Israel attacking ambulances and medics in Gaza; these are extremely serious war crimes


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?

Was it too surprising when Hamas killed, mutilated and burned little children and shot innocent teens just for the crime of going to a music festival?
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
The animals use the ambulances to haul weapons and "freedom fighters."
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
War crimes is Israel's MO.
Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?
I willl. Until Hamas, Hezbollah, and the other Pali combatants start putting on uniforms and separating themselves from the civilian population, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, etc… is a legitimate target.,
"Yesterday, the Israeli PM's office said they confirmed that Hamas beheaded children. But today, Israeli authorities say they CANNOT confirm information about beheaded children.I apologize," CNN's Sarah Sidner said.
This is how they start the big bloodbath.

When truly horrific war crimes are committed that Hitler would have approved of, the Hague court is deafeningly silent.
Everything you need to know about "bourgeois justice" and human rights.
Israel has killed 2900 Palestinians including 600 children.

Why is nobody complaining about how nasty Israel is?
Because of ethnicity, skin color, language and religion.

Israel is perceived as MUCH more like the US.

Base tribalism at its worst.

Highly reminiscent of Nazism, right down to the language Israel uses to justify its acts of genocide against those they refer to as animals and subhuman.

And for the ultra-rabid US Christian conservative, they see a fascist, fanatical, theocratic right-wing apartheid state freely engaged in acts of genocide against non-Christian people of color, and perceive this as the fulfillment of Prophecy.

So they drool, and mindlessly cheerlead atrocity.

I hate to say Hillary was right to call them a basket of deplorables, but if the jackboot fits, it doesn't matter if there's a crucifix around the neck.
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
It's very simple: the only actual war crime is losing

Israel should obliterate Gaza. Treat it like Carthage.
Was it too surprising when Hamas killed, mutilated and burned little children and shot innocent teens just for the crime of going to a music festival?

How many $ Billions in US aid and arms does Hamas receive?
How many $ Billions in US aid and arms does Hamas receive?
Our moron president started funding Hamas again and reversed the sanctions on Iran, Including the oil sanctions, which allowed Iran to fund Hamas To the tune of billions probably. While the Iranian people themselves are suffering, the Islamist animals in Iran are helping other Islamist animals in Gaza.

besides why should the US fund a designated child killing terrorist organization? We should be busy eliminating these IslamoNazis off the face of the planet, like we did Al Queda and ISIS.
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
Did you bother to read the ARTICLE? It happened after dark in a blacked-out city, from the photo the ambulance didn't have a light bar or emergency lights AND that hospital has been used as a headquarters by Hamas in the past AND Hamas has been seen using ambulances to transport it's leaders and weapons in the past.
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
Self Defense! The only war crimes were committed by Hamas when they murdered over 1300 innocent civilians in an early morning sneak attack. Go whine to someone that is as stupid as you are.
How many $ Billions in US aid and arms does Hamas receive?
A ton: this year alone the US alone has given NINETY FIVE AND A HALF MILLION dollars to Gaza/Hamas. The UN and other countries has given FOUR AND A HALF BILLION.
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
As Israeli war crimes in Gaza mount, this should not be too surprising:

“All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told Al Jazeera. The emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit.

Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

It was no one-off incident. Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the besieged enclave, in breach of international rules that catalogue such attacks as war crimes.

Can anyone defend the murder of paramedics and the bombing of ambulances by Israel?

This is in addition to the murder of 500 Palestinian children by Israel this week.

Should US aid be immediately cut off, and UN troops sent in to oppose Israeli war crimes?
Note six suggestions here for reducing or eliminating civilian casualties in Palestine, none of which Hamas are willing to implement. Hamas will not protect its citizens or even allow its citizens to protect themselves as the more dead Palestinians there are, especially old people, women, children, people in schools, hospitals, ambulances etc., the more sympathy and help they get from those who hate Israel and the Jews.

Note especially No. 6 on the list:







Note six suggestions here for reducing or eliminating civilian casualties in Palestine, none of which Hamas are willing to implement. Hamas will not protect its citizens or even allow its citizens to protect themselves as the more dead Palestinians there are, especially old people, women, children, people in schools, hospitals, ambulances etc., the more sympathy and help they get from those who hate Israel and the Jews.

Note No. 6 on the list:







And tonight, Biden's paramount act is to give another 100B to Gaza and the West Bank and another 100B to Israel. Undoubtedly he'll want another 100B for Ukraine. Kiss another third of a trillion dollars goodbye. Hasn't anyone told this moron and the idiot democrats that we are in debt to the tune of 32T dollars? The strategic oil reserves are empty and so is our treasury. He gave military materiel to the Taliban and Ukraine. I wonder WTF he figures we'll use to defend the US. SMFH.

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