"It’s About Time for Immigration Reform" By Thomas J. Donohue President and CEO U.S.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
"It’s About Time for Immigration Reform"
By Thomas J. Donohue
President and CEO
U.S. Chanber of commerce

Salt Lake Chamber | It?s About Time for Immigration Reform
This is not 1900s America and we cannot afford to be a country of “open and welcoming society.” We are running out of natural resources and the immigrants that are entering today are not the same immigrants that built this country.

IF the are “gaps or shortages in our workforce” “cannot find all the worker they need” and will have to “move their businesses elsewhere” it is because greedy businesses to not want to pay a day’s wages for a day’s work so they look for the cheapest labor they can get and that is illegal aliens. Immigration Reform is all about cheap labor and cheap votes.

“Our current system isn’t serving the interests of our economy, businesses, workers, or security.” Most important talking points left out of the bill and discussion is how it serves the interest of the American people

Whose pockets is the Chamber of Commerce in? Same old tired bs rhetoric and propaganda coming out of the mouth of the Chamber of commerce as out of the mouths of the Gang of Eight.

American people? “:Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you”
Cannot stay and discuss this because I am having another MS exacerbation and going into hospital for a few days and load up on steroids.
What tickles me is nutballs in congress are helping Democrats drive US wages down, but white trash dumbasses keep re electing the nutballs whose votes make the difference fucking them.

One expects fake-liberal human potential leeches to breach reason importing every filthy fucking parasite lacking the courage to fight for a better country where they're from, but Reagan was the first president to deliberately fuck blue collar America because his corporate handlers told him to and a lot of these fucking idiots think he was great and are stupid enough to stick with the Wall Street party that has got to be laughing at them like nobody's business.

How funny is that?
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The pro "immigrant" special interest groups have turned a simple issue of scofflaws violating (immigration) laws into a civil rights issue. And Americans, mostly young and naive, are buying this propaganda. Younger people with no sense of their culture and history believe illegal immigrants are victims. Even the use of the phrase “illegal alien” is being discouraged because it….” Impugns the honor and dignity” of people that ignore immigration laws, (those people a just happen to be foreign nationals, aliens). Hmm.
Why don't they train American workers for American jobs?...
High-tech pushes for more in immigration bill
May 13,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- High-tech companies looking to bring more skilled workers to the U.S. pushed Monday for more concessions in an immigration bill pending in the Senate. Labor unions said the Silicon Valley had already gotten enough in the legislation and further changes risked chipping away at protections for U.S. workers.
The clash is set to play out in a Capitol Hill hearing room this week as the Senate Judiciary Committee resumes consideration of amendments to sweeping legislation remaking the nation's immigration system. At issue are the highly sought-after H-1B visas that allow companies like Google and Microsoft to bring workers to the U.S. to fill job openings for engineers, computer software experts, and other positions where employers say there's a shortage of U.S. workers. The legislation increases the number of these visas that are available, but also adds in a number of restrictions designed to ensure U.S. workers get a first shot at jobs.

Those protections were championed by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a Judiciary Committee member who's also part of the bipartisan "Gang of Eight" senators who authored the immigration legislation. But high-tech companies have their own champion on the Judiciary Committee: Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, who's prepared a slew of amendments to help their cause.

Hatch is seen as a potential swing vote on the immigration bill so backers of the legislation, who are working assiduously to ensure their bill passes the Senate with as many votes as possible, would like to court his support. But Durbin opposes Hatch's efforts and he and other Democrats are under pressure from organized labor not to go along. "We deemed the current language in the bill to be the compromise. After all, high tech got an awful lot of what it wanted, including the visa limit going up nearly threefold," said Tom Snyder, immigration campaign manager for the AFL-CIO. "Now they want to compromise the compromise."

Robert Hoffman, senior vice president for government affairs at the Information Technology Industry Council, disagreed. He said that the changes sought by Hatch, whose state is increasingly becoming a major high-tech employer, mostly amount to mechanical fixes to ensure the high-tech provisions work to boost economic growth and job creation in the U.S. "It's very important that the H-1B be workable and I think that's what we're trying to fix," Hoffman said. "Because the reality is the legislation as drafted in our view runs the risk of pushing work and investment that could come through temporary visas outside the United States."


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