Islamophobia Another Divisive Invention Of The Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Seems like this attempt to victimize Muslims has given way to a term that is often used by liberals and progressives.....ISLAMOPHOBIA..........DU, DU, DUUUUUUUU

I remember only a few years ago when the idea that Saddam, Osama Bin Laden, or anyone who supported them was a threat to the security of this nation. Now we've got a political ideology that is doing it's best to protect them from what they call Islamophobes.

Somehow they're able to call a person that doesn't trust a group that feels smug enough to rub salt in a wound at Ground Zero a racist. Forget the fact that this isn't a racial issue. Let's also forget the fact that Islam itself stands for principles and morals that most Liberals and Progressives find backwards, narrow-minded, and downright offensive.

So we've got another wedge issue that the left wants to use like a stick to beat over the heads of Americans who retain their common-sense. File this along with their divisive support for special treatment for Blacks, Hispanics, Homosexuals, women (as long as they're not conservatives), or any other group or class that slips my mind at the moment.

So this really how you feel? Do you support suicide bombers and IEDs from Iran that are killing our troops? If you support Islamic expansion during a time of war regardless of the consequences...if you feel it's okay for them to bully us into allowing them to do whatever they want don't you support the expansion of Sharia Law in this country as well or is that where you draw the line? Historically it's all or nothing with these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. I respect their right to freedom of religion...but why don't you respect my right to the same? We can't put a cross up in a courthouse but if they wanted a mosque there you'd probably defend them without question. Why is that? We can't burn a Koran but they can shit all over us with your blessing. I think both are wrong but you feel the need to condemn anyone who is against this affront to the victims of 9/11 and in the same breath condemn a crazy pastor for wanting to burn a friggen book. What's your rationale?
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Meatwhistler............I know you're a fucking idiot but the cross at a court house is putting shit on public property.
The mosque is a private venture.
Seems like this attempt to victimize Muslims has given way to a term that is often used by liberals and progressives.....ISLAMOPHOBIA..........DU, DU, DUUUUUUUU

I remember only a few years ago when the idea that Saddam, Osama Bin Laden, or anyone who supported them was a threat to the security of this nation. Now we've got a political ideology that is doing it's best to protect them from what they call Islamophobes.

Somehow they're able to call a person that doesn't trust a group that feels smug enough to rub salt in a wound at Ground Zero a racist. Forget the fact that this isn't a racial issue. Let's also forget the fact that Islam itself stands for principles and morals that most Liberals and Progressives find backwards, narrow-minded, and downright offensive.

So we've got another wedge issue that the left wants to use like a stick to beat over the heads of Americans who retain their common-sense. File this along with their divisive support for special treatment for Blacks, Hispanics, Homosexuals, women (as long as they're not conservatives), or any other group or class that slips my mind at the moment.

So this really how you feel? Do you support suicide bombers and IEDs from Iran that are killing our troops? If you support Islamic expansion during a time of war regardless of the consequences...if you feel it's okay for them to bully us into allowing them to do whatever they want don't you support the expansion of Sharia Law in this country as well or is that where you draw the line? Historically it's all or nothing with these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. I respect their right to freedom of religion...but why don't you respect my right to the same? We can't put a cross up in a courthouse but if they wanted a mosque there you'd probably defend them without question. Why is that? We can't burn a Koran but they can shit all over us with your blessing. I think both are wrong but you feel the need to condemn anyone who is against this affront to the victims of 9/11 and in the same breath condemn a crazy pastor for wanting to burn a friggen book. What's your rationale?

How come my Facebook is full of "Islam, we have to fight it"?
Preachers wanting to burn Korans on prime time TV.
"I believe Islam is a religion of peace" George W. Bush 2003. Bush knew we have Islamophobia.
If you do not know Islamophobia is rampant then you are naive.
After turning down Donald Trump's generous offer to purchase the property, we all know what their agenda is.
Seems like this attempt to victimize Muslims has given way to a term that is often used by liberals and progressives.....ISLAMOPHOBIA..........DU, DU, DUUUUUUUU

I remember only a few years ago when the idea that Saddam, Osama Bin Laden, or anyone who supported them was a threat to the security of this nation. Now we've got a political ideology that is doing it's best to protect them from what they call Islamophobes.

Somehow they're able to call a person that doesn't trust a group that feels smug enough to rub salt in a wound at Ground Zero a racist. Forget the fact that this isn't a racial issue. Let's also forget the fact that Islam itself stands for principles and morals that most Liberals and Progressives find backwards, narrow-minded, and downright offensive.

So we've got another wedge issue that the left wants to use like a stick to beat over the heads of Americans who retain their common-sense. File this along with their divisive support for special treatment for Blacks, Hispanics, Homosexuals, women (as long as they're not conservatives), or any other group or class that slips my mind at the moment.

So this really how you feel? Do you support suicide bombers and IEDs from Iran that are killing our troops? If you support Islamic expansion during a time of war regardless of the consequences...if you feel it's okay for them to bully us into allowing them to do whatever they want don't you support the expansion of Sharia Law in this country as well or is that where you draw the line? Historically it's all or nothing with these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. I respect their right to freedom of religion...but why don't you respect my right to the same? We can't put a cross up in a courthouse but if they wanted a mosque there you'd probably defend them without question. Why is that? We can't burn a Koran but they can shit all over us with your blessing. I think both are wrong but you feel the need to condemn anyone who is against this affront to the victims of 9/11 and in the same breath condemn a crazy pastor for wanting to burn a friggen book. What's your rationale?

The part in blue is what amazes me. They love to scold their own countrymen for every perceived infraction, but then are unusually silent in regards to how Islam blatantly steps all over what libs consider to be basic human rights. Quite an interesting agenda.
After turning down Donald Trump's generous offer to purchase the property, we all know what their agenda is.

ZOMG...look at THIS one!!!

Meatwhistler............I know you're a fucking idiot but the cross at a court house is putting shit on public property.
The mosque is a private venture.

Well shit-stain...point out in the constitution where you can make laws that prevent the free expression of religion and I'll agree with you.
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Oh no.....Americans would never be intolerant of a religion they do not understand
Meatwhistler............I know you're a fucking idiot but the cross at a court house is putting shit on public property.
The mosque is a private venture.


You are an indescribable fool.

But then, that description fits most Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd twits.
Seems like this attempt to victimize Muslims has given way to a term that is often used by liberals and progressives.....ISLAMOPHOBIA..........DU, DU, DUUUUUUUU

I remember only a few years ago when the idea that Saddam, Osama Bin Laden, or anyone who supported them was a threat to the security of this nation. Now we've got a political ideology that is doing it's best to protect them from what they call Islamophobes.

Somehow they're able to call a person that doesn't trust a group that feels smug enough to rub salt in a wound at Ground Zero a racist. Forget the fact that this isn't a racial issue. Let's also forget the fact that Islam itself stands for principles and morals that most Liberals and Progressives find backwards, narrow-minded, and downright offensive.

So we've got another wedge issue that the left wants to use like a stick to beat over the heads of Americans who retain their common-sense. File this along with their divisive support for special treatment for Blacks, Hispanics, Homosexuals, women (as long as they're not conservatives), or any other group or class that slips my mind at the moment.

So this really how you feel? Do you support suicide bombers and IEDs from Iran that are killing our troops? If you support Islamic expansion during a time of war regardless of the consequences...if you feel it's okay for them to bully us into allowing them to do whatever they want don't you support the expansion of Sharia Law in this country as well or is that where you draw the line? Historically it's all or nothing with these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. I respect their right to freedom of religion...but why don't you respect my right to the same? We can't put a cross up in a courthouse but if they wanted a mosque there you'd probably defend them without question. Why is that? We can't burn a Koran but they can shit all over us with your blessing. I think both are wrong but you feel the need to condemn anyone who is against this affront to the victims of 9/11 and in the same breath condemn a crazy pastor for wanting to burn a friggen book. What's your rationale?

The part in blue is what amazes me. They love to scold their own countrymen for every perceived infraction, but then are unusually silent in regards to how Islam blatantly steps all over what libs consider to be basic human rights. Quite an interesting agenda.

What's the difference between a couple of Red-necks tying a Gay behind their pickup truck and dragging him for a few miles...and an Iranian Shiite hanging a Gay from a telephone pole just for being Gay?
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The difference is the Red-necks are Americans and the Iranians are Anti-Americans.

That's why you support the Iranians.

We seem to have a beef with anyone who wants to murder us and you feel they have the right to do it.....cuz we had it coming to us.
The difference is the Red-necks are Americans and the Iranians are Anti-Americans.

That's why you support the Iranians.

We seem to have a beef with anyone who wants to murder us and you feel they have the right to do it.....cuz we had it coming to us.

Why don't you find a single post by a "liberal" on this board who supports Iran?

I don't hear anyone "supporting" Iran. I hear people (Conservatives AND Liberals) supporting people's freedom to build whatever they want on their property, and worship whatever they choose.
I would not call it an invention of the left. There are People who fear Islam out there for Rational and Irrational Reason. What the left does is attribute any questioning of even the most Violent acts of Islam to it. Just like Racism they misuse the term and label Whole groups of people with it when it only applies to a small minority.
The difference is the Red-necks are Americans and the Iranians are Anti-Americans.

That's why you support the Iranians.

We seem to have a beef with anyone who wants to murder us and you feel they have the right to do it.....cuz we had it coming to us.

Why don't you find a single post by a "liberal" on this board who supports Iran?

I don't hear anyone "supporting" Iran. I hear people (Conservatives AND Liberals) supporting people's freedom to build whatever they want on their property, and worship whatever they choose.

I have seen a couple post supporting their right to have nukes. Not sure it was a liberal who posted it. I actually think it was not even an American.
The difference is the Red-necks are Americans and the Iranians are Anti-Americans.

That's why you support the Iranians.

We seem to have a beef with anyone who wants to murder us and you feel they have the right to do it.....cuz we had it coming to us.

Why don't you find a single post by a "liberal" on this board who supports Iran?

I don't hear anyone "supporting" Iran. I hear people (Conservatives AND Liberals) supporting people's freedom to build whatever they want on their property, and worship whatever they choose.

Yes dear we got that. YOu support them even knowing they are doing it to stick some more shit in the wounds they opened on 9-11. Yes dear we know.
The difference is the Red-necks are Americans and the Iranians are Anti-Americans.

That's why you support the Iranians.

We seem to have a beef with anyone who wants to murder us and you feel they have the right to do it.....cuz we had it coming to us.

Why don't you find a single post by a "liberal" on this board who supports Iran?

I don't hear anyone "supporting" Iran. I hear people (Conservatives AND Liberals) supporting people's freedom to build whatever they want on their property, and worship whatever they choose.

I have seen a couple post supporting their right to have nukes. Not sure it was a liberal who posted it. I actually think it was not even an American.

This is the problem that I have.

Posters on this board (on both sides of the fence) have a tendency to lump the other side together in ridiculous ways, and complain when the same is done to them.
The difference is the Red-necks are Americans and the Iranians are Anti-Americans.

That's why you support the Iranians.

We seem to have a beef with anyone who wants to murder us and you feel they have the right to do it.....cuz we had it coming to us.

Why don't you find a single post by a "liberal" on this board who supports Iran?

I don't hear anyone "supporting" Iran. I hear people (Conservatives AND Liberals) supporting people's freedom to build whatever they want on their property, and worship whatever they choose.

Imam Rauf supports the Palestine flotilla and the current Iranian regime.

So if you support him you support Iran...indirectly but you still support his causes.

The controversial imam behind a plan to build a Muslim cultural center near Ground Zero recommended that President Obama support the Islamic revolution in Iran.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf also argued against the U.S. aiding the pro-democracy protesters who were being violently suppressed by the Iranian regime.

The information comes after it was reported Rauf's Cordoba Initiative website scrubbed a photograph of the imam posing with the chief of an Iranian "human rights" council that has been accused of multiple human rights violations as well as imposing Shariah law. Also, WND reported Cordoba's website scrubbed a sister project of the organization founded by Rauf, the Shari'ah Index Project. The project's stated goal was to "define, interpret and implement the concept of the Islamic State in modern times." The website documented how an Iranian official was among the Shariah project's founding members.

Just after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was accused of voter fraud in last year's presidential elections in Iran, Rauf penned a Huffington Post piece in support of the Iranian regime.

Newsvine - Ground Zero imam hails Iran's Islamic revolution
I support his right to worship in the time and place of his choosing just as I support the Westboro Baptist's right to do so. The government shall not infringe on nor establish any religion. That is pretty cut and dried, though they still won't let me do my peyote cause I'm white.

The bastards.

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