Is Violence Against Women EVER Justified?

Read the OP and vote on the following:

  • A man can hit a women only if she hits first and only once to make his point

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In self-defence.

I agree with you. I count myself as fortunate that I have never been in a situation that got to such a point, but in my opinion confrontation is confrontation and battery is battery. Gender is completely irrelevant. If someone attacks you (man or woman) you have the right to defend yourself using whatever means are necessary. If a man can walk away I agree that's best but I would say that whether the other person is a man or a women. Sometimes though it's just not possible and I don't believe a man should have to "stand there and take it" to avoid public ridicule.

If you (in general, not you specifically) can't control a woman short of striking her then it's time to turn in your Man Card and go find another gender.
Good for you.
KG, I am going to try to appeal to the rational part of you that I used to know.

I know you have personal experience in this area; you've said on the board that one of your exes had a nasty habit of breaking your bones.

That's horrible and I'm sorry you went through that. And, if I went through that, I cannot say if I would not be a bit harsh with men in general. I would like to think that my thinking self would not allow for that.

I have seen you hit quite low blows with Paulie, Sallow, and now Blue.

I'm not the biggest fan of Sallow's politics, nor of some of Paulie's tastes, but they certainly show their human sides at times.

I have rarely seen Blue be less than civil with most.

Some have claimed that you just hate men in general. I have poo-pooed that thought, because like I said, I know the rational side of you...I've seen it.

But, honestly, I can't say that so much now. Something has changed.

I'm sorry to see that.

I hope you have the insight to see it as well and think about that.

And, that's all I'm going to say on that. I'm trying to appeal to a poster who I hope is not gone forever.

Oh don't be so melodramatic. Look at the title of this thread. Look at the men who are posting in it. Then consider the conversations they've had in the past.

And if I'm asked a specific question I'm going to give an answer. BF is the asshole who claims sexual abuse of underaged girls, and now physical abuse of women, can be justified. The rest are what they are, and what we all know they are. It's ALWAYS the same ones that are drawn to this is perhaps off your radar, this isn't the field you work in, I assume, based on your comments about it.

It is my field. I've worked in this field for years and years. I've worked with the professionals who counsel and treat the victims and the batterers, I've BEEN ONE MYSELF. My relatives, my best friends, the circles I move in professionally and privately are the people who work with batterers and their victims. Counselors, judges, DAs, cops, reporters, addiction professionals, child services workers, probation officers, DV counselors and program managers.

These guys get into these discussions and start defending reprehensible behavior...and then women flock to their defense and tell me I'M the one who is out of line. LOOK AT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE THREAD. These guys are discussing under what circumstances it's okay to knock a woman around.

Think about it. I know it's not your field, but before you attack me, give it some consideration, and for God's sakes, educate yourself. And if you aren't knowledgeable about it, at least don't say anything at all.

Why do you tell anybody who doesn't agree with you to educate themselves?

Here's a short list of what I see you doing on a daily basis.


But you think that's healthy. You think that's normal. You tell yourself "they deserve it." Then you rail on men for doing the SAME. DAMN. THING. you feel justified in doing.

Because they deserve it.
This thread is about violence towards women and under what circumstances it's okay.

And like most abusers, you want to justify it by claiming a woman's viper tongue can earn a well deserved beating.
KG, I am going to try to appeal to the rational part of you that I used to know.

I know you have personal experience in this area; you've said on the board that one of your exes had a nasty habit of breaking your bones.

That's horrible and I'm sorry you went through that. And, if I went through that, I cannot say if I would not be a bit harsh with men in general. I would like to think that my thinking self would not allow for that.

I have seen you hit quite low blows with Paulie, Sallow, and now Blue.

I'm not the biggest fan of Sallow's politics, nor of some of Paulie's tastes, but they certainly show their human sides at times.

I have rarely seen Blue be less than civil with most.

Some have claimed that you just hate men in general. I have poo-pooed that thought, because like I said, I know the rational side of you...I've seen it.

But, honestly, I can't say that so much now. Something has changed.

I'm sorry to see that.

I hope you have the insight to see it as well and think about that.

And, that's all I'm going to say on that. I'm trying to appeal to a poster who I hope is not gone forever.

Oh don't be so melodramatic. Look at the title of this thread. Look at the men who are posting in it. Then consider the conversations they've had in the past.

And if I'm asked a specific question I'm going to give an answer. BF is the asshole who claims sexual abuse of underaged girls, and now physical abuse of women, can be justified. The rest are what they are, and what we all know they are. It's ALWAYS the same ones that are drawn to this is perhaps off your radar, this isn't the field you work in, I assume, based on your comments about it.

It is my field. I've worked in this field for years and years. I've worked with the professionals who counsel and treat the victims and the batterers, I've BEEN ONE MYSELF. My relatives, my best friends, the circles I move in professionally and privately are the people who work with batterers and their victims. Counselors, judges, DAs, cops, reporters, addiction professionals, child services workers, probation officers, DV counselors and program managers.

These guys get into these discussions and start defending reprehensible behavior...and then women flock to their defense and tell me I'M the one who is out of line. LOOK AT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE THREAD. These guys are discussing under what circumstances it's okay to knock a woman around.

Think about it. I know it's not your field, but before you attack me, give it some consideration, and for God's sakes, educate yourself. And if you aren't knowledgeable about it, at least don't say anything at all.

Why do you tell anybody who doesn't agree with you to educate themselves?

Here's a short list of what I see you doing on a daily basis.


But you think that's healthy. You think that's normal. You tell yourself "they deserve it." Then you rail on men for doing the SAME. DAMN. THING. you feel justified in doing.

Because they deserve it.

Irony. It's ironic.

Anyway, this thread is about beating women, and circumstances under which it's A-Ok.

You seem to think it's okay if you don't like what someone says to you. Thank you, duly noted.
koshergirl is a hypocrite when it comes to verbal violence and female bullying.

She will continue to grow older as the males important to her disassociate themselves from her, one and after another.

The true man puts the female verbal bully in his life on permanent ignore.
KosherGirl lies again. No said a woman's 'viper tongue' should be the reason for being beaten. It is said that she should be put on 'permanent ignore' and dropped out of one's life forever.

You are in denial, koshergirl: female bullying is verbal violence.
FEMALE bullying?


So does it justify a good smack, like blowing smoke in some guy's face in a bar deserves a broken nose?
This thread is about violence towards women and under what circumstances it's okay.

And like most abusers, you want to justify it by claiming a woman's viper tongue can earn a well deserved beating.

My Uncle was viper tongue arguing with my Aunt without touching her. She pulled out a gun & shot him. So did he deserve that?
This thread is about violence towards women and under what circumstances it's okay.

And like most abusers, you want to justify it by claiming a woman's viper tongue can earn a well deserved beating.

Okay. What do you tell yourself when you are verbally abusive?

Telling the truth isn't verbal abuse, particularly anonymously. If you feel shame, maybe it's because you should be ashamed.
Oh don't be so melodramatic. Look at the title of this thread. Look at the men who are posting in it. Then consider the conversations they've had in the past.

And if I'm asked a specific question I'm going to give an answer. BF is the asshole who claims sexual abuse of underaged girls, and now physical abuse of women, can be justified. The rest are what they are, and what we all know they are. It's ALWAYS the same ones that are drawn to this is perhaps off your radar, this isn't the field you work in, I assume, based on your comments about it.

It is my field. I've worked in this field for years and years. I've worked with the professionals who counsel and treat the victims and the batterers, I've BEEN ONE MYSELF. My relatives, my best friends, the circles I move in professionally and privately are the people who work with batterers and their victims. Counselors, judges, DAs, cops, reporters, addiction professionals, child services workers, probation officers, DV counselors and program managers.

These guys get into these discussions and start defending reprehensible behavior...and then women flock to their defense and tell me I'M the one who is out of line. LOOK AT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE THREAD. These guys are discussing under what circumstances it's okay to knock a woman around.

Think about it. I know it's not your field, but before you attack me, give it some consideration, and for God's sakes, educate yourself. And if you aren't knowledgeable about it, at least don't say anything at all.

Why do you tell anybody who doesn't agree with you to educate themselves?

Here's a short list of what I see you doing on a daily basis.


But you think that's healthy. You think that's normal. You tell yourself "they deserve it." Then you rail on men for doing the SAME. DAMN. THING. you feel justified in doing.

Because they deserve it.

Irony. It's ironic.

Anyway, this thread is about beating women, and circumstances under which it's A-Ok.

You seem to think it's okay if you don't like what someone says to you. Thank you, duly noted.

Oh, I have no problem with that. It's the verbal abuse I have a problem with.
Once again, telling the truth isn't verbal abuse. If you have a problem with the way the discussions go on here, the ones you jump into with both feet, I suggest you leave. You have that option. Nobody is forcing you to hang out.
FEMALE bullying? Seriously.
Seriously. Female bullying can be verbal violence. So no person, a woman or a man, has the right to be verbally abusive. If a woman does that, then get rid of her, never talk to her again, much less see her again. She is a loser, and needs to be left alone. And then same applies to a man who is verbally abusive.
Link something about female verbal violence.

I'll wait.

But of course if you don't like the way someone talks to you, you shouldn't spend time with them.
I don't have to link anything. We have watched you, for instance, be verbally abusive, verbally violent, to people here both as koshergirl and Allie Baba, then complain when you get called on it.

A person who thinks s/he can say whatever s/he wants in a relationship is doomed to be alone in older age. The children will have little to do with such parents.
FEMALE bullying? Seriously.
Seriously. Female bullying can be verbal violence. So no person, a woman or a man, has the right to be verbally abusive. If a woman does that, then get rid of her, never talk to her again, much less see her again. She is a loser, and needs to be left alone. And then same applies to a man who is verbally abusive.

That is what my Aunt said after she shot my Uncle for arguing with her. She claimed she was verbally abused by him & did not spend more than a couple weeks in jail. He lost his pancreas & gallbladder. They both had to go to counseling. They are still together & still living.
FEMALE bullying? Seriously.
Seriously. Female bullying can be verbal violence. So no person, a woman or a man, has the right to be verbally abusive. If a woman does that, then get rid of her, never talk to her again, much less see her again. She is a loser, and needs to be left alone. And then same applies to a man who is verbally abusive.

That is what my Aunt said after she shot my Uncle for arguing with her. She claimed she was verbally abused by him & did not spend more than a couple weeks in jail. He lost his pancreas & gallbladder. They both had to go to counseling. They are still together & still living.

you can't live without a pancreas

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