Is Trump a terrorist?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I'm tired of this discussion as to whether Trump was justified in what he did to Soleimani. So if you don't think Soleimani was a terrorist who had American blood on his hands, then Trump is the terrorist. But if not, then Trump had every right to do what he did.

So which is it? Make your stand now!

And IF democrats are so insistent that Trump is a terrorist, they should include it in their article of impeachment, but we all know they won't. Then again, they can't even officially file for impeachment as it is because they are scared, terrified, paralyzed of fear regarding any scrutiny to their allegations about anything.

To my knowledge, the only DNC Presidential candidate not to admit Soleimami was a terrorist is the Left wing loon Bernie Sanders.

So everyone other than Bernie can shut the hell up in the DNC!
Killing that Terrorist Bastard was about the riskiest thing Trump has done in his presidency, SO FAR.

It took guts.

Because if it had not gone just right, of course the Demo-Socialists would have been on him like hyenas. (They are anyway.)

But it scared the shit out of the Ayatollahs and Mullahs, and the Orange Man Bad is now in their heads every bit as much as he is in the head of turds like Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and felons like, Comey, Brennan, Clapper.,,and all the half-wit dumbasses with TDS on this board.

Best President since Reagan, and I'm not sure I should be bringing Reagan in.
everyone who kills is.
So an abortion doctor is a terrorist?
Do you think Trump is a terrorist?
did i stutter? YES YES YES
Then you and the rest of the DNC need to make the case to the American people that Soleimani did not murder Americans and was not a terrorist. Problem is, most information about him out there points to exactly that he was a terrorist.

At best you would then have to prove that most of the news out there if fake, as well as democrats like Elizabeth Warren who corroborate such facts.
If the General had been a private citizen who was just going about his business and was targeted for that fact, it would be terrorism.

He obviously wasn't and it obviously wasn't.
If the General had been a private citizen who was just going about his business and was targeted for that fact, it would be terrorism.

He obviously wasn't and it obviously wasn't.
If he was sooo innocent, why did the UN ban him from international travel, which he ignored?
If Trump was a terrorist Barry would have armed him, financed him, supplied him, trained him, protected him, & defended him by now, like he did with every other terrorist, enemy if the US, and Mexican Drug Cartel for 8 years...


everyone who kills is.
So an abortion doctor is a terrorist?
Do you think Trump is a terrorist?
did i stutter? YES YES YES
Then you and the rest of the DNC need to make the case to the American people that Soleimani did not murder Americans and was not a terrorist. Problem is, most information about him out there points to exactly that he was a terrorist.

At best you would then have to prove that most of the news out there if fake, as well as democrats like Elizabeth Warren who corroborate such facts.

You've lost your mind, haven't you?
Votto, how dare you attack the Democrats' / snowflakes' beloved General by inferring he was a terrorist....

Oh wait, he was. He was leader of the IRCG, an officially recognized terrorist organization since early 2019...

trump is at least an unreliable source. Moreover, he seems to be working for another country against the interests of the United States. He is neither to be believed nor followed. This is not to say that anyone supports Iran's leaders. Just that trump and khomeini and their foul minions deserve each other and are leaving the rest of us, of both countries, in the vulnerable middle of their shared stupidity.

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