It's over. The swamp is victorious.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.
the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.
And people can't understand why I deride both sides........ :D

Oh and you honestly thought the right wasn't/isn't as dirty as the left and that Trump would actually be successful in "draining the swamp"? Hopeless optimist or self delusional? :dunno:
Didn't it take Reagan a few years to turn things around?

15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common
Give him a chance.
the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.

Did little Marco show up for work today?
Swamp draining is a slow and lumbering process. You can't turn a locamotive around on a dime. These tracks have been tough to tame so far, but they can be tamed no doubt. Have to get everyone on board the train, and that means everyone that wants the swamp drained, and then slowly but meticulously get it done.
the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.
Oh for Pete's sake, get a grip.
the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.

Did little Marco show up for work today?

I think he was at one of those bubble parties

Trump is part of the swamp. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and you expect him to be looking out for the working class.

You've people been conned.
Trump is part of the swamp. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and you expect him to be looking out for the working class.

You've people been conned.

Actually, you have.

I know who Trump is. We've known who he is all along. You people are the ones who were duped.

"Finally, we are putting America first"
and "In American we don't put Government first, we put GOD first".

I don't know how you retards can say one second that we're duped, that he isn't really pro-American...then the next minute whine when he puts our needs ahead of the needs of other countries. Hello.

"Don't worry, we will build the wall."

Yes, we know who the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is. And we know what he is. He is a pathological liar. He has traded Russian influence on the election for what? You don't give favors in politics for free. We just don't know yet what Putin is getting for his efforts. And I don't think that we going to like it when we find out. That fat bastard has committed treason to this nation. He should be impeached, removed from office, and imprisoned.
Trump is part of the swamp. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and you expect him to be looking out for the working class.

You've people been conned.

Actually, you have.

I know who Trump is. We've known who he is all along. You people are the ones who were duped.

"Finally, we are putting America first"
and "In American we don't put Government first, we put GOD first".

I don't know how you retards can say one second that we're duped, that he isn't really pro-American...then the next minute whine when he puts our needs ahead of the needs of other countries. Hello.

"Don't worry, we will build the wall."


Oh brother.. the GOP , far right, and most news stations hated Trump.. I know this because I supported him, I liked his ideas thinking he was an independent until he picked Pence. Which turned out to be all lies, yes I was duped there for a while..
Fox called his supporter uneducated and tried every way to get him out..

Trump is part of the swamp. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and you expect him to be looking out for the working class.

You've people been conned.

Actually, you have.

I know who Trump is. We've known who he is all along. You people are the ones who were duped.

"Finally, we are putting America first"
and "In American we don't put Government first, we put GOD first".

I don't know how you retards can say one second that we're duped, that he isn't really pro-American...then the next minute whine when he puts our needs ahead of the needs of other countries. Hello.

"Don't worry, we will build the wall."


Oh brother.. the GOP , far right, and most news stations hated Trump.. I know this because I supported him, I like his ideas thinking he was an independent until he picked Pence.
They called his supporter uneducated and tried every way to get him out..


The "far right" as you like to call them, were divided. I was skeptical right at first but as soon as I saw he was serious about it, I had no doubt he would win, short of successful election fraud, assassination or violent coup.

And even the never trumpers came around after he won the nomination.
Trump is part of the swamp. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and you expect him to be looking out for the working class.

You've people been conned.

Actually, you have.

I know who Trump is. We've known who he is all along. You people are the ones who were duped.

"Finally, we are putting America first"
and "In American we don't put Government first, we put GOD first".

I don't know how you retards can say one second that we're duped, that he isn't really pro-American...then the next minute whine when he puts our needs ahead of the needs of other countries. Hello.

"Don't worry, we will build the wall."


Oh brother.. the GOP , far right, and most news stations hated Trump.. I know this because I supported him, I like his ideas thinking he was an independent until he picked Pence.
They called his supporter uneducated and tried every way to get him out..


The "far right" as you like to call them, were divided. I was skeptical right at first but as soon as I saw he was serious about it, I had no doubt he would win, short of successful election fraud, assassination or violent coup.

And even the never trumpers came around after he won the nomination.

It all turned when Trump picked Pence and shocked us with his other this time many independents , and democrats felt betrayed.. He is a liar, and tells you what you want to hear..and is a master at selling.

It is just going to take you all some time to see it...

the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.

Cheer up Pred, the swamp wasnt built in a day, or even eight years, it is going to take a lot of time.

Dont shoot yourself in the foot due to impatience.

If Trump had really gone over to the Dark side, he would not be getting all the fire he is getting.
Trump is part of the swamp. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and you expect him to be looking out for the working class.

You've people been conned.
Lol, and you dont have your facts straight.

Local builders are not 'spoon in the mouth' oligarchs.
the Democrats, the neocons, the so-called conservatives, they all have proven themselves to be parts of the swamp. We knew the left was dirty, that goes without saying. Here we had an opportunity to drain the swamp and the swamp emerges victorious.

The guy we hired to drain the swamp? He got absorbed right into it. There is no difference between the left and the right at all. The left lies all the time, we know that but the right has also been lying. They had an opportunity to do great things and wtf did they do? They say on their hands and did nothing.

This Trumpcare fiasco is proof that they won't dare do anything. They don't really believe in free markets, they don't believe in personal responsibility, and they don't believe in small government.

They needed to stand behind the President while he was being attacked and lied about but what did they do? Not a damn thing.

Marco Rubio is my congresscritter. What did you do Marco? Not a damn thing. I will vote for whoever is running against you in the primaries, and if you win anyway, I will do my impression of Marco Rubio and sit on my hands come Election Day.

Trump was never going to drain the swamp. He just restocked it with different creatures. Either the Republicans in Congress or Trump himself has given big business everything they want. Some of the regulations I agree should be done away with however there were a few that were needed to protect Americans from well funded special interests.

Conservatism should not rest on telling people to drop dead. We need a conservative war on poverty. One that helps people who need help.
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