats. Let's be better than that.
Many Trump supporters and even many of the people closest to Trump are calling for us to end the boycott of Anheiser Busch
Well that's not gonna happen. The "boycott" isn't an organized thing, but individual choice. I think it'll be a very long time before they get that market back, if ever.
Trump and his supporters are rapidly pushing this conservative away. Why, because they are lying, and I hate liars.

Hyperbole is technically a lie but I never minded it with Trump. Calling everything he and America does or did, the greatest ever, or the biggest ever, etc., is hyperbole and it's not only harmless but I feel that this country needs a leader that actually thinks that about America. The lies that I can't stand are what Trump and his supporters are doing now. Calling DeSantis a RINO is the worst lie they spout and is unforgivable. There's more, and most would be forgivable if that was the only one, but there are just too many.

Trump has lost me as a supporter, I will be voting for DeSantis in the primary and if Trump wins, I will hold my nose and vote for him. Just like I did for Bush, McCain, and Romney.

Why the lies about Ron DeSantis? He's not even announced that he's running, and even if he did, he's not going to beat Trump. No one is going to beat Trump in the primaries. So why lie about him?

He's the best governor in the country right now and the best governor we in Florida have had in our history. He is a conservative champion.

The lies:

1. "He only won because Trump endorsed him." Fact: he won because he was running against Andrew Gillum, a far left scumbag (If you'll excuse the redundancy), I didn't even know that Trump had endorsed Desantis back then. Ron DeSantis won the second time by a landslide because of what he did AFTER he won the first time. Trump did not endorse him this last time.

2. "He's backed by George Soros" Fact: Soros stated that he hoped DeSantis won because he believed that if he does beat Trump in the primaries, Trump will start a third party and ensure that the democrats will every race on the ticket. Soros does not want DeSantis to be president. Only an idiot would believe that. DeSantis has been a thorn in his side since day one, firing and sanctioning Soros backed DAs all over the state.

3. "He's a RINO." Fact: They make this claim because RINOs and Trump haters in the GOP support him. Saying that DeSantis is a RINO ignores everything he's done since his election to governor, and is a bone-headedly stupid as a leftist saying Trump is a racist because racists support him.

4. "Ron DeSantis didn't do anything to stop Disney." Fact: Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) is on record as spouting is stupid lie. Ron DeSantis did the ONLY thing he had the power to do as governor and that was to remove Disney's ability to govern itself outside the laws and rules of the state of Florida.

People, leave the lying to the Democrats, that kind of stupidity is beneath us.
MAGATS self destructing.
Whoda thunk it?
You abuse Trump and anyone who voted for him for 6 years and then wonder why people dig their heels in?

I'm voting for DeSantis in the Primary, but I understand Trump's bunker mentality as well as his die hard's adhesion to it.

Calling people a bunch of rubes, cultists and fools is a sure way to make them hunker down.
Hunker down MAGAT
Joe will be president in 2025
Trump will be in prison
Ronda will try to take out Scott or Rubio just to be relevant..
No more of a "cult" than the left's "Democracy", "climate change", "abortion", and "Ukraine."

A lot less destructive, though. Personally, I see nothing wrong with making America the greatest country it can be.

What were you saying about cult?
Another lie that Trump supporters tell about DeSantis is a lie by omission, but still repulsive to me.

They repeatedly say that Ron DeSantis supports a National Sales Tax. It's a lie by omission because what they are omitting is VERY important. The truth is that what DeSantis supports is the Fair Tax. Under the FairTax, the IRS is abolished, gone, kaput, it is no more. Gone is the threat of audits, wage garnishes, asset forfeiture, weaponization by politicians, and even jail time.

The Fair Tax should be something that all conservatives should support. Ron DeSantis is correct, Trump and his supporters who say this garbage are wrong.
You pray that God will guide your President Biden, don't you?

Oh wait.....maybe you should have.
To some make believe cult leader?


Biden doesn't need prayers. He know what to do and how to bitch-slap MAGATS when they get stupid.
To some make believe cult leader?


Biden doesn't need prayers. He know what to do and how to bitch-slap MAGATS when they get stupid.

The only thing that silly bastard's ever slapped was the bottom of the stairwell with his face.

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