It All Makes Sense Now, Wikileaks Used Visitors' Computers to Mine Bitcoins!


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Assange claims that the U.S. helped them make a huge return on profit for Bitcoins because the U.S. cut off the use of Visa and Mastercard for them, so they were forced to start using the crypto-currency. However I think it was something else. Internet sites have figured out a way to use the computers of visitors to their site to help in the process of mining bitcoins. Now imagine how many people visited the Wikileaks site over the last few years starting with release of cables by Manning, up to the release of Podesta's emails. There would be no reason for Wikileaks to pay for any information... if it is good enough to get enough attention they will make a shit ton of money off the visitors helping them get bitcoins. That brings something else to light... they offered only $25,000 for information on the Seth Rich murder. That's peanuts compared to what Assange says they have made, which tells me it was just a symbolic gesture to stir the pot and get more attention.

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims his organization has made a 50,000 percent return on bitcoin (Exchange:BTC=) after investing in the cryptocurrency in 2010 — and it's all thanks to the U.S. government."

WikiLeaks made a 50,000% return on bitcoin thanks to the US government, Julian Assange claims

"With the continuing collapse in online advertising revenues, websites are turning to other methods to pay their hosting bills – including using visitors’ computers and phones to mine cryptocurrency.

It’s a controversial practice, with some likening it to running malware on visitor’s computers, but it is a potentially lucrative endeavour for websites. The downside is that at best it slows down visitors’ machines, and at worst it can also drain their batteries or send their electricity bills soaring."

Ads don't work so websites are using your electricity to pay the bills

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