Islamofacist Honor Killing Alert: "He Taught the Bitch a Lesson for Having a Girl!"


Apr 22, 2007
Muslim kills wife for having a girl! What a bitch! I mean, how could she not provide him a future suicide bomber? What is wrong with her?

This is Islam folks! You can twist it any way you want but that is what it is!

Police Say Afghan Man Who Wanted A Son Killed His Wife For Giving Birth To Girl | Fox News
An Afghan woman has been strangled to death, apparently by her husband, who was upset that she gave birth to a second daughter rather than the son he had hoped for, police said Monday.

In other Afghani News, women are treated with respect and kindness!
It was the latest in a series of grisly examples of subjugation of women that have made headlines in Afghanistan in the past few months -- including a 15-year-old tortured and forced into prostitution by in-laws and a female rape victim who was imprisoned for adultery.

The episodes have raised the question of what will happen to the push for women's rights in Afghanistan as the international presence here shrinks along with the military drawdown. NATO forces are scheduled to pull out by the end of 2014.
The Party is over here
Baby Girls

Pagan Arabs considered females to be inferior creations. Rape and adultery were normal. Females were all equally used for pleasure. A man can have a sexual intercourse with his son’s wife for instance, and that would be normal. When a man was blessed with a baby girl, ironically, he felt the utmost shame. Boys grew to be strong men; they were favored because they fought in wars, brought power and honor to their tribes, and so on. When a man was blessed with a baby girl, he had one of two choices: either to keep it and live in shame until she gives birth to a baby boy, or bury it alive and get rid of it!

When Islam came, the Quran interfered immediately:

“Indeed lost are they who have killed their children, foolishly, without knowledge, and have forbidden that which Allah has provided for them, inventing a lie against Allah. They have indeed gone astray and were not guided” [6:140]

Must Read the COMPLETE article

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