Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


My heart aches for that father. Hamas should be held responsible for this!
BBC NEWS:just heard........stop press

Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas political leader, accuses Israel of "deiberately targeting and murdering civilians"

Pot and Kettle???

Enough to make even a peace-ful Gaza-sympathiser like me wish him the same fate as his war criminal comrade Jabari.

Trouble is, if they were ALL wiped out

Their replacements would be even worse; if that is possible.

And that is what has happened time and time again in both Israel and Gaza with each deadly twist of the endless cycle of revenge violence.

ten dead gaza tits for each dead israeli tat makes the bad go to worse

israel has fallen all the way from true harmless idealistic socialist zionist pioneers to the crypto-fascist Liebermann and the immoral Neten Yahoo

Gaza from a non corrupt islamic welfare society called Hamas, funded by Israel, to what we have now

But no-one on either side is learning anything it seems from this downward spiral to doom for all.

And nor are their zio and pal robots on either side on this deadly board
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The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


My heart aches for that father. Hamas should be held responsible for this!

10 bucks says he has a loaf of bread in the white bag.

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


My heart aches for that father. Hamas should be held responsible for this!

Applying your reasoning, the world's response to the Holocaust would have been blame the Jews and wipe out the rest of them.
it turns out that the mother pregnant with twins was in the act of tying a bomb to her stinking ass ------and the bomb went off and burned the infant and killed the slut pregnant with the twins she was unable to get an abortion in Gaza and the twins were out of wedlock


Why do you tell lies like that?

I really feel sorry for you, I see you as much in a prison as those in Gaza, as those imprisoned in concentration camps in Nazi Germany, as those imprisoned as Japanese in camps in the US during WWII.

You are imprisoned by a victim mentality that poisons you against nonJews, you cannot write a post that is not poisoned with hate and negativity for nonJews.

Are you so accustomed to living with your hate and poisoned mind you do not want to leave the place you are?

There is another way to live, but you have to want to be free of your bondage.


because he's a bigoted anti- Semite.[/QUOT
Good point and entirely accurate in light of this poster's hate of Semitic peoples.

the response of the USA and Britain too
when Hitler started kiiiing Jews

was to shut their doors to all Jewish Refugees
so hundreds of thousands of jews diied
who should have been helped to the lands of the freer

there was an ecoomic depression at that time in the 1930s
and so jobs were scarce and that's why they were kept out

i would be surprised if you knew that
Ya whatever....

And i'm not a Jew.

And i'm not a "he".

And i never said i was always right...and i know i'm not always polite.
Some people just bring the best out in me :)

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


My heart aches for that father. Hamas should be held responsible for this!
not just Hamas, forever

be a little honest with your compassion

both sides are to blame
Ya whatever....

And i'm not a Jew.

And i'm not a "he".

And i never said i was always right...and i know i'm not always polite.
Some people just bring the best out in me :)
Ms Carol Jo the Jentile


well we could do with more very impolite, politically incorrect she's
with creative humour, courage and fun
for our special virtual haj to jerusalem and mecca....
see the separate thread devoted to it
it is very pro women......ultra feminist if you like that word

our latest musings...before the gaza horrors interrupted us with sadness
were to stage 2 pussy riots in jerusalem

one, dressed as ultra orthodox jews in top hats and curls on the wailing wall
only with burkas, 7 veils and special interfaith all semitic bikinis underneath

then when the orthodox audience are entranced enough by our seductive antics
we are going to invade the muslims only waqf area on the temple mount itself

dressed as islamic sufi whirling dervishes, with panties strictly optional
we will whirl and dance our and their way to the one true god of all semites

following our triumph in jerusalem we are going straight to mecca
hoss fly will fly us there on his back for a few shekels

in mecca we are raiders of the lost goddess Allat
the goddess that once resided in Mecca's kaba zone
before the muslims destroyed her cult of womanly virtue
and replace the dearest one on her lost stone of destiny

Irosie is writing Allat's new sharia law under Allat's divine guidance right now

we are brave people of true faith who trust in god to protect us
but Roudy will be on hand with his omni-potent hairdryer to defend us all
just in case any jewish or muslim jihadists want to send us straight to paradise
there's a lot of work and play to do to prepare, and we need help
are you game to caroll around with us, here and there?

starring IRosie, AngelicaT, Roudy and Hossfly with little old me...all but me are zio freaks;
I hate the israeli government and zio-thievery and have never ever been there before
all but angelica T are believed to be Jewish

do join us if you feel you belong with the TRUE chosen ones there


sorry for my miss takes....just testing.......and you definitely passed!!!!
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I would be mortified and embarrassed if I was an Israeli citizen, the way their government is acting, and the twitter posts they are making. What psychotic leaders.

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


My heart aches for that father. Hamas should be held responsible for this!

Applying your reasoning, the world's response to the Holocaust would have been blame the Jews and wipe out the rest of them.

sherri remains a true islamo nazi pig to the end LOGIC? Jews who were actually excluded from even owning weapons for centuries by the laws of the FILTHY NAZI HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE_----so obviously had no means of defense and certainly never went around slitting throats ----the enterprise that so excites sherri------were suddenly placed under siege------It was not the first time that the heirs of the 'HOLY' roman empire had done so-----the usual approach to that sherri shit over many centuries was to SIT IT OUT-----so sit it out they did until the sherrie sluts of the world descended on them with MILITARY MIGHT right in their homes and dragged them off to concentration camps were SHERRIES happly slaughtered most and worked and starved the rest to death

how do deal with reality-----the nazi war criminals afraid of the NUREMBURG TRIALS knew-----they escaped to arab countries and wrote the answers out the the sherris still fart out into cyber space "Let's claim----THE JOOOS DO THE SAME THING" (from their writings you got "JEWS KILL GENTILES") Sherri ---I read your material as a child and ----in my late teens heard it directly from the mouths of recent medical school graduates from muslim shit holes ----long ago-----before the KHOMEINI shit took over--------then the IRANIANS began to emulate the others and spit the shit you know so well You are heir to that shit-----holy roman empire ----combined with shariah shit------which is really two sides of the same coin I am also -----in a way----an heir My ancestry came out of the AUSTRIAN HAPSBURG EMPIRE aka SECOND REICH (second holy roman empire) ------and that of my husband from a TYPICAL STINKING SHARIAH CESS pit------the same shit ---. The reichs and the shariah cess pits COMBINED are responsible for almost every genocidal murder in the past 1700 years----learn some history it is fascinating and even tied to your "holy roman empire" version of another victim of your filth "JESUS" aka Yeshua ben Yosef
Oh gee sherri took a break from dancing on the dead bodies of the Israeli children killed to write yet ANOTHER BRILLIANT POST
pulled from the dangling entrails of her heroes in hell

see DANTE CANTO 28------she got it from "where"........ her heroes "fart"

(for those who do not know----another wing was added to the INFERNO
to house Sherri's heroes)
I would be mortified and embarrassed if I was an Israeli citizen, the way their government is acting, and the twitter posts they are making. What psychotic leaders.
I would be embarrassed and mortified to be a Muslim considering so many Muslims murdering other Muslims (plus those of other religions of course). However, Baghdad Bob probably doesn't consider that psychotic because maybe this is what Muslims are supposed to do. By the way, what are you still doing on this message board when you claimed you were doing community work collecting funds for the Syrians. Surely you read about the thousands of refugees who need help and all those Muslims still in Syria who could use a hand with their dead and wounded.
These people are criminals.

You're right, Gazans firing rockets from civilian areas should be killed by the Muslim civilians they endanger. And their bodies dragged thru the streets. Before being fed to pigs.

Another smart refusing to face facts.

Israel committed and act of aggression and murdered 7 civilians already. Including infants.

The key word is "deterrence"

The are criminals.

You're lame rebuttals are painfully stupid.

Do us a favor and keep your mouth shut!

You Israeli apologist! Piece or shit! Leave America! Go to hell.
These people are criminals.

You're right, Gazans firing rockets from civilian areas should be killed by the Muslim civilians they endanger. And their bodies dragged thru the streets. Before being fed to pigs.

Another smart refusing to face facts.

Israel committed and act of aggression and murdered 7 civilians already. Including infants.

The key word is "deterrence"

The are criminals.

You're lame rebuttals are painfully stupid.

Do us a favor and keep your mouth shut!

You Israeli apologist! Piece or shit! Leave America! Go to hell.

Israel committed and act of aggression

Firing at rocket launchers that attack civilians is aggression?

Buy a dictionary, you'll sound marginally less ignorant.
You're right, Gazans firing rockets from civilian areas should be killed by the Muslim civilians they endanger. And their bodies dragged thru the streets. Before being fed to pigs.

Another smart refusing to face facts.

Israel committed and act of aggression and murdered 7 civilians already. Including infants.

The key word is "deterrence"

The are criminals.

You're lame rebuttals are painfully stupid.

Do us a favor and keep your mouth shut!

You Israeli apologist! Piece or shit! Leave America! Go to hell.

Israel committed and act of aggression

Firing at rocket launchers that attack civilians is aggression?

Buy a dictionary, you'll sound marginally less ignorant.

You fucktard they committed an act of war. No matter how much you try to justify it.

They also attacked infrastructure all over the Strip. And hit an ambulance. Two infants killed. 5 children killed.

Palestinians are responding to these crimes.

Man you people defend Israel like your life depends on it.

Israel started this round of violence. Not the Palestinians.
God will throw them into hell fire right away, no negotiating, no forgiveness, of course to the criminals Netanyahu and Barak, as well as the IDF


Speaking about the character of God, from a Christian versus Islam versus Jewish perspective, it seems my Christian concept of God is as a God of Mercy. And I really do see that Mercy as capable of being bestowed on any person, no matter what they have done in the past. Your comments in this post , which I assume address a Muslims's view of God, do not seem to envision the possibility of God bestowing such Mercy on certain persons. Do you see Mercy as a part of Islam?


It's our biggest thing, and we have a hadith that says the last person will get out of hell fire. And he will receive 6 times the Universe. Something along that.


Thank you for sharing that with me, I believe we do have a God who is mighty to save, and that Salvation is desired by Him for all of us.

There are Christians whom have believed in the concept of universal salvation since Christianity's beginnings, such as Origin, and I like to hope and look forward to seeing a day that will come when all Humanity will see and experience universal salvation of all living Creations of God!

Looking down from Heaven, right now, I know Jesus is weeping for the children and all those hurting in the fighting in Palestine and in Gaza, where the suffering is the greatest. He hears their cries, He feels their pain, He loves all of them, and He is there to see them through anything and everything they will confront, for those who turn to Him. I recall reading about Cast Lead and people under attack, and people coming together and reaching out to help one another, to see their need for each other, to love one another. That's the response God wants from us, to respond to hate with love. That reaching out to care about others is itself choosing God, I believe. And with love, we can vanquish the hate and win freedom, victory is assured, it is only a matter of time, look at Nabi Saleh, all they have experienced, but the close bonds the people have with each other has been their response to oppression, and people all over the world have joined with them in their struggle for freedom from Occupation and oppression and land thefts and attacks and home demolitions. I have read over 1 million people have been recorded as logging onto their website to read about their amazing nonviolent struggle against the Occupation they have launched and actively pursue in their weekly demonstrations where they try to walk to a village stream stolen from them by illegal Jewish settlers.

I was just reading the most amazing post from Phil Weiss on Mondoweiss. He was in Nabi Saleh last Friday. They were violently attacked with tear gas canisters, he spoke of it being quite frightening. And he also spoke about the villagers speaking to him about a recent visit they had from Americans who had struggled for equal rights in the Civil Rights Movement. They stood on the roofs as they were attacked, and they cried, and they told the villagers that what the villagers there were experiencing in the Occupation was exactly what they had experienced in their struggle for equality in America.

Here is part of what he said:

"Still these rural people carry on. And the international attention gives the villagers hope that they will one day prevail, and that the settlement will be removed from their land and their spring returned to them. Iyad Tamimi, a member of the popular committee, described an inspiring visit in October by a delegation from the Martin Luther King Center for non-violent change. Two dozen veterans of the civil rights movement came to Nabi Saleh, and because they didn't want to be exposed to tear gas and rubber bullets, sat in chairs on the roof to observe. It was not theater to them. It was their own history. Most of them were crying, Iyad said; they told him this is exactly what they experienced in the south. The visitors assured the villagers that Nabi Saleh will prevail, as the civil rights demonstrators in the south prevailed"

A bad day in Nabi Saleh | Mondoweiss

Injustice always has an end, in God's timing, I Pray that will be soon for the people of Palestine. Come soon, Lord, come Soon!

Another smart refusing to face facts.

Israel committed and act of aggression and murdered 7 civilians already. Including infants.

The key word is "deterrence"

The are criminals.

You're lame rebuttals are painfully stupid.

Do us a favor and keep your mouth shut!

You Israeli apologist! Piece or shit! Leave America! Go to hell.

Israel committed and act of aggression

Firing at rocket launchers that attack civilians is aggression?

Buy a dictionary, you'll sound marginally less ignorant.

You fucktard they committed an act of war. No matter how much you try to justify it.

They also attacked infrastructure all over the Strip. And hit an ambulance. Two infants killed. 5 children killed.

Palestinians are responding to these crimes.

Man you people defend Israel like your life depends on it.

Israel started this round of violence. Not the Palestinians.

You fucktard they committed an act of war.

It's true, Gazan rockets launched at civilians is an act of war.
Israel committed and act of aggression

Firing at rocket launchers that attack civilians is aggression?

Buy a dictionary, you'll sound marginally less ignorant.

You fucktard they committed an act of war. No matter how much you try to justify it.

They also attacked infrastructure all over the Strip. And hit an ambulance. Two infants killed. 5 children killed.

Palestinians are responding to these crimes.

Man you people defend Israel like your life depends on it.

Israel started this round of violence. Not the Palestinians.

You fucktard they committed an act of war.

It's true, Gazan rockets launched at civilians is an act of war.

Israel started this military campaign with the first fire, killing 8 and assassinating a official.

They are responsible for the latest round of violence.

And Palestinains have no other way of responding. They need to stand up for their people.

Keep in mind, when taking a very peaceful approach,and doing exactly what Israel did to achieve statehood, they are threatened by the Israeli government.

Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon, speaking in a similar vein, told Army Radio on Wednesday that his country would “have to take steps to make it clear that there will be a heavy price” if the statehood petition goes ahead. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also warned previously that a statehood appeal would push peace further away and lead to instability.
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