It is time for a UBI to a minimum for all of our people


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus would want. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery!

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
Fuck that! A bunch of degenerates living for free? No! :nono:

If you want to be a piece of shit, you should reap the whirlwind.
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus would want. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery!

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
You want that stuff? Then move to a Communist or Socialist country. That's how they do things there. This is Uncle Sam's country.
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.

It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
You're describing socialism... and to make even more people slaves to government dependency? Nope! It also doesn't provide any incentive to be successful and / or make life better. And sorry .. many people don't know how to manage money, which is why you see many in poverty with the biggest, freaking t.v. setup in their living room, cable and a smart phone.

Who pays for all these luxuries?
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
I have a better idea.

Why don't you actually contribute something to society instead of just mooching off the hard work of others?
I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work.
For the destitute that are too sick to work, too disabled, and have no long term prospects of getting better, the social security administration has programs to make sure they will not live on the streets.

For any other able bodied person in our society, no, what you are suggesting is still folly.
Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.
This type of drivel, shows a fundamental lack of understanding of basic economic principles, i.e., supply and demand. The only way this will work, is if we have a fully automated work force.

It may, in the future, be possible, to have some sort of subsistence level UBI, when robots take over jobs, like mass shipping, logging, mining, carpentry, and a whole host of other jobs, that will put masses, I mean hundreds of thousands, even millions, of technical skilled workers out of a jobs. I am even reading now, that highly skilled, degreed jobs, and artistic jobs, are starting to be done by AI.

At this point, we may indeed, need some strategy, or way, to feed, house and cloth, all these masses of workers affected by economic dislocations, where no more gainful employment is available. For what types of gainful employment would be available, if all trade jobs are being done by robots, and all highly technical and skilled work is done by AI?


But that time? Seems to be, still, some time off yet. A decade?

Robots Could Relieve Skilled Tradespersons From Repetitive Work​

". . . Statistics show that 54% of construction contractors have trouble finding enough skilled workers. Relatedly, 81% of respondents said the skilled tradespeople they do have must take on more work to accommodate the lack.

Robots could play an instrumental role in handling the tasks that could make skilled workers more prone to fatigue and injuries. Jim Page is a veteran of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry who currently trains apprentices. He gave an example of how robots could help with welding.

“In the shop production side, if it takes three welders to get it done and part of the process being done by two of those welders is a repetitive process, that process could be put into a jig and could be performed by a robot.” However, that doesn’t take humans out of the picture.. . "

And yet? Once the OTR semis do become truly able to be driver-less? This is something we may have to grapple with.

Research Summary. The trucking industry is vital to the U.S.’s economy, as just about every necessity and convenience depend on this industry in some form or another. Here are some statistics about the truck driving industry:

  • Trucks move about 72.5% of America’s freight by weight.
  • The trucking industry earned $875.5 billion in revenue in 2021.
  • There are about 3.5 million employed truck drivers in the U.S. as of 2021.
  • There are 1,102,799 for-hire trucking carriers in the U.S.
  • U.S. trucks moved 10.93 billion tons of freight in 2021.
  • There are 4.06 million semi-trucks operating in the U.S. as of 2021.


So. . . not too long to figure something out? Will other fields open up for low skilled workers? :dunno: We can be sure, AI and robotics are not going to just affect the nearly four million transport workers, big shifts are coming . . . . . Bigger than we saw in the 80's and 90's, with industrial production automation, and shifts to service work, this we can be assured.
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
Easy solution! Just pretend you are an illegal alien and you'll get all the resources you need.
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
Have you not paid attention to what handing out money during covid has done to inflation? How it isn't just happening in America but in every country that handed money?

And your answer is print more money for lazy people like you who don't want to earn a living?

Maybe instead of deciding what gender you want to be you should decide what job will make you money and WORK
  • Lets make wage slavery just to eat and to live with any standards or self respect a thing of the past
    The goal is to 1. Set up basic needs like food, housing and goods to be done by a.i and robotics(as in supply), and 2. a basic income to control demand. We need to head towards a star trek like future where no one has to work to eat and enjoy their life. They can focus on their own happiness.
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.
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  • Lets make wage slavery just to eat and to live with any standards or self respect a thing of the past
    The goal is to 1. Set up basic needs like food, housing and goods to be done by a.i and robotics(as in supply), and 2. a basic income to control demand. We need to head towards a star trek like future where no one has to work to eat and enjoy their life. They can focus on their own happiness.
That's just you being whiny

In 2006 I came home disabled from service ended up homeless. In 2009 I moved cross country into a apartment. In 2016 I bought a house and about to sell it for double what I paid for.

Use your brain and stop being a pussy
  • Lets make wage slavery just to eat and to live with any standards or self respect a thing of the past
    The goal is to 1. Set up basic needs like food, housing and goods to be done by a.i and robotics(as in supply), and 2. a basic income to control demand. We need to head towards a star trek like future where no one has to work to eat and enjoy their life. They can focus on their own happiness.
That will happen when we go to heaven. But it won't happen to the ones who go to hell because you'll be bitching to Ol' Ned about living conditions.
  • Lets make wage slavery just to eat and to live with any standards or self respect a thing of the past
    The goal is to 1. Set up basic needs like food, housing and goods to be done by a.i and robotics(as in supply), and 2. a basic income to control demand. We need to head towards a star trek like future where no one has to work to eat and enjoy their life. They can focus on their own happiness.
This is just too cute. You are a 37 year old male who identifies as a girl -- not a woman, but a GIRL, a female child.

You want the state to provide you with all you need because you see yourself as a female child instead of an adult male.

Wouldn't it be better if you finally just grew the fuck up, instead?
It is time for a UBI that allows for a basement/minimum standard of living for all of our people. No one should be hungry and no one should be forced to live on the street based on their ability to work. I believe this is the ethical and moral thing to do as an society and it is what Jesus. I know people that can't work because they're sick, on oxygen or any number of reasons and it is pure cruelty to expect work. It is wage slavery! It probably one of the cruest things that too many expect out of people that simply can't.

Laws should also be placed on production and rent to make sure that the producers and suppliers can't attempt to put people on the street or make food far too costly to eat. We should make damn sure this minimum is held and set at the avg for any given area to assure rent + food.

I'll go as far as to suggest if one wants to live very poorly then they can live that way and follow their hobbies. Society shouldn't be against such people. Maybe such people could invent something and become rich? That rich person then would pay taxes and pay it back. Maybe such people could instead get a better education and choose one day to get a higher paying job? Paying more taxes and paying it back! Maybe such people would have a higher quality of life without stress and that is an ethical right position.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Lets make wage slavery just to eat and to live with any standards or self respect a thing of the past
The goal is to 1. Set up basic needs like food, housing and goods to be done by a.i and robotics(as in supply), and 2. a basic income to control demand. We need to head towards a star trek like future where no one has to work to eat and enjoy their life. They can focus on their own happiness.

To tell the truth?

I am sort of. . . . saddened, and, well, not looking forward to mass robotics and an AI future. I do see it coming though. I can't even order a pizza now at most places for delivery, because I don't own a smartphone, and most places want you to own one, or they won't take my order. :(

If you are healthy, and if you have no mental problems, the greatest joy in the world, is to find some useful purpose in life, and to be a part of society and contribute.

AI and robotics threatens to steal that from humanity, it threatens to disrupt the very foundations of what it means to be human.

If you compare say, a lion in the wild, to a lion in the zoo, which on is more fulfilled, which one is more happy? :dunno:

Most folks are clear on this, the one that has purpose!

A very brilliant man, sometimes known for his social commentary, who even identified with the socialist party, but, believed in the free market, foresaw this future. How? His first job after the war, was working at General Electric. So, his first novel predicts a future of automation. It is based on transistors instead of silicon chips, but you still get the idea. . .

If everyone allows themselves to be ruled by a technocratic elites, and has no meaningful purpose? Life has no meaning, and happiness is sapped from the world.

This is what, "Freedom is Slavery," also means. If you believe, UBI will make you happy? If by letting the government keep track of you, and make you dependant on machines for everything, when you are perfectly able to do it yourself? You don't understand life, AT ALL.

It is the struggle for purpose, and to find a life, to help others, and to make a living, which makes life have meaning. . .

Major themes​

"The automation of industry and the effect that it has on society are the predominant themes of Player Piano. It is "a novel about people and machines, and machines frequently got the best of it, as machines will."[4] More specifically, it delves into a theme to which Vonnegut returns, "a problem whose queasy horrors will eventually be made world-wide by the sophistication of machines. The problem is this: How to love people who have no use."[5] Unlike much dystopian fiction, the novel's society was created by indifference, both of the populace and the technology that replaced it. As such, it is the sense of purposelessness of those living in a capitalistic society that has outgrown a need for them that must be rectified.[6]

Mankind's blind faith in technology and its usually-disastrous effect on society as well as the dehumanization of the poor or oppressed later became common themes throughout Vonnegut's work.[7] Throughout his life, Vonnegut continued to believe the novel's themes were of relevance to society, writing, for example, in 1983 that the novel was becoming "more timely with each passing day."[8]"
I'll admit that there's a lot to think about but at the very least I don't believe people belong on the side of the street or freezing in the rain. Can we all agree?

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