'IT' Raises Its Head To Defend Killing Babies, Attacks Trump, But Fails to Disprove His Claims


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This woman will just NOT STFU and GO AWAY!


Hillary Clinton Defends Late Term Abortion and Implies Trump Lied About the Issue but Fails to Disprove His Claims

Twice-failed presidential candidate and former first lady Hillary Clinton tweeted out a defense of a topic near to her heart Monday: late-term abortion

'In her tweet, Clinton highlighted the fact that “only about 1% of abortions happen later in pregnancy—almost always because a woman’s health or life is at risk, or the pregnancy is no longer viable.” Clinton is correct that abortions after 21 weeks make up only 1.3 percent of abortions annually, according to the most recently available 2014 data from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, however, that still comes to just over 12,000 abortions a year.

Additionally, it is not clear where Clinton is getting her claim that the reason is “almost always” the woman’s “health or life” as the Guttmacher Institute cited a study from 2013 that found “most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.”

Finally, she attempted to claim the President misrepresented the issue in the SotU Address....but failed to Disprove his claims...just more sour grapes.....

Once again, Hillary's latest attempt ends in FAILURE...another VICTORY for Trump.

Hillary Clinton Defends Late Term Abortion and Implies Trump Lied About the Issue but Fails to Disprove His Claims

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Hillary Clinton clearly still lives rent-free in your head. She's whupped you good, and that's why you're still weeping about her.

Why pretend you think abortion is murder, when everyone knows you're lying? We get it. You'll proudly tell any lie on behalf of TheParty. There's no need to keep reinforcing that point.

And haven't your masters told you switch to blubbering about Pelosi, given how she's slapping DearLeader around on the shutdown again? You better check for the latest talking points.
This woman will just NOT STFU and GO AWAY!


Hillary Clinton Defends Late Term Abortion and Implies Trump Lied About the Issue but Fails to Disprove His Claims

Twice-failed presidential candidate and former first lady Hillary Clinton tweeted out a defense of a topic near to her heart Monday: late-term abortion

'In her tweet, Clinton highlighted the fact that “only about 1% of abortions happen later in pregnancy—almost always because a woman’s health or life is at risk, or the pregnancy is no longer viable.” Clinton is correct that abortions after 21 weeks make up only 1.3 percent of abortions annually, according to the most recently available 2014 data from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, however, that still comes to just over 12,000 abortions a year.

Additionally, it is not clear where Clinton is getting her claim that the reason is “almost always” the woman’s “health or life” as the Guttmacher Institute cited a study from 2013 that found “most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.”

Finally, she attempted to claim the President misrepresented the issue in the SotU Address....but failed to Disprove his claims...just more sour grapes.....

Once again, Hillary's latest attempt ends in FAILURE...another VICTORY for Trump.

Hillary Clinton Defends Late Term Abortion and Implies Trump Lied About the Issue but Fails to Disprove His Claims

This is one that needs to self-abort.... Afterbirth that lived...

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