*Islams: Vagina Holy War On Women*

*Who Own's The Muslim Vigina: Man Or Woman?*

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  • Poll closed .


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. It has recently come to my attention that Muslim men all over the world have it written in thier so called religious books that the men own thier wifes vagina's, Marc39 or guatama supplied me with this information, which I never knew and am greatful for him providing it.
2. They will raise Holy Hell if they don't get the vagina when they demand it.
3. And they have the Muslim right to beat with thier hands, said wife who holds this vagina.
4. They can divorce said wife with vagina, if the wife fails to delivery said vagina when said man wants said vagina made to the ready.
5. Divorce is easy within Islam, all the man has to do is say "I divorce you" three times, then its done.
6. Then said man, can go out and find a new vagina to own and marry.
7. How does this make you moral people feel about this?
8. Or a better question, are there any moral people in here?
9. Is this a fair topic?:clap2::clap2: I think it is, its what they learn in thier books, I've read it.
10. Can a Muslim man admit that he marry's a vagina not a women when he gets married?
11. This thread is not directed at any particular person or person's on this site, and is not to be intended to flame said Muslims or Islam, I am just asking questions frankly, and you know *CWN* if anything, I am frank!:eek:

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Islam men feel the same about a little boys ass .
Sorry bout that,

Bottom line is the Muslim man is allowed to slap that bitch up if she won't part with the pussay.

1. I know you voted *Man* in the poll.
2. I'm going to have to call you, *immoral*.
3. Sorry bout that.:eek:


What it's the truth, go talk to women in Pakistan and Iran and ask them what happens when they don't give up the nookie.
Sorry bout that,

1. In all seriousness, will *CWN* be able to free all the *Muslim Vagina* throughout the world?
2. I think I can do it, nothing's to hard for God.
3. I will ask for Gods help, and I am sure, the freedom of *Muslim Vagina* is very near.
4. I hear you *Muslim Vagina's* and I will help get you set *FREE*!!!
5. Then one day all the *Muslim Vagina's* will be able to say *Free At Last, Thank God Almighty We Are FREE At Last*!!!

Sorry bout that,

1. In all seriousness, will *CWN* be able to free all the *Muslim Vagina* throughout the world?
2. I think I can do it, nothing's to hard for God.
3. I will ask for Gods help, and I am sure, the freedom of *Muslim Vagina* is very near.
4. I hear you *Muslim Vagina's* and I will help get you set *FREE*!!!
5. Then one day all the *Muslim Vagina's* will be able to say *Free At Last, Thank God Almighty We Are FREE At Last*!!!


You would be surprised how many Muslim women reject your idea of being free, and actually do not have a problem with the way things are.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. In all seriousness, will *CWN* be able to free all the *Muslim Vagina* throughout the world?
2. I think I can do it, nothing's to hard for God.
3. I will ask for Gods help, and I am sure, the freedom of *Muslim Vagina* is very near.
4. I hear you *Muslim Vagina's* and I will help get you set *FREE*!!!
5. Then one day all the *Muslim Vagina's* will be able to say *Free At Last, Thank God Almighty We Are FREE At Last*!!!


You would be surprised how many Muslim women reject your idea of being free, and actually do not have a problem with the way things are.

1. What makes you think that?

I'm not a Muslim but I'm somewhat sympathetic to the idea that women should always be ready to satisfy man's urges.

I don't fully embrace this proposition but I just can't reject entirely the notion that women have a duty to give sexual relief to man.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets try to understand the *gravity* of this vagina enslavement.
2. I think its just appaling that all these Muslim vagina's are being held against thier wills.
3. Enslavement of a womens vagina is horrible, how can they do this to all these vagina's?
4. Its a crime against vagina's!
5. I long for the days when *ALL* vagina's are set FREE!!!!!!
6. I think I'm going to have to get tuff, and call for a *Vagina Strike*!
7. All Muslim women throughout the planet listen to me, I call you to *Strike Your Vagina's*!!!
8. Its the only way folks, *Vagina's Rule*!!!! a round of hands for *The Vagina's*!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. In all seriousness, will *CWN* be able to free all the *Muslim Vagina* throughout the world?
2. I think I can do it, nothing's to hard for God.
3. I will ask for Gods help, and I am sure, the freedom of *Muslim Vagina* is very near.
4. I hear you *Muslim Vagina's* and I will help get you set *FREE*!!!
5. Then one day all the *Muslim Vagina's* will be able to say *Free At Last, Thank God Almighty We Are FREE At Last*!!!


You would be surprised how many Muslim women reject your idea of being free, and actually do not have a problem with the way things are.

1. What makes you think that?


Go ahead and talk to Muslim women from the Middle East, not all of them believe they are slaves like you think.
Sorry bout that,

You would be surprised how many Muslim women reject your idea of being free, and actually do not have a problem with the way things are.

1. What makes you think that?


Go ahead and talk to Muslim women from the Middle East, not all of them believe they are slaves like you think.

Maybe because they are not educated and have no idea what type of a life they could lead elsewhere? Ignorance is bliss.
Sorry bout that,

1. What makes you think that?


Go ahead and talk to Muslim women from the Middle East, not all of them believe they are slaves like you think.

Maybe because they are not educated and have no idea what type of a life they could lead elsewhere? Ignorance is bliss.

Well in Muslim countries children are taught the Quran as soon as they go to school, and they believe this is the way women need to be when they are married.
Go ahead and talk to Muslim women from the Middle East, not all of them believe they are slaves like you think.

Maybe because they are not educated and have no idea what type of a life they could lead elsewhere? Ignorance is bliss.

Well in Muslim countries children are taught the Quran as soon as they go to school, and they believe this is the way women need to be when they are married.

Right, so the question is are they really happy being ignorant of other lifestyles? If they knew of them, would they choose them over the life they are pretty much forced into? The problem is that they do not have the freedom to choose for themselves, I think whether or not they are 'content' or happy with what they currently have is kind of irrelevant. They are being subjugated and brain washed from the time of birth.
Maybe because they are not educated and have no idea what type of a life they could lead elsewhere? Ignorance is bliss.

Well in Muslim countries children are taught the Quran as soon as they go to school, and they believe this is the way women need to be when they are married.

Right, so the question is are they really happy being ignorant of other lifestyles? If they knew of them, would they choose them over the life they are pretty much forced into? The problem is that they do not have the freedom to choose for themselves, I think whether or not they are 'content' or happy with what they currently have is kind of irrelevant. They are being subjugated and brain washed from the time of birth.

Well like you said, ignorance is bliss. I don't agree with the way the women are treated over there but they are brought up to believe this is right, and you would be surprised how many of those women get pissed when they hear western people talking about how oppressed they are.
Sorry bout that,

1. Can you imagine being a small girl and coming across the text in the quran, stating, that she has to give up *the vagina* to her husband when she gets married or brought into sexual inslavement.
2. I wonder how women in America would feel about this?
3. Its immoral, there can be no doubt.:eek:

Well in Muslim countries children are taught the Quran as soon as they go to school, and they believe this is the way women need to be when they are married.

Right, so the question is are they really happy being ignorant of other lifestyles? If they knew of them, would they choose them over the life they are pretty much forced into? The problem is that they do not have the freedom to choose for themselves, I think whether or not they are 'content' or happy with what they currently have is kind of irrelevant. They are being subjugated and brain washed from the time of birth.

Well like you said, ignorance is bliss. I don't agree with the way the women are treated over there but they are brought up to believe this is right, and you would be surprised how many of those women get pissed when they hear western people talking about how oppressed they are.

I'm just saying that they don't understand, and the fact that they get pissed or don't think that they're subjugated doesn't mean that they're not, that's all. It's like Stockholm syndrome, should you leave the kidnapped with their kidnapper because they've acquired an affinity for them thru oppression and now don't want to leave?

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