I've never been so disappointed in conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

True story. The only reason Creepy Pedophile Joe Biden can stand upright, is because of the butt plug he keeps up his ass. But like most Democrats, he enjoys that.

Yup. True story.
Your knowledge of butt plugs is revealing.

Your knowledge of butt plugs is revealing.

Conservatives have this preoccupation with sex and with what people do in their bedrooms. They can't stop thinking about it. Years of religious shaming I reckon.
Conservatives have this preoccupation with sex and with what people do in their bedrooms. They can't stop thinking about it. Years of religious shaming I reckon.
Like pedophiles hiding in the church, they'll hide wherever they can access their victims while receiving protection.
So now DeSantis pointed out that if elected he'll be in office for 8 years.

Trump twisted it around to falsely claim that DeSantis says he'll need 8 years to do anything.

So disappointed in Trump and his supporters. They only way trump will get my vote is if he is the GOP nominee, otherwise, I don't like liars.
So now DeSantis pointed out that if elected he'll be in office for 8 years.

Trump twisted it around to falsely claim that DeSantis says he'll need 8 years to do anything.

So disappointed in Trump and his supporters. They only way trump will get my vote is if he is the GOP nominee, otherwise, I don't like liars.

This is what Trump has been doing since he came down the golden escalator.

That you all act shocked when he does it is pretty damn funny.

Here is my prediction....if Trump does not get the GOP nomination he will run as an independent just to keep DeSanits (or whomever gets it) from winning the general election.
This is what Trump has been doing since he came down the golden escalator.

That you all act shocked when he does it is pretty damn funny.

Here is my prediction....if Trump does not get the GOP nomination he will run as an independent just to keep DeSanits (or whomever gets it) from winning the general election.

Meh, that doesn't carry much weight coming from a left wing nut job.
Alright, I cannot take it anymore. Trump recently claimed that DeSantis is siding with Biden's corrupt DOJ to take him out (or words to that effect).

I'm done with Trump. I will not vote for him in the primary, nor will I support him in any way. If he wins the primary, I will hold my nose and vote for him like I held my nose and voted for Bush, McCain, and Romney, ugh!

Hell, I just might cease defending from liberal attacks him here in these forums too.

I also will not feel at all sorry for him if he gets thrown in jail, which is likely as not btw.

Fuck that lying asshat.
Alright, I cannot take it anymore. Trump recently claimed that DeSantis is siding with Biden's corrupt DOJ to take him out (or words to that effect).

I'm done with Trump. I will not vote for him in the primary, nor will I support him in any way. If he wins the primary, I will hold my nose and vote for him like I held my nose and voted for Bush, McCain, and Romney, ugh!

Hell, I just might cease defending from liberal attacks him here in these forums too.

I also will not feel at all sorry for him if he gets thrown in jail, which is likely as not btw.

Fuck that lying asshat.
Will miss you PredFan. I will be voting for President Trump. He did not do one single thing worthy of the lies thrown at him like a pieplate of fluff nine thousand times a day on 300 television and a simiar number of radio stations of well-paid-by-soros-and-the-Califate of webnetters from Silicone Valley.

One other add-on. Keep in mind that while what President Trump says is frequently harsh, but sometimes the truth is harsh, and he tells it like it is. You can go on listening to nonstop lies with Biden if he is re-elected, but they're prepping Kamala as we speak, because Biden is really losing his grip on reality from his last night noises made. I'm just as sorry as I can be about his suffering disease. Seven years ago, I buried my late husband because his dementia had him so confused, he fell hard and hit his head on a tile floor the day before he passed away. He was a brilliant man, but he couldn't say more than a few words at a time his last 2 days on this earth. :( I think Biden is still alive because of the advanced medical attention he has been blessed with. There comes a time in this heinous disease in which the best medicine has to offer doesn't work any more.
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