Israel promotes malware-containing fake "Hamas website"

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Israeli lies never stop:


While conducting research, Misbar found indicators that show the website is not affiliated with Hamas. It was also clear that the website was established in December 1999, and was inactive until mid-November 2023. Records show that the website is hosted on server Wix, an Israeli software company established in October 2006 by Avishai Ebrahimi, Nadav Ebrahimi, and Giora Kaplan.

By checking the link on Virus Total, it turned out to be suspicious, where 5 cybersecurity providers considered the website to be malicious.


When opening the website, the antivirus automatically disconnects and shows a warning message that the website is infected with Blacklist malware which could damage devices or networks.

Israeli Propaganda

Creating and promoting this website comes in the context of mainstream and Israeli propaganda, where Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper mentioned that Israeli propaganda activists bought the domain of, and published harsh and uncensored content of the events of October 7, pointing out that the Israeli Foreign Affairs and Israeli embassies around the world have shed the light on this website.

Israeli lies never stop:

View attachment 866930

By checking the link on Virus Total, it turned out to be suspicious, where 5 cybersecurity providers considered the website to be malicious.

View attachment 866932

When opening the website, the antivirus automatically disconnects and shows a warning message that the website is infected with Blacklist malware which could damage devices or networks.

Israeli lies never stop:

View attachment 866930

By checking the link on Virus Total, it turned out to be suspicious, where 5 cybersecurity providers considered the website to be malicious.

View attachment 866932

When opening the website, the antivirus automatically disconnects and shows a warning message that the website is infected with Blacklist malware which could damage devices or networks.

Excellent. Way to go Israel! Let the HAMAS supporting dumbasses log on to your website so you can capture their IP address and online mindset, maybe even slip them some malware to mess up their systems. Very good indeed!:D
They pick a fight with the toughest kid on the block, then whine when he kicks their ass, their brother's ass, their sister's ass, their mom and dad's asses, and the asses of everyone on their family tree on every playground... tough shit, bad plan.

Here, have some bacon:

Excellent. Way to go Israel! Let the HAMAS supporting dumbasses log on to your website so you can capture their IP address and online mindset, maybe even slip them some malware to mess up their systems. Very good indeed!:D
They go to these websites to to check out and see if they can reserve a few of those better looking 72 virgin donkeys, before they blow themselves up.

rylah is caught promoting this malware-ridden site here in the forum:

Is this somehow a result of IOF affiliation, spreading lies & deception?
Ever thought that calling the IDF the “IOF” is a surefire of telling everybody you’re an enemy within America hating, Jew hating Hamas-animal supporter.
None of you seem to pause to consider what is being done --- other than the obvious , highlighting extreme racists here .

( Calm down -- too many vulgar and rowdy characters at the back .)

Namely , deliberately whipping Hysteria and brain fragility to fever pitch .
All part of Project Chaos , the CIA programme I have mentioned innumerable times .
And pressurising interested parties toward further and increased violence and madness .

Just part of the whole False Flag Psy Op which is the elephant in the room ; and which Normies cannot afford to see and which Sheeple are incapable of seeing .
Escalation .

Conspiracy thinking ? Not so far .
Spot on .
None of you seem to pause to consider what is being done --- other than the obvious , highlighting extreme racists here .

( Calm down -- too many vulgar and rowdy characters at the back .)

Namely , deliberately whipping Hysteria and brain fragility to fever pitch .
All part of Project Chaos , the CIA programme I have mentioned innumerable times .
And pressurising interested parties toward further and increased violence and madness .

Just part of the whole False Flag Psy Op which is the elephant in the room ; and which Normies cannot afford to see and which Sheeple are incapable of seeing .
Escalation .

Conspiracy thinking ? Not so far .
Spot on .

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